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Pengantar Bisnis - Pertemuan 2

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David Humala SItorus
The current basic environmental concepts for business
ethics and related social issues

Concerns about ethical and social issues

Syllabus Contemporary ethical environment

The company forms a code of ethics

Act responsibly for the community

Business ethics is a way to conduct business activities,
Concerns About which covers all aspects relating to individuals, companies

Ethical and and also society. Business Ethics in a company can shape the
values, norms and behavior of employees and leaders in
Social Issues building fair and healthy relationships with customers /
business partners, shareholders, the community.
Contemporary Many companies have adopted three approaches to ethics and social
ethical  participate in traditional corporate philanthropy, which involves

environment contributing to meaningful campaigns

 Anticipate and manage risks
 Identify opportunities to create value by doing the right thing
a) Individuals make changes
     in today's business environment, individuals can make changes
in ethical expectations and behavior. a concrete example in a
corporate structure where top-level ethics, middle & staff work
together to achieve company goals
B) The development of individual ethics
individuals usually develop ethical standards in 3 stages:
 preconventional stage
 Conventional stage
 Post conventional stage
C) ethical dilemmas at work

The profession must have a high moral commitment as outlined in the form of special
rules. This rule is a rule of play in carrying out or developing the profession,
commonly referred to as a code of ethics. The code of ethics must be fulfilled and
obeyed by every profession that provides services to the community and is a tool of
trust for the wider community. Thus, it can be concluded that every professional must
obey the ethics of his profession related to the services provided when it concerns
the interests of the wider community.
HOW COMPANIES A. Ethical awareness
B. Ethics Education
FORM CODE OF C. Ethical Actions
ETHICS D. Ethical leadership
A. Ethical

Ethical dilemmas often occur in the workplace.

Employee needs guidance in identifying ethical problems
when they arise. These conditions make the company
develop a code of conduct
B. Ethics Training can provide opportunities for employees to
practice applying ethical values to a hypothesis as

the initial application of the same standard to
everyday life
Some companies encourage ethical action by supporting employees who face

C. Ethical a dilemma. A common tool used is a hotline.

Examples of ethical behavior in the workplace include; abide by company
rules, effective communication, take responsibility, accountability,

actions professionalism, trust and respect for your colleagues.

Ethical leadership is exhibiting morals and values in a
D. Ethical management position.
ethical leadership must also be one step ahead & give

leadership responsibility to be an ethical leader for every

employee at the management position level.
1) Responsibility towards society

ACTING 2) Responsibility towards customers

Responsibility towards employees
Responsibility towards investors and the financial community
the responsibility to society is to help the
A. Responsibility community improve, help the community develop, and
help the community maintain long-term stability.
towards society To fulfill that responsibility, do the following:
Promote small market capitalism.
The main hope of consumers for the corporation is a
B.Responsibility stable supply of goods and services. So companies must
towards customers meet that expectation by providing the right product or
service with the desired quality at the right time, the
right place, and a reasonable price.
The first and foremost responsibility of an organization
towards its employees is to ensure that they are happy and
C. Responsibility satisfied with their work, give healthy work conditions to
your employees.  Ex. Set the right workstation or cubicle so
Towards Employees they can work comfortably and ultimately provide the best
D.Responsibility The main reason why investors and the financial community are
worried about this is because it can affect business
towards investors profitability.
and the financial
community Investors, of course, are looking to invest money profitably
you ????

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