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L-08-unit-1-Super Position Theorem

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Program: B-Tech , ME+CE, 2nd Semester,FIRST YEAR

BT-104:Basic Electrical & Electronics Engg.

• Unit:-01

D.C.Circuit/Super Position Theorem

Mr. Mangesh Singh Tomar
Assistant Professor,
Department of EC & Electrical Engg.
BT-104 1

• Prerequisite of topic

• Problem Objective

• Super Position Theorem

• Assignment/exercise on topic

• Learning Outcomes

• References
Prerequisite of Super Position Theorem

• for better understanding or learn about this topic , students should

know or aware about Krichoff’s Law (KCL & KVL) ,Ohm’s Law
along with Voltage Division Rule/Current division Rule etc and
mesh current analysis and nodal voltage analysis

• Objective of this topic :-This Topic introduces you to the

fundamental concepts of superposition theorem, Superposition is a
general principle that allows us to determine the effect of several
energy sources (voltage and current sources) acting simultaneously
in a circuit by considering the effect of each source acting alone,
and then combining (superposing) these effects
Super Position Theorem
• This theorem as applied to d.c. circuits may be stated as under :

• In a linear, bilateral d.c. network containing more than one energy source, the
resultant potential difference across or current through any element is equal to the
algebraic sum of potential differences or currents for that element produced by
each source acting alone with all other independent ideal voltage sources
replaced by short circuits and all other independent ideal current sources replaced
by open circuits (non-ideal sources are replaced by their internal resistances).

BT-104 <SELO:4,8,9> <Reference No: 1,2,5> 4

Super Position Theorem
• Procedure. The procedure for using this theorem to solve d.c. networks is
as under :

• (i) Select one source in the circuit and replace all other ideal voltage sources by
short circuits and ideal current sources by open circuits.

• (ii) Determine the voltage across or current through the desired element/branch
due to single source selected in step (i).

BT-104 <SELO:4,8,9> <Reference No: 1,2,5> 5

Super Position Theorem
• (iii) Repeat the above two steps for each of the remaining sources.

• (iv) Algebraically add all the voltages across or currents through the
element/branch under consideration. The sum is the actual voltage across or
current through that element/branch when all the sources are acting

BT-104 <SELO:4,8,9> <Reference No: 1,2,5> 6

Explanation of Superposition Theorem

• Consider a network, show in the fig, having two voltage sources V1 and V2 Let
us Calculate the current in branch A-B (Iab) of the network

BT-104 <SELO:4,8,9> <Reference No: 1,2,5> 7

Explanation of Superposition Theorem
• Step 1:- According to superposition theorem, Consider each source
independently. Let source V1 volts is acting independently. At this time , other
source must be replaced by internal impedance.
• But as internal impedance of V2 is not given , the source V2 must be replaced by
short circuit. hence circuit become , as shown in the fig.
• Using any one of the network reduction techniques discussed earlier like by
KVL,KCL or mesh current method or nodal voltage method etc , obtained the
current through branch A-B i.e. I’AB due to source V1 alone

BT-104 <SELO:4,8,9> <Reference No: 1,2,5> 8

Explanation of Superposition Theorem
• Step-2;-Now consider source V2 volts alone , with V1 replaced by a short
circuit , to obtain the current through branch A-B. The corresponding circuit is
shown in the fig
• Obtain I”ab due to V2 alone, Using any one of the network reduction techniques
discussed earlier like by KVL,KCL or mesh current method or nodal voltage
method etc

BT-104 <SELO:4,8,9> <Reference No: 1,2,5> 9

Explanation of Superposition Theorem

• Step 3;- According to the superposition theorem, the total current through branch
A-B is the sum of the currents through branch A-B produced by each source
acting independently

Note. This theorem is called superposition because we superpose or algebraically

add the components (currents or voltages) due to each independent source acting
alone to obtain the total current in or voltage across a circuit element.

BT-104 <SELO:4,8,9> <Reference No: 1,2,5> 10


• Use superposition theorem to find current I in the circuit shown in Fig. All
resistances are in ohms.

• Step 1:- when 120 A current source consider independently and the 10V voltage
source has been replaced by a short and the 40A current source by an open
• . By current-divider rule, I1 is given by ;

BT-104 <SELO:4,8,9> <Reference No: 1,2,5> 11


Step 2:-When 40A current source is acting alone; 10 V voltage source being replaced by a
short and 120A current source by an open.
By current-divider rule, I2 is given by ;

BT-104 <SELO:4,8,9> <Reference No: 1,2,5> 12


Step 3;- 10V voltage source is acting alone. 150 A and 50 A current source have been
replaced by a open circuited
By Ohm’s law, I is given by ;

Total Current

= 30-30+0.05
=0.05 A

BT-104 <SELO:4,8,9> <Reference No: 1,2,5> 13

• 1. Use superposition principle to find current
• through R1 in Fig.
• (i) 1 mA ← (ii) 2 mA ←
• (iii) 1·5 mA → (iv) 2·5 A ←

• 2 Use superposition principle to find current

• through R1 in the circuit shown in Fig.

• (i) 0·2 A ← (ii) 0·25 A →

• (iii) 0·125 A → (iv) 0·5 A →

BT-104 <SELO:4,8,9> <Reference No: 1,2,5> 14

• 3. The superposition theorem is used when the
• circuit contains ..........
• (i) a single voltage source
• (ii) a number of voltage sources
• (iii) passive elements only
• (iv) none of the above
• 4. A linear circuit is one whose parameters (e.g.
• resistances etc.) ..........
• (i) change with change in current
• (ii) change with change in voltage
• (iii) do not change with voltage and current
• (iv) none of the above
BT-104 <SELO:4,8,9> <Reference No: 1,2,5>
Learning Outcomes

 Use mathematics, Superposition Theorem to analyze and solve problems in

simple and complex D.C. circuits typical of those found in both electrical and
electronic applications.

BT-104 16

1. Basic Electrical and Electronics Engg. Sahdev –Chaturvedi Dhanpat Rai

2. Electrical Engg., B.L.Thareja, S.Chand

3. Basic Electrical Engg., J.B.Gupta, Kataria and Sons

4. Basic Electrical Engg., V.N.Mittal, TMH

5. Basic Electrical Engg. Nagrath Kothari, III edition TMH

6. Basic Electrical Engg., V.K.Mehta, S.Chand and co.,New Dehli

7. Basic Electrical Engg., C.L.Wadhwa, New Age International

BT-104 17
BT-104 18

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