Atrial Septal Defects: Presented by Dr. Maysa Abdul Haq Directed by Dr. Ali Halabi Jordan Hospital 11-9-2005
Atrial Septal Defects: Presented by Dr. Maysa Abdul Haq Directed by Dr. Ali Halabi Jordan Hospital 11-9-2005
Atrial Septal Defects: Presented by Dr. Maysa Abdul Haq Directed by Dr. Ali Halabi Jordan Hospital 11-9-2005
Presented by Dr. Maysa Abdul Haq
Directed by Dr. Ali Halabi
Jordan Hospital
Types of ASDs:
1-Ostium secundum defect→70% of ASDs.
2-Ostum primum defect→20% of ASDs.
3-sinus venosus defect.→10%of ASDs.
4-coronary sinus septal defect→ < 1% of ASDs .
Normal heart for comparison.
Cardiac Development:
Cardiac tissues are first detectable on the 18th or
19th day of fetal life. Cardiac development continues
for the next several weeks. The atrial septum begins
to form during the fourth week and is complete by the
end of the fifth week.
old infant with Holt-Oram
syndrome, showing
hypoplastic right thumb.
The degree of left to right shunt depends on :
1-the size of the defect
2-compliance of right and left ventricle
3- vascular resistance in pulmonary and
systemic circulation.
With large defect , the ratio of pulmonary to systemic
blood flow Qp:Qs between 2:1 and 4:1
ASD in infants is asymptomatic :Right atrial mascular
wall is thick and less compliant thus limiting the left to
right shunt as infant becomes older , PVR drops ,
right ventricular wall becomes thinner and left to right
shunt increases .
Large blood flow through the right side of the heart
cause enlargement of right atrium and ventricle ,
dilatation of the pulmonary artery but pulmonary atrial
BP is usually normal ( absence of high pressure
communication between Pulm. and Sys. Circulation.)
3-Echocardiogram : Increased right ventricular end diastolic dimensions.
Abnormal motion of ventricular septum
Location and size of ASD
Confirmation of the shunt.
4- Cardiac Catheterization: confirmation of the defect
Measuring of the shunt and PVP. ( it’s of considerable volume when if more than or equals 20/min/m2.
Note : in the case of classical features of ASD on physical examination , CXR and ECHO which Identify isolated seccundum
ASD , there is no need for the cardian cath before surgery.
3-Echocardiogram :
* Increased right ventricular end diastolic dimensions.
*Abnormal motion of ventricular septum .
*Location and size of ASD.
*Confirmation of the shunt.
4- Cardiac Catheterization:
*confirmation of the defect
*Measuring of the shunt and PVP.
Physical Findings :
1-Loud S1
2-Fixed widely splitted S2
3-Pulmonary systolic ejection murmur and mid diastolic rumbling
4-Apical harsh holosystolic mumur that radiates to the axilla ( mitral
insufficiency )
the primum form of ASD is not amenable to device
closure in the cardiac catheterization laboratory. The
device is unable to be adequately seated secondary
to an inadequate inferior rim of atrial septal tissue.