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‘Lift and Shift’

Mainframe Migration to Windows

A conversation with

Ian Archbell
Vice President of Product Management
Micro Focus
Dr. Spyros Sakellariadis
Migration Alliance Representative
Microsoft Corporation

Gartner ITXPO meeting in Orlando, Florida, October 19, 2004

Micro Focus a Member of the
Mainframe Migration Alliance (MMA)

 Product: Enterprise Server -

Mainframe Transaction Option
 Engine for Mainframe Migration
 Provides run-time environment
for CICS COBOL applications
 CICS functionality, Windows®
performance, mainframe security
 Deployable on Windows
The IBM Mainframe - Asset or Albatross?
 The good…
 Reliable, available, secure
 High-volume data access
 Transaction processing

 the bad…
 Complex
 Resource intensive
 Expensive to support and maintain

 …and the ugly

 Lack of responsiveness to the
 Locked-in and closed
 High cost of hardware and software
Unlocking the Value of Legacy

 Choice of platform
 Contemporary platforms such as Windows and
 Reduced Cost
 Newer hardware and software offers a reduction
of one to two orders of magnitude in comparison
to the mainframe
 Increased Agility
 Unlock the value of legacy by opening and
extending applications to Windows and .NET, XML
and Web services
Cost Comparison
Mainframe Windows and
 8–10 Processor IBM  IntelCenter
z900, 2,000 MIP Environment with the
complex is $10 million equivalent number of
including: processors and
 $4 Million CPUs and software
Memory  Cost in the order of
 $1 Million z/OS $1m
 $1 Million other IBM
 $4 Million ISV
Software (CA,
Compuware, BMC,
Candle, Serena,
Migration Drivers
Cost reduction Increased agility

 Engaged or planning a  Initiative to move to

consolidation Windows and .NET
 Dissatisfied with outsourcer
(cost/reliability)  E-business initiative
 Contract lease/renewal up
in next 12-18 months  Desire to implement SOA
 Planning a mainframe
upgrade or an addition
 Desire to move to Web
 Experiencing capacity services
Micro Focus is a Technology Company
 Product
 Enterprise Server w/Mainframe Transaction Option
 Engine for Mainframe Migration
 Provides run-time environment for CICS COBOL
 CICS functionality, Windows performance, mainframe
 Deployable on Windows
 Performance Measurement Methodology
 Measure same CICS COBOL transaction (OLTP) workload on
mainframe and Enterprise Server w/MTO
 Compute MIPS rating equivalent for Windows platforms
Micro Focus Partners

 Microsoft and System Integrators

 Deliver complete migrated solutions

 Migration Transformation Consortium (MTC)

 Provide specialized mainframe skills

 All working together with Micro Focus…

 …to deliver a complete solution

Target Applications for Migration

38,000 mainframes

500 MIPS Workload migration

Mainframe replacement

 Lines of code are not critical to successful migration

 However …. Code complexity is crucial
 Good migration candidate
 Application executes almost independently of…
 Third party offerings, e.g. Assembler, Natural, Adabas
 Application is a silo
Migration Time Scales to

 Time scale depends on complexity

 Not one size fits all
 Alnova (10,000,000 lines of code migrated in
less than 12 months)
 Smaller, simpler batch applications take order
of weeks
 Most applications can be migrated in 6-12
Java Rewrite is High Risk

 Rip and Replace

 Rewriting application in Java
 Very high risk that rewritten application will
never completely be put into production
 74% of these projects fail (Standish Group)
 Once rewritten, application value remains
locked and application continues as it was
 Application still needs additional investment to
unlock its value and extend its use to:
 E-business, XML, Web services, Windows and .NET
Micro Focus ‘Lift and Shift’

 Dramatically lower hardware and software

…of IBM mainframe COBOL/CICS applications
 ….to a modern, open and extensible platform
…with ‘Lift and Shift’ migration
 …with minimal effort and very low risk
 …delivered through System Integrators
“We have seen outstanding results by migrating our IT operation to the
environment throughisMicro
Moving to Windows Focus’
a critical solutions.
business decision for us because it provides a
low cost, strategic platform to leverage critical value from our existing IT
assets.” Léo Théberge, CIO, Québec Loisirs
Performance Results
 Given Enterprise-class hardware …
 Unisys ES7000 8 x Intel 3.0 GHz Xeon 32-bit processor,
 EMC2 1 terabyte Storage Area Network (SAN)
 CISCO network
 … and Enterprise-class Software …
 Micro Focus Net Express® COBOL
 Micro Focus Enterprise Server w/ MTO
 Microsoft Windows Server 2003
 IBM UDB 8.1 database management system
 … we can estimate …
 1350 MIPS equivalent for each 8-way processor group
 Price/Performance advantage of 20x over zSeries
hardware and software upgrade pricing in the 5000-
10000 MIPS range
TP Monitor Performance

 TP runs real time and performance is critical

 Batch runs offline overnight

 Our studies show: TP monitor on Windows and

Intel Platform, is 10-50 times better price
performance on Windows-Intel environment
than a mainframe
Scalability of Processor Price

 Based on benchmarks for low end and

medium size processors (multi-CPU 8-16 way

 Windows-Intel price performance range

is 10-50 times better than on a comparable
Lift & Shift - Overview


IBM Mainframe Production


Capture Deploy to
Legacy Windows or .NET

Deliver To

& Test
Integrity of the Migrated System

 Each SI has their own methodology for


 Goal is minimizing risk for the migration


 Upon completion the SI insures the application

 Up, running and deployed
 Achieving same functionality and performance
 Meeting IT service levels of performance that the
business expects
Reliability and Availability of Application on
the Windows Platform

 Customers’ natural concern

 IBM: 18 months mean time between failure
 Quebec Loisirs
 Tulane University
 Bertelsmann
 US Army
 All achieved expected reliability, in addition,
realized huge cost savings and increased agility
Benchmark Results
Mainframe Wintel Server
 CDRs processed 50 million 50 million*

IBM Z/900 650 HP ProLiant

 Computing MIPS dedicated 3x4way,
platform 1x8way

 Time required 5-6 hours 4 hours

for batch run

 Annual cost $4 million $1.5 million

(*) Projected based on 5 million record test dataset

©2004 Accenture. All Rights Reserved.
A Major Telecommunications

 Current environment, 50 million transactions

require 5-6 hours for a batch run on the
mainframe environment with a dedicated 650
MIPS (millions of instructions per second).

