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Cascading Style Sheet

What is CSS ?

• CSS is an acronym stands for Cascading Style Sheets. It is

a style sheet language which is used to describe the look
and formatting of a document written in markup
• It provides an additional feature to HTML. It is generally
used with HTML to change the style of web pages and
user interfaces.
• It can also be used with any kind of XML documents
including plain XML, SVG and XUL.
• CSS is used along with HTML and JavaScript in most
websites to create user interfaces for web applications
and user interfaces for many mobile applications.
What does CSS do ?

• You can add new looks to your old HTML documents.

• You can completely change the look of your website with
only a few changes in CSS code
Why use CSS?

• Solves a big problem

• Saves a lot of time
• Provide more attributes
CSS Syntax
• A CSS rule set contains a selector and a declaration
• Selector: Selector indicates the HTML element you want
to style. It could be any tag like <h1>, <title> etc.
• Declaration Block: The declaration block can contain one
or more declarations separated by a semicolon. For the
above example, there are two declarations:
color: yellow;
font-size: 11 px;
• Each declaration contains a property name and value,
separated by a colon.
• Property: A Property is a type of attribute of HTML
• It could be color, border etc.
• Value: Values are assigned to CSS properties. In the
above example, value "yellow" is assigned to color
CSS Selector

• CSS selectors are used to select the content you want to

style. Selectors are the part of CSS rule set.
• CSS selectors select HTML elements according to its id,
class, type, attribute etc.
CSS Element Selector
CSS Id Selector
CSS Class Selector
CSS Universal Selector
CSS Group Selector
are the 5 different types of selectors
Element Selector
<!DOCTYPE html>
p{ Output
text-align: center;
color: blue;
<p>This style will be applied on every paragraph.</p>
<p id="para1">Me too!</p>
<p>And me!</p>
CSS Id Selector

• The id selector selects the id attribute of an HTML

element to select a specific element.
• An id is always unique within the page so it is chosen to
select a single, unique element.
• It is written with the hash character (#), followed by the
id of the element.
<!DOCTYPE html>  
<html>   Example
#para1 {  
    text-align: center;  
    color: blue;  
<p id="para1">Hello Welcome</p>   Output
<p>This paragraph will not be affected.</p>  
CSS Class Selector

• The class selector selects HTML elements with a specific

class attribute. It is used with a period character . (full
stop symbol) followed by the class name.
<!DOCTYPE html>  
<html>   Example
.center {  
    text-align: center;  
    color: blue;  
<body>   Output
<h3 class="center">This heading is blue and center-aligned.</h3>  
<p class="center">This paragraph is blue and center-aligned.</p>   
Class Selector for specific element
• If you want to specify that only one specific HTML
element should be affected then you should use the
element name with class selector.
<!DOCTYPE html>  
<html>   Example
p.center {  
    text-align: center;  
    color: blue;  
<body>   Output
<h3 class="center">This heading is not affected</h3>  
<p class="center">This paragraph is blue and center-aligned.</p>   
CSS Universal Selector

• The universal selector is used as a wildcard character.

• It selects all the elements on the pages.
<!DOCTYPE html>  
* {  
   color: green;  
   font-size: 20px;  
<h2>This is heading</h2>  
<p>This style will be applied on every paragraph.</p>  
<p id="para1">Me too!</p>  
<p>And me!</p>  
</body>   Output
CSS Group Selector

• The grouping selector is used to select all the elements

with the same style definitions.
• Grouping selector is used to minimize the code.
• Commas are used to separate each selector in grouping.
<!DOCTYPE html>  
<head>   Example
h1, h2, p {  
    text-align: center;  
    color: blue;  
<h1>Hello Welcome</h1>  
<h2>HelloWelcome (In smaller font)</h2>  
<p>This is a paragraph.</p>  
How to add CSS

• CSS is added to HTML pages to format the document

according to information in the style sheet.
• There are three ways to insert CSS in HTML documents.

