ADS Chapter 4 Concurrency Control Techniques
ADS Chapter 4 Concurrency Control Techniques
ADS Chapter 4 Concurrency Control Techniques
To preserve database consistency
Concurrency Control
Concurrency Control in Database Management System is a
procedure of managing simultaneous operations without
conflicting with each other.
Concurrency Control Protocols
Different concurrency control protocols offer different benefits
between the amount of concurrency they allow and the amount of
overhead that they impose. Following are the Concurrency Control
techniques in DBMS:
• Lock-Based Protocols
• Two Phase Locking Protocol
• Timestamp-Based Protocols
• Validation-Based Protocols
Concurrency Control (cont…)
1. Concurrency control using Locks protocol
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Concurrency Control (cont…)
1. Concurrency control using Locks protocol
A lock is a mechanism to control concurrent access to a data
Locking is an operation which secures
(a) permission to Read
Notation :
:Li(X) –Transaction Ti requests a lock on database
element X
Ui (X): Transaction Ti releases (“unlocks”) its lock on
database element X
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Concurrency Control (cont…)
Types of locks and system lock tables
Binary locks
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Binary locks properties
A transaction T must issue the operation
lock_item(X) before any read_item(X) or
write_item(X) operations are performed in T.
A transaction T must issue the operation
unlock_item(X) after all read_item(X) and
write_item(X) operations are completed in T.
A transaction T will not issue a lock_item(X)
operation if it already holds the lock on item X
A transaction T will not issue an unlock_item(X)
operation unless it already holds the lock on item X.
Shared/Exclusive (or read /write) locks
In shared/exclusive method, data items can be
locked in two modes :
Shared mode: shared lock (X)
More than one transaction can apply shared lock on
X for reading its value but no write lock can be
applied on X by any other transaction
Exclusive mode: Write lock (X)
Only one write lock on X can exist at any time and
no shared lock can be applied by any other
transaction on X
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Concurrency Control (cont…)
Lock conversion
Under certain conditions, a transaction that already holds a lock
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Concurrency Control (cont…)
The DBMS has lock manager subsystem to control locks
Lock Manager:
Lock table:
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Serializability in DBMS
Serializability is the concept in a transaction that helps to
identify which non-serial schedule is correct and will maintain
the database consistency. It relates to the isolation property of
transaction in the database.
Serializability is the concurrency scheme where the execution of
concurrent transactions is equivalent to the transactions which
execute serially.
Serializability in DBMS
Serializable Schedule
A serial schedule is always a serializable schedule because any
transaction only starts its execution when another transaction has
already completed its execution. However, a non-serial schedule
of transactions needs to be checked for Serializability.
Serializability in DBMS
Serial Schedules Serializable Schedules
No concurrency is allowed.
Concurrency is allowed.
Thus, all the transactions
Thus, multiple transactions can
necessarily execute serially one
execute concurrently.
after the other.
Concurrency Control (cont…)
Using binary or read write locks in transactions as described
earlier by itself does not guarantee serializability :
Consider the following transactions based on shared/exclusive lock
T1 T2 Result
read_lock (Y); read_lock (X); Initial values: X=20;
read_item (Y); read_item (X); Result of serial
unlock (Y); unlock (X); T1 followed by T2
write_lock (X); Write_lock (Y); X=50, Y=80.
read_item (X); read_item (Y); Result of serial
X:=X+Y; Y:=X+Y; T2 followed by T1
write_item (X); write_item (Y); X=70, Y=50
unlock (X); unlock (Y);
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Concurrency Control (cont…)
T1 T2 Result
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Two Phase Locking Protocol
Two Phase Locking Protocol also known as 2PL protocol is a method of
concurrency control in DBMS that ensures serializability by applying a
lock to the transaction data which blocks other transactions to access the
same data simultaneously.
This locking protocol divides the execution phase of a transaction into
three different parts.
Two Phase Locking Protocol
• In the first phase, when the transaction begins to execute, it requires
permission for the locks it needs.
• The second part is where the transaction obtains all the locks. When a
transaction releases its first lock, the third phase starts.
• In this third phase, the transaction cannot demand any new locks.
Instead, it only releases the acquired locks.
