College of
Agriculture, Kolhapur
• Name – Savant Aniket Anil
• Reg no – K-19/173
• Sem – VII/VIII( NEW)
• Course no –SRP-EL ENTO-406
• Course Title – Mass production of
• Bioagents and Biopesticides.
Actual work
Entomology department
[Mass Production Of Bioagent
And Biopesticide]
For daily work our module incharge Dr. A.S. Bagade sir made our groups.
Group no:- A2 &
Group Member :- 5
1. Miss.Kamble Sneha Krushna
2. Miss.Markad Tejaswini Vilas
3. Miss.Kolekar Manasi Kishor
4. Miss.Lomate Pragati Manohar
5. Mr.Kshirsagar Vishal Dattatray.
Group Photo
• As we are allotted the “Entomology Department” for the module, we
come to know about different labs of the department.
• A lot things we learn starting from, what is biopesticide , how media is
prepared , how culture is grown, Metarhizium preparation, packaging
and sealing of biopesticide during the course of time .
• Here some of the things I am glad to share.
Weekly Schedule
Friday Saturday
Media preparation Selling & marketing
Media preparation
On Monday we prepare media by following procedure :
Material Used: Distilled Water, Autoclave, Jaggery ,Grinder, flasks, plastic
container , Cotton plugs, Rubber bands, Paper etc.
1.Take about 1kgof Jaggery for 5 Lit media.(7 Lit of distilled water + 1kg of
Jaggery )
2.Mix it by using Grinder.
3.Fill the clean glass bottles with 100 ml media in each.
4.Cover it with cotton plug and tied with paper and rubber .
5.Autoclaved the bottles at 121°C ,15psi.
5 lit Distilled water 1kg of Jaggery Griend it
Bottle Rack
Metarhizium preparation
• On Wednesday in the morning session, we prepared Metarhizium powder
by following procedure:
1.First we collect the mature culture in bucket along with media i.e. jaggery
2.Then grind it well with help of grinder.
3.The grinded material is then well mixed with talcum powder.
4.The mixture is then sieved twice with the help of sieves to make it
5.The sieved powder is then weighed on weighing balance and packed in
packets of 1 Kg. each.
6.Then it is sealed with help of packaging machine & stored in storage
Collection of Collection of Mixing Of Culture With
Talcum Powder
Mother Culture Talcum Powder
Added Eggs
Formalin Mixing
Rearing of Mealy Bugs
Medium sized pumpkins with ridges and grooves with a stalk be selected for mass
Clean the pumpkins with distilled water and dip in to 0.1% Bavistin solution
The wounds are be plugged by paraffin wax to prevent the infection
Keep such red pumpkin in the plastic trays introduce the ovi-sacs of mealy bugs on
After 2 days such pumpkins be kept into wooden Cages provided with the sliding
glass at the front end wire and wire gauge and cloth on the other sides
These cages are then placed on working tables / racks in the room
Mealy bugs will develop in 30-40 days
Procedure for prepared of artificial diet
First we weighed gram flour 105g, distilled water – 600 mL agar-agar 12.5
g, ascorbic acid -2 g Sorbic acid -1 g, B complex - 1 tablet. We warmed
agar-agar in 300 ml water in a big container
Then grinded rest material in 300 ml water.
This grinded material mixed in agar-agar solution. This semi solid diet
poured in aluminum tray.
It allowed to cool.
Cut the cube of size 1x1x1 cm approximately.
This one cube provided to each larvae for feeding
Then we changed the diet and plastic bottles simultaneously
Extra Activities
Opportunity Threats
1. Wide market in Kolhapur. Risk in Entrant in
2. May extend business coverage. marketing
Thank You