b1 Week 10
b1 Week 10
b1 Week 10
• Phrases about work
• Adjectives with Suffixes:
• -ful, -less
• Used to/didn’t use to/would /To
be used to
• Can & Could (ability)
Check these words from your dictionary
Let’s talk..
• a. large difference
• b. likely to be good or successful
• c. things that are produced in order to be sold
• d. having or showing the knowledge, the ability
• e. strongly desired by many
• f. obtaining goods or a service by contract from an outside supplier
• g. having a limiting or adverse effect on (something)
• h. very strong and firmly fixed
• Let’s talk..
• What are the advantages and disadvantages of being immersed in a global world or
of being part of the EU.
Adjectives with -ful/-less
Language Note
• Most adjectives which end in -ful make the negative with -less. This is
a list of common ones.
1. How could you be so care_______ as to lose your wallet?
6. That man is completely friend _______ . He hasn't got any friends at all.
7. I spent a sleep _______ night worrying about you! Where have you been?
• 1. When I was a child, I ______ sneak into my mother's room and try on all her makeup.
• 2. Every day when I was in school, I ______ to sit behind the tallest student so the
teacher wouldn't ask me questions.
• Find 5 things that you used to do in the past and you don’t do now.