L-08-unit-1-Super Position Theorem
L-08-unit-1-Super Position Theorem
L-08-unit-1-Super Position Theorem
• Prerequisite of topic
• Problem Objective
• Assignment/exercise on topic
• Learning Outcomes
• References
Prerequisite of Super Position Theorem
• In a linear, bilateral d.c. network containing more than one energy source, the
resultant potential difference across or current through any element is equal to the
algebraic sum of potential differences or currents for that element produced by
each source acting alone with all other independent ideal voltage sources
replaced by short circuits and all other independent ideal current sources replaced
by open circuits (non-ideal sources are replaced by their internal resistances).
• (i) Select one source in the circuit and replace all other ideal voltage sources by
short circuits and ideal current sources by open circuits.
• (ii) Determine the voltage across or current through the desired element/branch
due to single source selected in step (i).
• (iv) Algebraically add all the voltages across or currents through the
element/branch under consideration. The sum is the actual voltage across or
current through that element/branch when all the sources are acting
• Consider a network, show in the fig, having two voltage sources V1 and V2 Let
us Calculate the current in branch A-B (Iab) of the network
• Step 3;- According to the superposition theorem, the total current through branch
A-B is the sum of the currents through branch A-B produced by each source
acting independently
• Use superposition theorem to find current I in the circuit shown in Fig. All
resistances are in ohms.
• Step 1:- when 120 A current source consider independently and the 10V voltage
source has been replaced by a short and the 40A current source by an open
• . By current-divider rule, I1 is given by ;
Step 2:-When 40A current source is acting alone; 10 V voltage source being replaced by a
short and 120A current source by an open.
By current-divider rule, I2 is given by ;
Step 3;- 10V voltage source is acting alone. 150 A and 50 A current source have been
replaced by a open circuited
By Ohm’s law, I is given by ;
Total Current
= 30-30+0.05
=0.05 A
BT-104 16
BT-104 17
BT-104 18