Inline CSS
Internal CSS
External CSS
Inline CSS

• Inline CSS is used to apply CSS on a single line or

For example:
• <p style="color:blue">Hello CSS</p> 
<!DOCTYPE html>
<body> Output
<h3 style="color:red;margin-left:40px;">Inline CSS is
applied on this heading.</h3>
<p>This paragraph is not affected.</p>
Disadvantages of Inline CSS

• You cannot use quotations within inline CSS.

• If you use quotations the browser will interpret this as an
end of your style value.
• These styles cannot be reused anywhere else.
• These styles are tough to be edited because they are not
stored at a single place.
• It is not possible to style pseudo-codes and pseudo-
classes with inline CSS.
• Inline CSS does not provide browser cache advantages.
Internal CSS

• Internal CSS is used to apply CSS on a single document or

• It can affect all the elements of the page.
• It is written inside the style tag within head section of
For example:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html> Example
h3 {
color: Red;
margin-left: 80px; Output
<h3>The internal style sheet is applied .</h3>
<p>This paragraph will not be affected.</p>
External CSS

• External CSS is used to apply CSS on multiple pages or all

• Here, we write all the CSS code in a css file.
• Its extension must be .css for example style.css.
For Example
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">  
CSS Background

• CSS background property is used to define the

background effects on element.
• There are 5 CSS background properties that affects the
HTML elements:
CSS background-color

• The background-color property is used to specify the

background color of the element.
<!DOCTYPE html>
background-color: #b0d4de;
<h2>My first CSS page.</h2>
<p>Hello </p>
CSS background-image

• The background-image property is used to set an image

as a background of an element.
• By default the image covers the entire element.
• You can set the background image for a page like this.
<!DOCTYPE html>
body {
background-image: url("paper1.gif");
<h1>Hello Welcome</h1>
CSS background-repeat

• By default, the background-image property repeats the

background image horizontally and vertically.
• Some images are repeated only horizontally or vertically.
• The background looks better if the image repeated
horizontally only.
CSS background-attachment

• The background-attachment property is used to specify

if the background image is fixed or scroll with the rest of
the page in browser window.
• If you set fixed the background image then the image
will not move during scrolling in the browser.
CSS background-position
• The background-position property is used to define the
initial position of the background image.
• By default, the background image is placed on the top-
left of the webpage.
• You can set the following positions:
• center
• top
• bottom
• left
• right
CSS Border
• The CSS border is a shorthand property used to set the
border on an element.
• The CSS border properties are use to specify the style,
color and size of the border of an element.
• The CSS border properties are given below
 border-style
 border-color
 border-width
 border-radius
CSS border-style

• The Border style property is used to specify the border

type which you want to display on the web page.
• There are some border style values which are used with
border-style property to define a border.

none It doesn't define any border.

dotted It is used to define a dotted border.

dashed It is used to define a dashed border.

solid It is used to define a solid border.

CSS border-width

• The border-width property is used to set the border's

• It is set in pixels.
• You can also use the one of the three pre-defined values,
thin, medium or thick to set the width of the border.
• The border-width property is not used alone.
• It is always used with other border properties like
"border-style" property to set the border first otherwise
it will not work.
CSS border-color

• There are three methods to set the color of the border.

• Name: It specifies the color name.
• For example: "red".
• RGB: It specifies the RGB value of the color.
• For example: "rgb(255,0,0)".
• Hex: It specifies the hex value of the color.
• For example: "#ff0000".
• There is also a border color named "transparent". If the
border color is not set it is inherited from the color
property of the element.
CSS Float

• The CSS float property is a positioning property.

• It is used to push an element to the left or right, allowing
other element to wrap around it.
• It is generally used with images and layouts.
• To understand its purpose and origin, let's take a look to
its print display.
• In the print display, image is set into the page such that
text wraps around it as needed.
Web Layout
How it works
• Elements are floated only horizontally. So it is possible
only to float elements left or right, not up or down.
• A floated element may be moved as far to the left or the
right as possible. Simply, it means that a floated element
can display at extreme left or extreme right.
• The elements after the floating element will flow around
• The elements before the floating element will not be
• If the image floated to the right, the texts flow around it,
to the left and if the image floated to the left, the text
flows around it, to the right.
CSS Font

• CSS Font property is used to control the look of texts.