 The performance test results: Intel hardware

running Windows and SQL Server can process
this same amount of records in under 4 hours
at a fraction of the cost.
A Major Insurance Company

Microsoft Consulting Services was engaged to assist

Solution with the conversion of a custom COBOL application
running on an IBM mainframe to Windows-based
solution. In addition to a platform & hardware change,
the database management system was converted from
Rating Engine Application with the
Results production database successfully met functionality &
exceeded performance goals. The Wintel platform
performs 400% better than the mainframe across a
bundle of 161 test.
Allows insurance company to replace current
Additional mainframe processing with a less costly Wintel
Benefits alternative. This re-platforming effort offers insurance
company cost of ownership benefits ranging between
$270K to $870K.
A Major Telephone Company

Microsoft Consulting Services was engaged to assist with

Solution the conversion of a custom COBOL billing application
running on an IBM mainframe to a Windows based
solution.  In addition to a platform and hardware change,
the database management system was converted from
DB2 to SQL Server. 
Tests on the Rating Engine Application with the
Results Production database successfully met functionality and
exceeded performance goals. The Wintel platform
performs 400% better than the mainframe across a
bundle of 161 tests.

Allows telephone company to replace current mainframe

Additional processing with a less costly Wintel alternative. The
Benefits performance test results show that Intel hardware running
Windows and SQL Server can process this same amount
of records in under four hours at a fraction of the cost.
Additional Successful Migrations
 Central States Health and  Bern Swiss Bertelsmann (Switzerland)
Life Company (USA)  Bertelsmann Media (Poland)
 Financial Network Services
 Donauland Bertelsmann (Austria)
 PMA Reinsurance  Eurocopter an EADS company
Management Company (Germany)
(USA)  France Loisirs Suisse (Switzerland)
 PPG (USA)  Hannover Re (UK)
 Quebec Loisirs (Canada)  ICS Competence Centre (Austria)
 Solcorp (Canada)  LR-Medienverlag Cottbus (Germany)
 Sompo Insurance (Japan)
 Royal Borough of Windsor and
 St. Louis PSRS (USA) Maidenhead (UK)
 Tulane University (USA)
 Southern Life (RSA)
 Western Australia DoIR
(Aus)  St. Helens Borough (UK)
 Alnova (Spain)  UNILOG (Germany)
 Alcan (Germany)  Winterthur (Austria)
 Axfood (Sweden)
Expected vs. Achieved ROI Savings

 ROI depends on organization, project and


 Bertelsmann (700,000 Euros per year)

 Quebec Loisirs ($200,000 per year)

 Next year or two there will be migrations

with savings in the millions of dollars per
Customer Satisfaction Level with Windows

 Extremely satisfied

 Businesses could not achieve successful migration


 Success attributed to partnerships

 SIs, Micro Focus and Microsoft

 Migrations have resulted in unlocking the value of

legacy with minimized risk, resulting in reduced
cost and increased agility
Micro Focus – at a glance
 A world leader in unlocking the value of legacy
 Founded in 1976 and independent in August 2001
 Global company with 500+ employees world-wide
 Principal offices in the US, UK & Japan

 Blue chip customer base

 15K customers
 80% of the Global 2000
 Global ISV partners (Oracle, Lawson Assoc, FNS,
 Strong partner community (e.g. Microsoft, EDS,
Accenture, CSC, HP, UNISYS, etc.)

 Successful independence
 Revenue growth of 10% per annum
 Highly profitable
 Significant investment in engineering (18% of
Industry Value of the Mainframe
Migration Alliance

 Technology showcase and catalyst

 Mainframe migration is very specialized

 No significant information sharing
 No significant marketing around migration capabilities

 There is no established ‘mainframe migration’ industry

 No best practices
 No widely recognized ISV or SI community
 No specialized events

 Customers have a difficult time getting the information

they need…
 …and are at the mercy of the mainframe vendor’s opinion
about the wisdom of migrating off that platform
Explaining Micro Focus ‘Lift and Shift’ to a

 Have the CEO ask the CFO and CIO:

“Consider the alternative of migrating legacy

applications off the mainframe”

 Use our ROI calculator to estimate year to

year savings
ROI Calculator

 ROI Calculator on Micro Focus

MMA Portlet Site
 Input transaction size, frequency
for a single migrated application
 Calculates 5-year ROI based on
mainframe MIPS upgrade
 www.microfocus.com/

 ROI Analysis with MF visit

 Input your current and expected
IT costs
 Shows phased mainframe
migration of multiple
applications over 5 yrs
 Receive Server w/ MTO:
ROI Report Performance and Price/Performance
How can you get more information?

 Visit the Micro Focus MMA

 www.microfocus.com/mma
 Visit the MMA website
 www.mainframemigration.org

 Try the ROI Calculator

 www.microfocus.com/mma

 Schedule a Visit – Full ROI

 1-877-772-4450

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