Farzana Yeasmin, Lecture-1
Farzana Yeasmin, Lecture-1
Farzana Yeasmin, Lecture-1
Presented by
Farzana Yeasmin
Assistant Professor
Department of Agricultural Economics
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202
Economics- Meaning, Definitions and Subject
1) What to produce: The first major decision relates to the quantity and the
range of goods to be produced since the resources are limited we must
choose between different alternative collections of goods and services that
may be produced. It also implies the allocation of resources between the
different types of goods e.g. consumer goods and capital goods.
making by micro-units.
man who has renounced the world. It studies human being but it does not
study them as isolated individuals living in forests or in mountain caves.
• It studies man living in organized society, who live in society affecting
• A normative science discusses the rightness or wrongness of the thing.
• Economics is both a positive and a normative science, e.g. per capita income of a
country is less and poor persons are becoming poorer and rich persons becoming
• Whether it is a good sign or bad? If it is bad then what should be done, etc. So
economics is positive as well as normative science (what is and what ought to be).