Sem 3 - ADS511
Sem 3 - ADS511
Sem 3 - ADS511
Analysis Data
Literature can answer some of the research questions and sharpen you research
why is it important
who said it is important
what do we know & not know – the gaps
what concepts are involved
what studies have revealed
Presenting the review
what type of method used
their findings
Discuss specifically the discussion on the specific variables used in the study
Sample of writing in Literature Review:
2.2 Blog and Web 2.0 Applications
Blog use Web 2.0 applications that allow users and writers communicate in social media. The
characteristics of Web 2.0 social groups can promote democratic participation (O’Reilly 2005; Preece,
2001; Preece & Maloney-Krichmar, 2005; Boyd 2006) as people can speak their opinions (Anderson,
2006). Web 2.0 applications used in the blog have give space to the dissemination and sharing of
political information as the users producing and interacting with political information. The
characteristics of Web 2.0 social groups can promote democratic participation (O’Reilly 2005; Preece,
2001; Preece & Maloney-Krichmar, 2005; Boyd 2006) as people can speak their opinions (Anderson,
2006). Thus, Web 2.0 provides applications that enable for more interaction and participation among
users (Carty, 2008; Harrison & Barthel, 2009).
Web blogs can encourage participation (Preece, 2001; Preece & Maloney-Krichmar, 2005) in online
communities as people can speak their opinions (Anderson, 2006). The study shows that news media
use affects participation through increase in political knowledge (McLeod et al., 1999; Scheufele &
Nisbet, 2002). It has lead to greater political participation (McLeod et al., 1999, Scheufele et al., 2003).
As a result of increased news consumption, political knowledge levels increase and political
knowledge increases lead to political efficiency and consequently in political participation (McLeod et
al., 1999, Scheufele et al., 2003).
Journal articles summary index:
Exercise 4 (Slides 44-51)
Form 3 groups
Read the assigned articles (30min)
Write (using word) short review piece (elect a scribe)
Collective revise and present LCD.
Please read the article on SQ provided. What can say about these articles?
1. What is the purpose of article A? ( research objective)
2. How did the study proposed to meet this purpose? (Research method, research design)
3. Was there a particular theory or perspective used in the study? (theory)
4. Who and how many sample was studied?
5. How did they measure the variables?
6. What did they find? Is there any new findings or its confirmation of the old?
7. Can we rely on this results?
Conceptual framework (example)
Example of issues in Problem Statement:
- The practice of Knowledge sharing (KS) is limited in organization
RQ : RO :
1. How limited is KS? 1. to examine limitation of KS in organization
2. Is trust required for KS? 2. to examine the lack of trust for KS
3. Is there recognition of KS? 3. to examine the reason Staff do not recognize KS in
Conceptual framework:
1. Why is KS so important? (DV)
2. What causes this behavior or attitude in organisations? (IV)
3. What factors might enable this relationship? (MV, MeV)
Developing Conceptual Framework
C. framework makes explicit the research in brief
what do you want to study
A diagram/figures c.f gives understanding of the study and the concepts involved.
a picture is worth a 1000 words / clear explanation
shows relationships between and among concepts
quick and visual of outlining the study
Developing Conceptual Framework
C.f marking out variables not focus of this study
observers know the boundaries of the study (delimits)
must be consistent with the research objectives, research problem, research method and
Parsimonious models and theories – a simpler model better than a complex model
Theory can be defined as a general and, comprehensive set of statements or
propositions that describe different aspects of some phenomenon (Babbie, 1998;
Hagan, 1993; Senese,1997).
i. Directional Hypotheses
Cigarette smoking and monthly allowance are positively related.
[directional cos’ the hypothesis posits a positive relationship].
(HI) There is a positive relationship between smoking cigarette and health problem
Probability Value (P-Value) / Significance Value
The p-value of a statistical hypothesis test is the probability of getting a value of the test
statistic as extreme as or more extreme than the observed by chance alone, if the Ho is
The p-value is compared with the actual significance (sig.) level of our test and if it is
smaller, the result is SIGNIFICANT.
That is, if the null hypothesis were to be rejected at the 5% (0.05) significance level, this
would be reported as “p < 0.05”.
95% is level of confidence
5% (0.05) is level of significance
p<0.05 = there is significance
- accept Hı and reject Ho.
p>0.05 = there is NO significance
- retain Ho (reject Hı)
Sig. value