Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers Act
Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers Act
Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers Act
• The Biodiversity Act was amended in May 2009 to specify that bioprospecting permits
are only required for the commercialization phase of bioprospecting projects and/or for
• The Minister of the Department of Water and Environmental Affairs must be given
notice of a bioprospecting project before the discovery phase begins.
• An undertaking by the project leaders to comply with the requirements of the Act if the
project enters the commercial phase also needs to be given.
• Researchers should note that a bioprospecting project will be regarded as having
entered the commercialization phase once a complete patent application has been filed,
irrespective of the actual commercial prospects of the project at that stage.
• The interests of specific individuals who possess traditional knowledge have now also
been protected. Anyone who carries on the commercialization phase of a bioprospecting
project based on the traditional knowledge of a specific individual, must now enter into
a benefit sharing agreement with the individual. Prior to this amendment, the Act only
applied to traditional knowledge which belonged to indigenous communities; and
• The penalties for contravening the Act have been increased to a fine of up to R5 million
for a first offence and up to R10 million for a subsequent offence, and/or imprisonment
for up to 10 years