1. The universe includes all matter, energy, and space, from the smallest particles to the largest structures. It contains both visible and invisible components like dark matter.
2. Scientists theorize that the universe began from an infinitely small, dense, and hot point that expanded exponentially in an event known as the Big Bang.
3. The universe has continued expanding and cooling over billions of years, allowing the formation of protons, neutrons, atoms, stars, galaxies, and all cosmic structures in the observable universe.
1. The universe includes all matter, energy, and space, from the smallest particles to the largest structures. It contains both visible and invisible components like dark matter.
2. Scientists theorize that the universe began from an infinitely small, dense, and hot point that expanded exponentially in an event known as the Big Bang.
3. The universe has continued expanding and cooling over billions of years, allowing the formation of protons, neutrons, atoms, stars, galaxies, and all cosmic structures in the observable universe.
1. The universe includes all matter, energy, and space, from the smallest particles to the largest structures. It contains both visible and invisible components like dark matter.
2. Scientists theorize that the universe began from an infinitely small, dense, and hot point that expanded exponentially in an event known as the Big Bang.
3. The universe has continued expanding and cooling over billions of years, allowing the formation of protons, neutrons, atoms, stars, galaxies, and all cosmic structures in the observable universe.
1. The universe includes all matter, energy, and space, from the smallest particles to the largest structures. It contains both visible and invisible components like dark matter.
2. Scientists theorize that the universe began from an infinitely small, dense, and hot point that expanded exponentially in an event known as the Big Bang.
3. The universe has continued expanding and cooling over billions of years, allowing the formation of protons, neutrons, atoms, stars, galaxies, and all cosmic structures in the observable universe.
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What Is the Universe?
The universe is everything that exists, from the
smallest particles to the largest ones, together with all matter and energy. The universe includes visible and invisible things, such as dark matter, the great, secret component of the cosmos. The search for dark matter is currently one of the most important tasks of cosmology. Dark matter may literally determine the density of all of space, as well as decide the destiny of the universe. Did you know that, second by second, the universe grows and grows? 1. Scientists theorize that, from nothing, something infinitely small, dense, and hot appeared. All that exists today was compressed into a ball smaller than the nucleus of an atom. 2. At the closest moment to zero time, which physics has been able to reach, the temperature is extremely high. Before the universe's inflation, a superforce governed everything. 3. The universe is unstable. Only 10-38 seconds after the big- bang, the universe increases in size more than a trillion trillion trillion times. The expansion of the universe and the division of its forces begin. 4. The universe experiences a gigantic cool down. Gravity has already become distinguishable, and the electromagnetic force and the strong and weak nuclear interactions appear 5. Protons and neutrons appear, formed by three quarks a piece. Because all light is trapped within the web of particles, the universe is still dark. 6. The electrons and their antiparticles, positrons, annihilate each other until the positrons disappear. The remaining electrons form atoms Theories on the Origin of the Universe •Genesis one of the books of the Hebrew Bible and Christian Old Testament, • The beginning of the world The First Day—Light God created the sky and the earth. At first, the earth was completely empty. There was nothing on the earth. Darkness covered the ocean, and God’s Spirit moved Over a the water. Then God said, “Let there be light!” And light began to shine. He saw the light, and he knew that it was good. Then he separated the light from the darkness.God named the light “day,” and he named the darkness “night.” There was evening, and then there was morning. This was the first day. The Second Day—Sky Then God said, “Let there be a space to separate the water into two parts!” So God made the space and separated the water. Some of the water was above it, and some of the water was below it. God named that space “sky.” There was evening, and then there was morning. This was the second day. The Third Day—Dry Land and Plants Then God said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered together so that the dry land will appear.” And it happened. God named the dry land “earth,” and he named the water that was gathered together “seas.” And God saw that this was good. The Fourth Day—Sun, Moon, and Stars Then God said, “Let there be lights in the sky. These lights will separate the days from the nights. They will be used for signs to show when special meetings begin and to show the days and years. They will be in the sky to shine light on the earth.” And it happened. So God made the two large lights. He made the larger light to rule during the day and the smaller light to rule during the night. He also made the stars. God put these lights in the sky to shine on the earth. He put them in the sky to rule over the day and over the night. They separated the light from the darkness. And God saw that this was good. There was evening, and then there was morning. This was the fourth day. The Fifth Day—Fish and Birds Then God said, “Let the water be filled with many living things, and let there be birds to fly in the air over the earth.” So God created the large sea animals. He created all the many living things in the sea and every kind of bird that flies in the air. And God saw that this was good. God blessed all the living things in the sea and told them to have many babies and fill the seas. And he blessed the birds on land and told them to have many more babies. There was evening, and then there was morning. This was the fifth day. The Sixth Day—Land Animals and People