Introduction To Accounting
Introduction To Accounting
Introduction To Accounting
Hari Dallakoti
Chapter – One
Introduction of
• A business is a continuous economic activity carried out to earn profit
• Production and sales of goods and services to customers
• Generating and rendering services
• It may be- Manufacturing, Merchandising/Trading Companies, Services
or Hybrid companies.
• Business Organizations will be of different forms- Sole Proprietorship ,
Partnership Firm, Joint Stock Company and Others like cooperative, non-
profit making etc.
• Such organizations need to take different decisions for their business
• Financial information is needed for decision making purpose.
• Book keeping and Accounting will provide such information.
Meaning of Accounting
• Process of identifying, measuring, classifying, recording, summarizing
and interpretation of the transactions of a business in terms of money to
ascertain the result and financial position of business activities of
particular period.
• Accounting is the art of recording, classifying and summarizing, in a
significant manner and in terms of money, transactions and events which
are in the part at least, of a financial character and interpreting the
results there of.- AICPA
• Its features are-
• Financial language
• Financial information
• Systematic process
• Functions
• Information system
The Nature of Accounting
• Science and art:
• record fact financial transactions based on set of principles.
• it involves practical work of presenting financial data and information in different
• Process:
• process of recording, classifying and summarizing financial transaction of business
and interpreting the entire financial information to possible users.
• Financial information’s:
• deals only with transactions which are measured and expressed in money.
• record and delivers entire financial information.
• non monetary terms are not considered in accounting.
• Information system:
• uses financial transaction as inputs, process them and provide financial information as
its output to possible users.
• Function:
• process of accounting is useless until the information is communicated to the users
• basic function of accounting is to report the result to the users.
The Purposes of Accounting
The objectives of accounting are-
• To maintain records-
• To generate accurate and authentic information, all the financial activities needs to be remembered
which will not be possible without keeping records. As accounting helps to memorize all the
transactions with records, it is the objective of accounting.
• To ascertain operating results-
• Accounting ascertains whether the business has earned a profit or suffered a loss by preparing
profit and loss statements, which shows the profit loss of business.
• To show the financial position of business-
• Besides profit or loss, the business also needs to know about it financial position at the end of
period. Therefore accounting shows the financial positions at the particular point of time by
preparing a statement called balance sheet. The balance sheet is the statement of capital, liabilities
and assets of business.
• To communicate financial information-
• All the people of accounting is useless until and unless the result or financial information is
communicated to the users. Therefore, accounting communicated the information of operations
and financial positions of business to possible users for decision making purpose.
• To determine tax liabilities-
• Accounting provides financial information to tax authorities, which helps in determining the
amount of tax liability.
Functions of Accounting
The main functions of accounting are:
• Maintaining systematic and complete records- Maintains
permanent, complete and systematic records of transactions.
• Finding out operating results of business- The results of the
business operation ie profit or loss and financial position.
• Communicating accounting information- Financial information
generated will be communicated to potential users.
• Complying with legal requirement- Preparing books of
account and reports based on legal provision, helps to submit
in concerned departments.
• Protecting business resources- Helps to protect all types of
resources keeping their up to date records.
Accounting Information and Economic Decisions
• Economic decisions are the decisions made concerning the
financial matters.
• The decisions should be accurate, authentic and reliable.
• Decisions with above nature can only help to take right decisions.
• Accounting information is the information regarding financial
• Accounting helps to ascertain authentic and reliable information.
• Helpful for taking right decisions.
Users of Accounting Information
• Accounting information is accumulated to help someone
make decisions Like company president, a production
manager, a hospital or school administrator, a sales
manager, a shareholder, a small-business owner, a
politician–the list is almost infinite.
• Almost all managers in every organization are better
equipped to perform their duties when they have a
reasonable grasp of accounting data.
• In fact, a survey of managers ranked accounting as the
most important business course for future managers.
