The Energy Challenge: Part A Part B
The Energy Challenge: Part A Part B
The Energy Challenge: Part A Part B
Energy Facts
1) The world uses a lot of energy at a rate of 15.7 TW
average 2.4 kW per person [UK 5.1 kW, Spain 4.4] - very unevenly (use per person in USA = 2.1xUK = 48x Bangladesh) 2) World energy use is expected to grow 50% by 2030 - growth necessary to lift billions of people out of poverty
3) 80% is generated by burning fossil fuels climate change & debilitating pollution - which wont last for ever Need more efficient use of energy (and probably a change of life style) and major new/expanded sources of clean energy - this will require fiscal measures and new technology
1.6 billion people (over 25% of the worlds population) lack electricity:
Distances travelled to collect fuel for cooking in rural Tanzania; the average load is around 20 kg
Deaths per year (1000s) caused by indoor air pollution (biomass 85% + coal 15%); total is 1.5 million over half children under five
HDI ( ~ life expectancy at birth + adult literacy & school enrolment + GNP per person at PPP) and Primary Energy Demand per person, 2002
Goal (?)
For all developing countries to reach this point, would need world energy use to double with todays population, or increase 2.6 fold with the 8.1 billion expected in 2030 If also all developed countries came down to this point the factors would be 1.8 today, 2.4 in 2030
Reaching 3 tonnes of oil equivalent (toe) per capita for everyone seems almost impossible* (completely impossible*
while reducing CO2 emissions)
Malthusian solution
But 3 toe looks quite luxurious as a target for all it is 77% of
(same energy for all) without any energy increase would require going to 46% of current UK usage per capita at current population level (23% for USA) - 35% with 8.1 billion population (18% for USA)!
Equity without lots more energy (whence?) would require changes of life style in the developed world
Sources of Energy
Worlds primary energy supply (rounded):
80 % - burning fossil fuels (43% oil, 32% coal, 25% natural gas) 10% - burning combustible renewables and waste 5% - nuclear 5% - hydro 0.5% - geothermal, solar, wind, . . .
NB Primary energy defined here for hydro, solar and wind as equivalent primary thermal energy electrical energy output for hydro etc is also often used, e.g. hydro ~ 2.2%
Fossil Fuels
are generating debilitating pollution (300,000 coal pollution deaths pa in China; Didcot Power Station [large coal & gas fired plant near Oxford] has probably killed more people than Chernobyl) driving potentially catastrophic climate change and will run out sooner or later (later if we can exploit methyl hydrates)
Saudi saying My father rode a camel. I drive a car. My son flies a plane. His son will ride a camel Is this true? Perhaps
W i t h
With current growth, the 95 year (2100) line will be reached in: 2068 for oil (growth 1.2% pa but growth will decline beyond Hubbert peak) 2049 for gas (growth 3.1% pa) 2041 for coal (growth 4.5% pa); note some people believe coal resource much smaller
Oil Supply
Oil Supply
Source: ASPO
Unconventional oil resources* are thought to amount to at least 1,000 billion barrels (compared to 2,300 billion barrels of conventional oil remaining according to the USGS) *oil sands in Canada, extra heavy oil in Venezuela, shale oil in the USA, - generates 2% of global oil supply today 8% by 2030? Expected increase mainly in Canada. Cost of producing synthetic crude (which is very sensitive to price of gas or other fuel used steam injected to make bitumen flow) is currently $33/barrel (vs. a few $s/barrel in Saudi Arabia) Production of 1 barrel of crude requires 0.4 barrels of oil equivalent to produce steam
Use of Energy
Electricity production uses ~ 1/3 of primary energy (more in developed world; less in developing world) - this fraction could (and is likely in the future to) be higher End Use (rounded) 25% industry 25% transport 50% built environment
(private, industrial, commercial)
31% domestic in UK
Source: IEA WEO. 2008 IEA Key Statistics give 2.3% of Other (2006 data)
Note that mixture of fuels used electricity is very different in different countries e.g. coal ~ 35% in UK, ~76% in China (where hydro ~ 18%)
of poverty Seems (IEA World Energy Outlook) that it will require an increased use of fossil fuels which is driving potentially catastrophic climate change* will run out sooner or later
There is therefore an urgent need to reduce energy use (or at least curb growth), and seek cleaner ways of producing energy on a large scale IEA: Achieving a truly sustainable energy system will call for radical breakthroughs that alter how we produce and use energy
*Ambitious goal for 2050 - limit CO2 to twice pre-industrial level. To do this while meeting expected growth in power consumption would need 50% more CO2-free power than todays total power US DoE The technology to generate this amount of emission-free power does not exist
Energy subsidies (28 bn pa) + R&D (2 bn pa) in the EU in 2001 ~ 30 Billion Euro (per year)
Renewables 18%
Coal 44.5%
Source : EEA, Energy subsidies in the European Union: A brief overview, 2004. Fusion and fission are displayed separately using the IEA government-R&D data base and EURATOM 6th framework programme data
BUT only four sources capable in principle of meeting a really large fraction of the worlds energy needs:
Solar - seek breakthroughs in production and storage Nuclear fission - cannot avoid if we are serious about reducing
fossil fuel burning (at least until fusion available)
Energy Efficiency