Two Phase Locking Protocol
A transaction is said to follow Two Phase Locking protocol if
Locking and Unlocking can be done in two phases.
Two Phase Locking Protocol example
T1 T2
Two Phase Locking Protocol
The following way shows how unlocking and locking
work with 2-PL.
Transaction T1:
• Growing phase: from step 0-2
• Shrinking phase: from step 4-6
• Lock point: at 2
Transaction T2:
• Growing phase: from step 1-5
• Shrinking phase: from step 7-8
• Lock point: at 5
Database Concurrency Control
Two-phase locking policy generates two locking algorithms
(a) Basic
(b) Conservative
Transaction locks data items incrementally. This may
cause deadlock
Prevents deadlock by locking all desired data items before
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Dealing with Deadlock and Starvation
Deadlock :occurs when each transaction T in a set of two or
more transactions is waiting for an item that is locked by
some other transaction T’ in the set
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Dealing with Deadlock and Starvation
T1 T2
read_lock (Y);
read_item (Y);
unlock (y)
read_lock (X);
read_item (X);
unlock (X)
write_lock (X);
write_lock (Y);
There is no deadlock in this schedule since T1 unlocks y
and T2 unlocks x
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Deadlock and Starvation (cont…)
Deadlock prevention
1. A transaction locks all the needed data items before it
begins execution
This way of locking prevents deadlock since a
practical assumption
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Deadlock and Starvation (cont…)
Deadlock prevention (cont…)
2. Making a decision about what to do with a transaction
involved in a possible deadlock situation:
Should it be blocked and made it to wait or should it be
These concepts use transaction timestamp TS(T) which is a
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Deadlock and Starvation (cont…)
Deadlock prevention
Two schemes that prevent dead lock based on time stamp
includes wait –die and wound-wait
Suppose that transaction Ti tries to lock an item X but is not
able to do so because X is locked by some other transaction Tj
with a conflicting lock. The rules followed by these two
schemes are as follows:
Wait – die: If TS(Ti) < TS(Tj) i.e Ti is older than Tj, then Ti is
allowed to wait ; other wise, abort Ti (Ti dies) and restart it later
with the same time stamp
Wound - wait: If TS(Ti) < TS(Tj), abort Tj (Ti wounds Tj) and
restart it later with the same timestamp; other wise Ti is allowed to
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Deadlock and Starvation (cont…)
Starvation occurs when a particular transaction consistently
waits or restarted and never gets a chance to proceed
In Wound-Wait scheme, a younger transaction may always
be wounded (aborted) by a long running older transaction
which may create starvation
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Timestamp based Protocol
Timestamp based Protocol in DBMS is an algorithm which
uses the System Time or Logical Counter as a timestamp to
serialize the execution of concurrent transactions. The
Timestamp-based protocol ensures that every conflicting read
and write operations are executed in a timestamp order.
Timestamp based Protocol
The older transaction is always given priority in this method. It
uses system time to determine the time stamp of the transaction.
This is the most commonly used concurrency protocol.
Timestamp-based protocols manage conflicts as soon as an
operation is created.
2. Concurrency control based on Timestamp ordering
Timestamp (TS)
Time stamp is a unique identifier created by the DBMS to
identify a transaction
Time stamp ordering algorithm associates two time
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Timestamp ordering (cont…)
2. Write_TS(X) : This the largest of all the timestamps of
transactions that have successfully written item x – that is,
write_TS(x) = TS(T), where T is the youngest transaction
that has written x successfully
Basic Timestamp Ordering (TO):
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Validation Based Protocol
Validation based Protocol in DBMS also known as Optimistic
Concurrency Control Technique is a method to avoid concurrency
in transactions.
In this protocol, the local copies of the transaction data are updated
rather than the data itself, which results in less interference while
execution of the transaction.
Validation (Optimistic) Concurrency Control
The Validation based Protocol is performed in the
following three phases:
1. Read Phase
2. Validation Phase
3. Write Phase
1. Read phase:
A transaction can read values of committed data
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Validation Based Protocol
Validation Phase
In Validation Phase, the data is checked to ensure that there is no
violation of serializability while applying the transaction updates
to the database.
Write Phase
In the Write Phase, the updates are applied to the database if the
validation is successful, else; the updates are not applied, and the
transaction is rolled back.
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