Day 7 Peptic-Ulcer-Appendicitis
Day 7 Peptic-Ulcer-Appendicitis
Day 7 Peptic-Ulcer-Appendicitis
• Phases Include
1. Ingestion
2. Movement
3. Mechanical and Chemical Digestion
4. Absorption
5. Elimination
• Types
• Mechanical (physical)
• Chew
• Tear
• Grind
• Mash
• Mix
• Chemical
• Enzymatic reactions to improve digestion of
• Carbohydrates
• Proteins
• Lipids
Digestive System Organization
• Gastrointestinal (Gl) tract
• Tube within a tube
• Direct link/path between organs
• Structures
• Mouth
• Pharynx
• Esophagus
• Stomach
• Small intestine
• Large Intestine
• Rectum
• Teeth mechanically • Epiglottis is a flap-like
break down food into structure at the back of
small pieces. Tongue the throat that closes
mixes food with saliva over the trachea
(contains amylase, preventing food from
which helps break down entering it. It is located
starch). in the Pharynx.
• Approximately 20 cm long.
• Functions include:
1.Secrete mucus
2.Moves food from the throat to
the stomach using muscle
movement called peristalsis
• If acid from the stomach gets in
here that’s heartburn.
Mouth, Pharynx and Esophagus
• J-shaped muscular bag that stores
the food you eat, breaks it down
into tiny pieces.
• Mixes food with Digestive Juices that
contain enzymes to break down
Proteins and Lipids.
• Acid (HCl) in the stomach Kills
• Food found in the stomach is called
Small Intestine
• Small intestines are roughly
7 meters long
• Lining of intestine walls has
finger-like projections called
villi, to increase surface area.
• The villi are covered in
microvilli which further
increases surface area for
Small Intestine
• Nutrients from the food pass into
the bloodstream through the
small intestine walls.
• Absorbs:
• 80% ingested water
• Vitamins
• Minerals
• Carbohydrates
• Proteins
• Lipids
• Secretes digestive enzymes
Large Intestine
• Functions
• Bacterial digestion
• Ferment
Gall Bladder
• Produces digestive
enzymes to digest fats,
carbohydrates and
• Regulates blood sugar
by producing insulin
GI Tract Assessment
Common Symptoms:
1. Pain
2. Dyspepsia - caused by excessive fatty/oily food intake
3. Intestinal Gas - Excessive Flatulence - Possible food intolerance or
gallbladder disease
4. Nausea and Vomiting
• Dysmotility, peritoneal irritation, hepatobiliary or pancreatic disorders
• CNS Disorders - Increased ICP, Psychogenic D/O, Vestibulo - cochlear
• Irritation of chemoreceptor triggers - radiation/chemotherapy
5. Change in Bowel Habits/Stool Characteristics
• Increase/Decrease of Bowel Movement
• Color of Stool - dark, tarry stools (internal bleeding), bright red
(hemorrhoids, lower GI bleeding)
GI Tract Assessment - Lab.Studies
1. Serum Amylase/Lipase
2. Tumor Markers
• CA 19-9
3. Stool Tests
• Regular Sample Testing for helminthic parasites
• FOBT - Fecal Occult Blood Test
a. No red meat, NSAIDS, aspirin 72 hours prior - False Positive
b. No Vit. C supplements or foods - False Negative
GI Tract Assessment - Imaging
1. Abdominal Ultrasound - enlarged gallbladder/pancreas, gallstones,
• NPO 8 to 12 Hours
• Fat Free Meal evening before for Gallbladder studies
• Barium studies after the abdominal ultrasound
2. Upper GI Fluoroscopy - use a contrast agent (Barium) - ulcers, tumors,
regional enteritis, anatomic dysfunctions, obstructions, diverticula
• Clear liquid diet then NPO 8 to 12 Hours prior to procedure
• Polyethylene glycol to cleanse the bowel
• No smoking, chewing gums or mint flavored food
• Increased fluids post procedure
GI Tract Assessment - Imaging Studies
3. Barium Enema - tumors, polyps, lesions, diverticula, obstructions
• Low - residue diet 1 - 2 days before procedure
• Clear liquid diet and laxative the night before
• Bowel cleansing 2 - 4 hours before procedure
• No Barium Enema for pt. with active inflammatory dse. - use water soluble
contrast study
• Increase fluid intake post procedure
• Transiet increase in bowel movement post procedure
4. CT Scan/MRI - may or may not use contrast medium
• Assess allergy to iodine or claustrophobia
• NPO 8 hours prior to procedure
• MRI can take 60 - 90 minutes
• Remove metallic objects in the body before procedure
GI Tract Assessment - Imaging Studies