Production e.g. world average power plant efficiency ~ 30% 45% (state of the art) would save 4% of anthropic carbon dioxide
Distribution typically 10% of electricity lost* ( 50% due to non-technical losses in some countries: need better metering)
*mostly local; not in high voltage grid
use of energy) where appropriate - smart/interactive grid - more efficient transport - more efficient industry
Efficiency is a key component of the solution, but cannot meet the energy challenge on its own
Source: Foster and Partners. Swiss Re Tower uses 50% less energy than a conventional office building (natural ventilation & lighting)
Lighting: 250 GW primary energy (43% residential; 57% commercial) 22% of all US electricity (29% world-wide)
[Spain: total electricity 31 GW ~ 90 GW primary energy, thermal equivalent]
Measures on lighting:
Better use of natural light; reduce over-lighting; more efficient bulbs: Traditional incandescent bulbs ~ 5% efficient Compact fluorescent lights ~ 20% efficient
In longer term: LEDs (up to 50% efficient); R&D needed white light
+ reduce cost
1,400 million in 2030 (China: 9m 100m; India: 6.5 m 56m) Is this possible? Can certainly not reach US levels: for the worlds per capita petrol consumption to equal that in the USA, total petrol consumption would have to increase by almost a factor of ten
Report APS Study of Potential improvements. Consider: what after the end of oil? (Biofuels, coal & gas oil, electric, hydrogen)
Improvements: front wheel drive, engine, transmission, computer control..
1975 1985 mandatory Corporate Average Fuel Economy standards improved annually, but thereafter manufactures continued to improve efficiency but built heavier, more powerful cars:
MIT Study:
In longer term maybe Plug-in Hybrids, hydrogen (or other) fuel cells
Petrol engines much less efficient than electric motors (90%), but comparison needs overall well to wheels analysis
APS Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles unlikely to be more than a niche product without breakthroughschallenges are durability and cost of fuel cells, including catalysts, cost-effective on-board storage, hydrogen production and deployment and refuelling infrastructure
e.g. - capture and store carbon at point of production - produce from renewables (reduced problem of intermittency) - produce from fission or fusion (electrolysis, or catalytic cracking of water at high temperature)
Excellent energy/mass ratio but energy/volume terrible Need to compress or liquefy (uses ~ 30% of energy, and adds to weight), or absorb in light metals (big chemical challenge being addressed by Oxford led consortium)
Could they replace a significant fraction of the 13 TW (and growing) currently provided by burning fossil fuels?
Solar could in principle power the world given breakthroughs in energy storage
and costs (which should be sought) see later
Hydro - already significant: could add up to 1TW thermal equivalent Wind - up to 3 TW thermal equivalent conceivable Burning biomass - already significant: additional 1 TW conceivable Geothermal, tidal and wave energy - 200 GW conceivable
All should be fully exploited where sensible, but excluding solar, cannot imaging more than 6 TW huge gap as fossil fuels decline
[Conclusions are very location dependent: geothermal is a major player in Iceland, Kenya,; the UK has 40% of Europes wind potential and is well placed for tidal and waves; the US south west is much better than the UK for solar; there is big hydro potential in the Congo;]
Preliminary Conclusions
(unless we are prepared to tolerate a very inequitable world). Needs initial investment, but can save a lot of money
Must exploit renewables to the maximum extent reasonably possible (not easy as it will put up costs) Likely most of remaining fossil fuels will be burned. If so,
carbon capture and storage is the only way to limit climate change (but will put up costs)
In the long-run, will need (a combination of):
of total) and from some industrial plants (not from cars, domestic)
Capture and storage - would add ~ $2c/kWh to cost for gas;
by 10 percentage points, e.g. 46% 37%, 41% 32%,..) With current technology: capture, transmission and storage would ~ double generation cost for coal
After capture, compress (>70 atmos liquid) transmit and store (>700m):
and India)
Large scale demonstration very important
- First end-to-end CCS power station just opened in N Germany (30MW oxy-fuel addon steam to turbines in existing 1 GW power station) - EU Zero Emissions Power strategy proposes 12 demonstration plants (want many, in different conditions) by 2015: needed to develop/choose technologies, and drive down cost, if there is going to be significant deployment by 2030 -Meanwhile should make all plants capture ready (post-combustion or oxy-fuel)
It will require a floor for the price of carbon
Solar Potential
170 Wm-2 on 0.5% of the worlds land surface (100% occupied!) would with 15% efficiency provide 19 TW
Photovoltaics are readily available with 15% efficiency or more, and concentrated solar power can be significantly more efficient
Natural: energy yields are vary from 30-80 GJ/hectare/year (wood) to 400-
500 GJ/hectare/year (sugar cane) 100 GJ/hectare/year corresponds to 0.3 Wm-2, or 0.2% of average solar flux at earths surface, so even sugar cane is only 1% efficient at producing energy. At 0.3 Wm-2, would need 15% of worlds land surface to give 10 TW
catalytic system to produce hydrogen (to power fuel cells), with efficiency of possibly 10% (and no: wasted water, fertiliser, harvesting) should be developed
Solar (non-bio)
Photovoltaics (hydrogen storage?)
