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Evaluating The Teaching-Learning Program

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The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them

-Albert Einstein

Define evaluation Discuss the purposes of evaluation to patient teaching and student learning Explain the different criteria for the selection of evaluation tools Describe the process of evaluation Differentiate among the types of evaluation

Evaluation Defined.

Evaluation is the process of ascertaining or judging the value of something through careful appraisal. It is a means of helping an individual or group become self-directing. Evaluation assists in the establishment of specific goals, which in turn serve as criteria for judging desirable changes. (Gregorio: 1971).

Evaluation is done everyday It is the way through which an individual expresses her likes & dislikes Involves measurement or appraisal of an activity in terms of a particular standard Involves a continuous process of gathering data and recording, assembling & interpreting information for purposes of creating change that will

Promote better performance or accomplish desired objectives. Evaluation in nursing requires assessment of the cognitive outcomes of knowledge & understanding. It requires evaluation of students personal traits, since nursing is a personal service, one in which interpersonal relationships are important and a must,

Personality plays a vital role in establishing effective relationships with patients.

Evaluation is based in principles: Anything exists at all exists in some amount and therefore can be measured. The worth or value of a teaching method, a learning method and materials of instruction is not known until their effect is measured.

Functions of Educational Evaluation

Evaluation and improvement of the educational program Achievement of educational goals Motivation and guidance of the learning process of individual student Motivation of the teacher to evaluate critically her teaching practices, the students learning effectiveness and her own personal goals

Motivation of the faculty to work together for the improvement of the curriculum and the educational program as well as of idividual courses

Purposes of Evaluation
Evaluation serves to : o Determine the level of knowledege and understanding of the student in her classes at various time during the semester o Asses the level of the students clinical performance at various stages o Become aware if the specific difficulties of individual students, or of the entire class, as basis for further teaching

Diagnose every students strengths and weaknesses and to suggest needed remedial measures Encourage students learning be measuring their achievement and informing them of their success Help students acquire the attitude of and skills in self-evaluation

Help students become increasingly selfdirecting in their pursuit of knowledge Provide more examinations and opportunities to practice critical thinking, the application of principles and the making of judgments, among others Estimate effectivenss of teaching and learning technics of subject content and use on instructional media in reaching goals of the course

Gather information needed for administrative purposes, such as choice of students for honors, courses, placement of students for advance standing, writing recommendation and meeting graduation requirements, among others

Steps in Evaluation
State objectives. Progress cannot be measured unless direction is clear. Define change of behavior expected of educational outcomes. List and briefly describe situations that give opportunity for the expression of the behavior desired. Develop appropriate and systematic means of eliciting king of behavior implied in objectives to be evaluated.

Decide ways of recording and summarizing (scoring, rating, or describing) behavior and the basis of evidence gathered. Check validity, reliability, and difficulty of the measures used. Establish conditions that permit the student to give her the best performance.

Assign scores on the basis of the foregoing steps. Develop methods of interpretation.

Criteria for Selection of Evaluative Devices

Sampling of the objectives Sampling of the contents Validity Reliability Practicality Usefulness

Widely Used Evaluative Devices

Essay examinations Objective examination Objective problem-solving situations Standardized tests Rating scales

Evaluating the Teacher

Tape and video recording Observation by colleague Student opinion Teacher self-evaluation

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