Money Market
Money Market
Money Market
What is Money Market? Features of Money Market? Objective of Money Market? Importance of Money Market? Composition of Money Market? Instrument of Money Market? Structure of Indian Money Market? Disadvantage of Money Market?
Characteristic features of a developed money Market? Recent development in Money Market?
The money market is a mechanism that deals with the lending and borrowing of short term funds (less than one year).
A segment of the financial market in which financial instruments with high liquidity and very short maturities are traded.
It doesnt actually deal in cash or money but deals with substitute of cash like trade bills, promissory notes & government papers which can converted into cash without any loss at low transaction cost.
In Money Market transaction can not take place formal like stock exchange, only through oral communication, relevant document and written communication transaction can be done.
To provide a reasonable access to users of short-term funds to meet their requirement quickly, adequately at reasonable cost. To provide a parking place to employ short term surplus funds.
They were Treasury bills Money at call and short notice in the call loan market. Commercial bills, promissory notes in the bill market.
Now, in addition to the above the following new instrument are available: Commercial papers. Certificate of deposit. Inter-bank participation certificates. Repo instrument Banker's Acceptance Repurchase agreement Money Market mutual fund
CP is very safe investment because the financial situation of a company can easily be predicted over a few months.
Repo is a form of overnight borrowing and is used by those who deal in government securities. They are usually very short term repurchases agreement, from overnight to 30 days of more. The short term maturity and government backing usually mean that Repos provide lenders with extreamly low risk. Repos are safe collateral for loans.
A bankers acceptance (BA) is a short-term credit investment created by a non-financial firm. BAs are guaranteed by a bank to make payment. Acceptances are traded at discounts from face value in the secondary market. BA acts as a negotiable time draft for financing imports, exports or other transactions in goods. This is especially useful when the credit worthiness of a foreign trade partner is unknown.
II. UNORGANISED SECTOR 1. Indigenous banks 2 Money lenders 3. Chits 4. Nidhis III. CO-OPERATIVE SECTOR 1. State cooperative i. central cooperative banks Primary Agri credit societies Primary urban banks 2. State Land development banks central land development banks Primary land development banks