High T: turbines (storage: molten salts, dissociation/synthesis of ammonia, phase transitions in novel materials) thermal cracking of water to hydrogen Challenges: new materials, fatigue
Thermal (low T): hot water (even in UK not stupid), cooling
$1/WpAC 2.6 -cents/kWhr in California (4.7 in Germany) - requires cost ~ cost of glass!
Heats molten salt to 565C (buffer) steam, or air or water. May (initially at least) be hybrid (including ISCC). Pilots built, but none yet on commercial scale: 50 200 MW.
Dish/Stirling engine
Up to 750C, 20 MPa. High efficiency (30% achieved. Small (< 25 kW each). Modular. May be hybrid. Needs mass production to drive down cost (can Brayton turbine)
Nuclear Power
Recent performance impressive construction ~ (?) on
time and (?) budget, excellent safety record, cost looks OK New generation of reactors (AP1000, EPR) fewer components, passive safety, less waste, lower down time and lower costs Constraints on expansion - snails pace of planning permission (in UK +) - concerns about safety - concerns about waste - proliferation risk - availability of cheap uranium
Uranium Resources
. US DoE Data/Projections: Assuming 1.8% p.a. growth of worlds nuclear use
Unless there is much more than thought, or we can use unconventional uranium, not long to start FBRs
+ n 239Np 239Pu
order 60 times more energy/kg of U more expensive (and not quite so safe + large plutonium inventory), but far less waste storage
Potential problem
slow ramp up* (1 reactor 2 takes ~ 10 years) * Based on figures from Paul Howarth:
1 GWe FBR needs stockpile of ~ 30 tonnes Pu to operate ~ 12 years [30 tonnes of Pu is output of a 1 GWe LWR for ~ 140 years] After 12 years 30t Pu to refuel + 30t Pu to start another
Thorium is more abundant than Uranium* and 100% can be burned (generating less waste than Uranium), using
Thermal neutrons OK, but then to avoid poisoning need continuous reprocessing molten salts
* accessible 232Th resource seems (??) to be over 4 Mt, vs. 0.1 Mt for
D + T He + N + 17.6 MeV
Tritium from N + Li He + T
So the raw fuels are lithium ( T), which is very abundant, and water ( D)
The lithium in one laptop battery + half a bath of water would
produce 200,000 kW-hours of electricity = EU per-capita electricity production for 30 years without any CO2 This ( + fact that costs do not look unreasonable: might be able to compete with fast breeders?) is sufficient reason to develop fusion as a matter of urgency
Now focus on magnetic confinement (inertial fusion should also
1) Heat D-T plasma to over 100 M 0C = 10xtemperature of
core of sun, while keeping it from touching the walls This has been done using a magnetic bottle (tokamak) The Joint European Torus (JET) at Culham in the UK has produced 16 MW of fusion power
2) Make a robust container (able to withstand huge neutron
bombardment ~ 2MW/m2)
3) Ensure reliability of very complex systems
IF these steps are taken in parallel, then - given adequate funding, and no major adverse surprises - a prototype fusion power station could be putting power into the grid within 30 years
constrained CO2 until the middle of the century, but only with
- technology development, e.g. for carbon capture and storage:
essential - measures to increase efficiency (cost is a big driver, but need strong regulation also) - all known low carbon sources pushed to the limit
After fossil fuels depleted, must continue to use everything
available. But the only major potential contributors are - Solar which must be developed - Nuclear fission fast breeders - Fusion: which must be developed
Final Conclusions
Huge increase in energy use expected; large increase needed to lift world out of poverty
Challenge of meeting demand in an environmentally responsible manner is enormous. No silver bullet - need a portfolio approach
Need all sensible measures: more wind, hydro, biofuels, marine, and particularly: CCS (essential to reduce climate change) and increased efficiency, and in longer term: more solar and nuclear, and fusion [we hope] Huge R&D agenda Need fiscal incentives, regulation, carbon price, more R&D, political will (globally)