External users
– Creditors and Suppliers
– Tax authorities
– Regulatory bodies
– Economics Planners
– Government
– Customers
– Shareholders and Investors
– Employees and Workers
Internal users
– Managers, CEO, BODS, Supervisors
Means of Accounting Information
• Income Statement,
• Balance Sheet,
• Notes
Characteristics of Information
• Relevance: Timely, neutral, prediction, feedback
• Reliable : Faithful, Verifiable and neutral
• Comparability: Different companies with same accounting
• Consistency: Follows same accounting methods from year to year
Accounting Accounting
Concepts Conventions
Accounting Principles
Accounting Concepts Accounting Conventions
The following are the most Accounting conventions are
important concepts of accounting: bearing the practical
considerations in recording the
1. Money measurement concept
transactions of the business
2. Business entity concept enterprise in systematic manner.
3. Going concern concept 1. Convention of consistency
4. Matching concept 2. Convention of conservatism
5. Accounting period concept 3. Convention of disclosure
6. Duality or double entry concept 4. Convention of materiality
7. Cost concept
Accounting Concepts
• Business Entity Concept:
• Every organization will have independent entity than its owner and thus treated as
an artificial person.
• Enjoys all right as a natural person enjoy.
• So economics activities are to be separately identified and accounted for –
creditors, shareholders, customers.
• Going Concern Concept:
• Will have infinite lifetime and remain in operations for the foreseeable future.
• Money Measurement Concept:
• Things that can be expressed in monetary worth should be recorded in accounting.
• Accounting Period Concept:
• Life of a business can be divided into artificial time period that will be normally for
• Monthly, quarterly, reports to shareholders and monthly statements for internal
• Cost Concept:
• Indicates that assets are recorded at their cost price not only at the time of purchase
but also over the time assets are held.
• Matching Concept:
• Cost and expenses of a particular period mush be matched with
the revenues generated for the period to determine net income
and loss.
• Duality Concept:
• Every transaction has two fold effects.
• This is also foundation of double entry system.
• Objectivity Concept:
• Only those financial transaction which have the supporting
documents are to be recorded in books of account.
• The transactions recorded without proof is considered to be false.
Accounting Conventions
• Convention of Consistency:
• Whatever the methods are followed to record the transactions in books of
account, should be similar and uniform for all the time.
• Helps for comparison.
• Convention of Disclosure:
• Events and circumstances that make differences in financial statements should
be disclosed.
• Convention of Conservatism:
• The conservatism won’t give any emphasis on the anticipation of the firm,
instead it gives paramount importance to all possible uneventualities of the
firm without considering the future profits.
• Convention of Materiality:
• The convention of materiality states that, to make financial statements
meaningful, only material fact i.e., important and relevant information should
be supplied to the users of accounting information.
Branches of Accounting
• Financial Accounting
• Cost Accounting
• Management Accounting
• Social Accounting
• Environmental Accounting
Financial Accounting
• Financial accounting concerns with the preparation of
financial statements and reports like income statement
and balance sheets of specific periods for external users
to show the financial position of the company.
• It is a summarized form of the overall financial position
of company. It provides information for external users
like shareholders, creditors, suppliers, government etc.
• The branch of account, which develops information for
external decision makers like shareholders, creditors,
government, suppliers etc.
Objectives of Financial Accounting
• To keep systematic records of financial
• To ascertain the results of operations
• Analysis of cost.
Features of Management Accounting
• Budgeting, planning and forecasting
• Advising about the product mix, markets to be served and selling prices,
⮚ Decision Making
Differences between Financial and Management Accounting
Reporting Financial reports are generally Reports are prepared in certain time
prepared at the end of the fiscal year interval according to need of
to report stakeholders. management.
Legal It is compulsory in every business It is voluntary. It is applied to increase
compulsion organization. management efficiency for attaining
organizational objectives.
Differences between Cost and Management Accounting
Basis Cost Accounting Management accounting
Sources of data It uses the quantitative data It uses both quantitative and
only. qualitative data
Accounting Certain principles and No specific principles like
principles procedures are followed in cost accounting and cost accounting.
determination and allocation.
Nature It uses both past and present It uses past and present data in
data and figure. the projection of future.
Accounting Records and Systems
• Cash System: The revenues are recognized only
at the moment of realization but the expenses are
recognized at the moment of payment.
⮚ Definite time.
⮚ Historical in nature.
Objectives of Financial Statements
⮚ Historical in nature.
⮚ Summarized reports.
• Determine profit/loss
• Equity shares
• Preference shares
✔ Cumulative and non-cumulative preference shares
✔ Redeemable and non-redeemable preference shares
✔ Participating and non-participating preference shares
✔ Convertible and non-convertible preference shares
• Debenture
✔ Registered and bearer debentures
✔ Secured and unsecured debentures
✔ Redeemable and irredeemable debentures
✔ Convertible and non-convertible debentures
End of The Unit
Thank You