Amazaon Web Services
Amazaon Web Services
Amazaon Web Services
2.AWS batch –
It enables developers, scientist to easily run
thousands of batch computing jobs on AWS.
3. AWS Elastic Beanstack (PaaS)-
It is an easy to use service for deploying and
scaling web applications and services.
4. AWS Lambda (PaaS)–
One can run code for virtually any type of
application or backend service
Storage Service
Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)
It is object storage with simple web service interface to store and retrieve
data. It’s features are
It provides persistent block storage volume for use with Amazon EC2
instances. Such vo lu me s b e h ave l i ke raw, u nfo r m atte d storage device,
allowing users to create a fi le system. Each Amazon EBS volume is
replicated within it ’s availability zone to p r o t e c t f r o m c o m p o n e n t
f a i l u r e . E B S volumes provide consistent and low latency performance needed
to run workloads.
3.Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) –
It provides simple scalable fi le storage to use with Amazon EC2
instances. It provides standard file system interface and file system access
s e m a n t i c s t o i n t e g r a t e w i t h e x i s t i n g applications and tools.
4.Amazon Glacier –
It is a secure, durable, low cost storage service for data archiving and long term
Amazon Database
1. Amazon Aurora (PaaS)- It is mySQL compatible relational database engine
that combines the speed & availability of high end commercial databases with
simplicity of open source databases.
•High performance
•High available & durable
• Highly scalable
•Highly secure