Then God said, “Let the earth produce many kinds of living things. Let there be many different kinds of animals. Let there be large animals and small crawling animals of every kind. And let all these animals produce more animals.” And all these things happened. So God made every kind of animal. He made the wild animals, the tame animals, and all the small crawling things. And God saw that this was good. Then God said, “Now let’s make human who will be like us. They will rule over all the fish in the sea and the birds in the air. They will rule over all the large animals and all the little things that crawl on the earth.” So God created humans in his own image. He created them to be like himself. He created them male and female. God blessed them and said to them, “Have many children. Fill the earth and take control of it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the air. Rule over every living thing that moves on the earth.” God said, “I am giving you all the grain bearing plants and all the fruit trees. These trees make fruit with seeds in it. This grain and fruit will be your food. And I am giving all the green plants to the animals. These green plants will be their food. Every animal on earth, every bird in the air, and all the little things that crawl on the earth will eat that food.” And all these things happened. God looked at everything he had made. And he saw that everything was very good. There was evening, and then there was morning. This was the sixth day. The Seventh Day—Rest So the earth, the sky, and everything in them were finished. God finished the work he was doing, so on the seventh day he rested from his work. God blessed the seventh day and made it a holy* day. He made it special because on that day he rested from all the work he did while creating the world. Theories on the Origin of the Universe * The Hindu text Rigueda describes the universe as an oscillating universe in which a “ cosmic egg” or Brahmanda containing the whole universe – including the sun, moon, planets, and space * Anagoras believed in primordial universe and explain that the original state of the cosmos was a primordial mixtures of all ingredients * Leucippus and Democritus believed in atomic universe. They held that the universe was composed of very small, indivisible and indestructible atoms Geocentric Model Before telescopes, binoculars, and modern observatories existed, little was known about the Earth. Many believed that the Earth was fixed and that the Sun, the Moon, and the five known planets orbited it in circles. This geocentric model was promoted by the Egyptian astronomer Claudius Ptolemy, who in the 2nd century AD compiled the astronomical ideas of the ancient Greek astronomers (in particular, those of Aristotle, who had proposed the Earth as the center of the universe, with the celestial objects revolving around it). Although other ancient astronomers, such as Aristarchus of Samus, proposed that the Earth was round and rotated around the Sun, Aristotle’s ideas were accepted as true for 16 centuries, and at times Aristotle’s ideas were defended and preserved by the Roman Catholic Church. • Heliocentric Model In 1543, a few months before his death, Nicolaus Copernicus published the book Derevolutionibus orbium coelestium, inaugurating what is now known as the Copernican Revolution. The Polish astronomer developed the heliocentric theory (from helios, the Greek word for “the Sun”), which contradicted the geocentric theory. Copernicus’s new postulate inverted the traditional relationship of the Sun and the Earth, identifying the Sun as the center of the universe and the Earth as one of many solar satellites. Copernicus argued that spheres moved in endless, circular orbits. Since the universe and all the celestial bodies were thought to be spherical, he argued that their movements must also be circular and uniform (the Ptolemaic system considered the planets’ circuits to be irregular). • Copernicus reasoned that, since the movements of the planets appeared to be irregular, the Earth must not be the center of the universe. These discoveries were contrary to the views promulgated by the Roman Catholic Church. In fact, both Roman Catholics and Protestants suppressed any writings advocating these beliefs. When Galileo Galilei was brought to trial by the Roman Catholic Church for advocating the Copernican theory, he was forced to renounce his views. • In 1687, Sir Isaac Newton describe the universe as a static, steady-state, infinite universe. In his description of the universe, matter at a large scale is uniformly distributed. • French philosopher Rene Descartes outlined a Cartesian vortex model of the universe. His model involved a system of huge swirling whirlpools of fine matter. •Albert Einstein was no different from Newton The Big-Bang theory This theory was proposed by Edwin Hubble (1889-1953) Hubble proposed that the primordial mass of the universe was once concentrated in an extremely hot and dense fireball called YLEM which underwent a gigantic explosion billions of years ago. After its explosion and cooled causing the formation of subatomic particles. As the YLEM continued to expand, it also continued to cool giving way for gases to condense, forming the galaxies. As condensation of gases continued, stars, planets and satellites were formed. The big bang theory helped solve the enigma of the early moments of the universe. What has yet to be resolved is the mystery surrounding the future that awaits. To unravel this mystery, the total mass of the universe must be known, but that figure has not yet been reliably determined. The most recent observations have removed some of this uncertainty. It seems that the mass of the universe is far too little to stop its expansion. If this is this case, the universe's present growth is merely the last step before its total death in complete darkness The Steady State theory This theory was proposed by three scientists: Herman Bondi, Thomas Gold and Fred Hoyle. The theory suggests that there is no beginning nor end to the universe
The Oscillating Universe theory
