Learning objectives
• What is MIS-C?
MIS-C cases
3. Link with COVID 19- proven, suggestive history in patient or close contacts or
• Incompletely understood
• Diagnosed in children who had Covid infection previously and also among
those with active infection
Nakra NA, Blumberg DA, Herrera-Guerra A, Lakshminrusimha S. Multi-System Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) Following
SARS-CoV-2 Infection: Review of Clinical Presentation, Hypothetical Pathogenesis, and Proposed Management. Children (Basel).
2020 Jul 1;7(7):69
Mucocutaneous manifestations
Godfred-Cato S United States, March–July 2020. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020;69:1074–1080.
MIS-C: How to investigate ?
Evaluation of suspected MIS-C
1. CBC
2. Complete metabolic profile:
(LFT / RFT/ ABG (serum Na) / BGL
/serum albumin )
3. CRP and / or ESR
4. SARS-CoV-2 Serology and/or PCR
Tier 1- Positive screen
Both +
CRP > 5 mg/dL and/or ESR > 40 mm per
i. least
ALCone of these < 1000/µL
ii. Platelet < 150,000/µL
iii. Serum Na < 135 mEq/L
iv. Neutrophilia
v. Hypoalbuminemia <3 g/dl
Tier 2- Evaluation
1. Cardiac
NT- pro BNP, Trop T
2. Inflammatory markers
PT, PTT, D-dimer,
Cytokine panel
3. Blood Smear
Tier 2 - Positive screen
• Hypotension or shock.
• Elevated markers of inflammation such as
ESR (>40mm),
C-reactive protein(>5mg/l),
or procalcitonin.
• No other obvious microbial cause of inflammation, including
bacterial sepsis, staphylococcal or streptococcal shock syndromes.
• Evidence of COVID-19 (RT-PCR, antigen test or serology positive), or likely
contact with patients with COVID-19.
WHO criteria for diagnosis
Bacterial sepsis
No single diagnostic laboratory test for
diagnosis of MIS-C !
MIS-C: Management
Management of MIS-C
Management of MIS-C
IVIG 2 gm/kg over 12-16 hours (max. 100 g), and IVIG 2 gm/kg over 12-16 hours (max. 100 g), and
IV methylprednisolone 2 mg/kg/day, and IV methylprednisolone 1-2 mg/kg/day
IV methylprednisolone 1-2 mg/kg/day
Empirical antimicrobials as per hospital antibiogram
If symptoms persist for 48-72 hours of If symptoms persist for 48-72 hours of If symptoms persist for 48-72 hours of
treatment, or if early worsening treatment, or if early worsening treatment, or if early worsening
Appropriate supportive care is needed preferably in ICU for treatment of cardiac dysfunction, coronary involvement, shock or multi-organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS)
Use biologicals only after expert consultation
IVIG to be given slower (over up to 48 hours) in children with cardiac failure/ fluid overload
and at tertiary care only
Taper steroids over 2-3 weeks with clinical and CRP monitoring
Aspirin 3-5 mg/kg/day, maximum 75 mg/day in all children for 4-6 weeks (with platelet count >80,000/µL) for at least 4-6 weeks or longer for those with coronary aneurysms
Low molecular weight heparin (Enoxaparin) 1 mg/kg/dose twice daily s/c in >2 months (0.75mg/kg/dose in <2 months) if patient has thrombosis or giant aneurysm with absolute coronary diameter ≥8 mm or Z score ≥10 or LVEF <30%
For children with cardiac involvement, repeat ECG 48 hourly & repeat ECHO at 7-14 days and between 4 to 6 weeks, and after 1 year if initial ECHO was abnormal
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• Favorable outcomes are reported in the majority with low-mortality rates
(1-2%) even though most children require intensive care and
immunomodulatory therapies.