• By the use of CSS font property you can change the text
size, color, style and more.
• You have already studied how to make text bold or
• Here, you will also know how to resize your font using
• CSS Font color: This property is used to change the color
of the text. (standalone attribute)
• CSS Font family: This property is used to change the face
of the font.
• CSS Font size: This property is used to increase or
decrease the size of the font.
• CSS Font style: This property is used to make the font
bold, italic or oblique.
• CSS Font variant: This property creates a small-caps
• CSS Font weight: This property is used to increase or
decrease the boldness and lightness of the font.
CSS Margin
• CSS Margin property is used to define the space around
• It is completely transparent and doesn't have any
background color.
• It clears an area around the element.
• Top, bottom, left and right margin can be changed
independently using separate properties.
• You can also change all properties at once by using
shorthand margin property.
CSS Margin Properties
Property Description

margin This property is used to set all the

properties in one declaration.

margin-left it is used to set left margin of an element.

margin-right It is used to set right margin of an element.

margin-top It is used to set top margin of an element.

margin-bottom It is used to set bottom margin of an

CSS Padding
• CSS Padding property is used to define the space
between the element content and the element border.
• It is different from CSS margin in the way that CSS margin
defines the space around elements.
• CSS padding is affected by the background colors.
• It clears an area around the content.
• Top, bottom, left and right padding can be changed
independently using separate properties.
• You can also change all properties at once by using
shorthand padding property.
CSS Padding Properties

Property Description

padding It is used to set all the padding properties

in one declaration.

padding-left It is used to set left padding of an element.

padding-right It is used to set right padding of an


padding-top It is used to set top padding of an element.

padding-bottom It is used to set bottom padding of an

padding-top: 50px;  
    padding-right: 100px;  
    padding-bottom: 150px;  
    padding-left: 200px;  
CSS Width

• The CSS width property is used to set the width of the

content area of an element.
• It does not include padding borders or margins.
• It sets width of the area inside the padding, border, and
margin of the element.
CSS Layout

• CSS layout is easy to design. We can use CSS layout to

design our web page such as home page, contact us,
about us etc.
There are 3 ways to design layout of a web page:
• HTML Div with CSS: fast and widely used now.
• HTML Table: slow and less preferred.
• HTML Frameset: deprecated now.
• A CSS layout can have header, footer, left pane, right
pane and body part
CSS Table

• We can apply style on HTML tables for better look and

feel. There are some CSS properties that are widely used
in designing table using CSS:
CSS Table Border
table, th, td {
border: 1px solid black;
CSS - Cursors

• One good usage of this property is in using images for

submit buttons on forms.
• By default, when a cursor hovers over a link, the cursor
changes from a pointer to a hand.
• However, it does not change form for a submit button on
a form.
• Therefore, whenever someone hovers over an image
that is a submit button, it provides a visual clue that the
image is clickable.
• CSS3 supported to add shadow to text or elements.
• Shadow property has divided as follows
• Text shadow
• Box Shadow
Text Shadow
h2 {
text-shadow: 2px 2px red;
Border image

• CSS Border image property is used to add image boarder

to some elements.
• you don't need to use any HTML code to call boarder
<head> Example
border: 10px solid transparent;
padding: 15px;
border-image-source: url(/css/images/border.png);
border-image-repeat: round;
border-image-slice: 30;
border-image-width: 10px;
<p id="borderimg1">This is image boarder example.</p>
CSS3 - Multi Background

background-image: url(/css/images/logo.png),url(/css/images/border.png);
background-position: left top, left top;
background-repeat: no-repeat, repeat;
padding: 75px;

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