The Teach For India Fellowship
The Teach For India Fellowship
The Teach For India Fellowship
ready for a
Teach For India is
building a
committed to
movement of
building an India
50,000 leaders
free of poverty
who are committed
and filled with
to doing more and
being more.
We build a movement of leaders who work
together to ensure children from low-income
communities attain an excellent and equitable
If you are sitting here thinking:
___Yes, India has challenges
___Yes, our children matters
___Yes, leadership matters
28 4
states UTs
Global Network of
515 60 countries
who have varied reasons for joining Teach For India
RIDDHI #fellow2021
“It’s not just another career path, it’s a unique opportunity to
acquire invaluable leadership skills while driving far-reaching
social change.”
RAHUL #fellow2021
“As TFI Fellows, we are part of a powerful network of leaders,
teachers and edupreneurs who are shaping India’s future.”
SAURABH #fellow2021
“Through the Fellowship, we cultivate knowledge, skills and
mindsets needed to attain positions of leadership.”
NANDINI #fellow2021
You’ll teach in a
challenging classroom – in
a reimagined way
CONNECT: As you work closely with EXECUTE: As you connect, envision and
Students, teachers, parents, school staff plan for varied Student needs, you will
and peers, you will learn stakeholder learn to execute in a fast - paced
engagement. You will learn to listen environment, think on your feet, and
deeply; empathise; build strong communicate effectively.
relationships; build consensus & carry
people along. REFLECT: As you evaluate your
Students' progress using qualitative and
ENVISION: As you envision a bold, quantitative data, you will learn to reflect
new future for your Students, you’ll deeply, take corrective measures and
work to mobilise the resources to make make meaning of challenges and
that dream a reality for the children, opportunities.
yourself & others.
After 2 years,
>160 77% 39
Organizations founded of our Alumni continue to Organizations incubated
by 3,800 Alumni serve in the social sector by TFI
We’ve taken you through a lot of information. Let’s do a quick