In this theory Fred Hoyle suggests that the universe is expanding as in the big-bang, but its expansion would slow down and would eventually come to a halt because of mutual gravitational attraction. The galaxies would begin to contract, bringing back the materials to the original fireball, and another explosion would commence again. Inflationary Universe American physicist Alan Guth proposed a model of the universe based on big bang theory as horizon and flatness problems Multiverse Russian-American physicist Andrei Linde developed the concept of inflationary universe from his chaotic inflationary theory in 1983. This theory sees the universe as just one of the many “bubbles” Origin of The Solar System Models of the solar system In the 16th century, a Greek philosopher named Claudius Ptolemy developed a Geocentric idea about the universe. Ptolemy believed that the earth was the center of the universe and that the sun, moon, and planets revolved around it. The wisdom and courage of a young Polish lawyer, economist, physician and monk of a Polish Church by the name of Copernicus revolutionized Ptolemy’s idea and introduced the Heliocentric model of the universe. After careful observations, gathering of data and mathematical calculations, Copernicus was convinced that the sun is the center of the solar system and the different planets including the earth revolve around it The Solar System Among the millions and millions of stars that form the Milky Way galaxy, there is a medium-sized one located in one of the galaxy's arms—the Sun. To ancient people, the Sun was a god; to us, it is the central source of energy that generates heat, helping life exist. This star, together with the planets and other bodies that spin in orbits around it, make up the solar system, which formed about 4.6 billion years ago. The planets that rotate around it do not produce their own light. Instead, they reflect sunlight. After the Earth, Mars is the most explored planet. Olympus Mons, the largest volcano in the entire solar system. It is almost two-and-a-half times as high as the tallest peak on the Earth, Mount Everest. Attracted by a Star Planets and their satellites, asteroids and other rocky objects, and an incalculable number of comet like objects, some more than 1 trillion miles (1.6 trillion km) from the Sun, make up the solar system. In the 17th century, astronomer Johannes Kepler proposed a model to interpret the dynamic properties of the bodies of the solar system. According to this interpretation, the planets complete elliptical trajectories, called orbits, around the Sun. In every case, the movement is produced by the influence of the gravitational field of the Sun. Today, as part of a rapidly developing field of astronomy, it is known that planet or planet like bodies also orbit other stars. . Theories of the origin of the solar system A. The Planetesimal Theory This theory was first proposed by French scientist, Georges Comte de Buffon in 1778. According to this theory, ages ago, the sun collided with another star, the collision caused large masses of materials from two stars to be thrown in space. Eventually the materials cooled and condensed to form small bodies which, in the course of time, became planets B. The Companion Star Theory A Modern British astronomer named Fred Hoyle proposed that the sun once a companion star. This star explode when collided with the sun and its materials were held by the sun’s gravitation. From this various planets and other bodies in the solar system were formed. The Nebular Hypothesis This was proposed by Marquis de Laplace, a French astronomer in 1796. According to this theory, the source of the material of the solar system was a vast, saucer-shaped nebula, similar to protostar. This nebula was swirling slowly in space. The swirling nebula eventually cooled and shrank causing it to spin faster in space. The spinning caused rings of materials to break away from its outer edge. The rings gave rise to planets and the center of the nebula condensed and become the sun The orbits of planets Each member of the solar system has a definite orbit around the sun. the orbits of the planets are the result of the delicate balance of forces existing between the sun and the planets. We call this force gravitational pull. On the other hand another force, the force of the planet’s own inertia, tends to throw the planets off into space, preventing them from being attracted to the sun Life on Earth The Blue Planet The Earth is known as the blue planet because of the color of the oceans that cover two thirds of its surface. This planet, the third planet from the Sun, is the only one where the right conditions exist to sustain life, something that makes the Earth special. It has liquid water in abundance, a mild temperature, and an atmosphere that protects it from objects that fall from outer space. The atmosphere also filters solar radiation thanks to its ozone layer. Slightly flattened at its poles and wider at its equator, the Earth takes 24 hours to revolve once on its axis. Greek philosopher and mathematician named Eratosthenes calculated the size of the earth. The Phenomenon of Life Water, in liquid form, makes it possible for life to exist on the Earth, the only planet where temperatures vary from 32° F to 212° F (0° C to 100° C), allowing water to exist as a liquid. The Earth’s average distance from the Sun, along with certain other factors, allowed life to develop 3.8 billion years ago. 70% of the Earth’s surface is water. From space, the planet looks blue. Magnetism and Gravity The Earth’s magnetic field originates in the planet’s outer core, where turbulent currents of molten iron generate both electric and magnetic fields. The orientation of the Earth’s magnetism varies over time, causing the magnetic poles to fluctuate EVAPORATION Because of the Sun’s energy, the water evaporates, entering the atmosphere from oceans and, to a lesser extent, from lakes, rivers, and other sources on the continents.
CONDENSATION The Earth’s winds transport moisture-laden air
until weather conditions cause the water vapor to condense into clouds and eventually fall to the ground as rain or other forms of precipitation.
PRECIPITATION The atmosphere loses
water through condensation. Gravity causes rain, snow, and hail. Dew and frost directly alter the state of the surface they cover. Earth is the third planet from the Sun and is the largest of the terrestrial planets. The Earth is the only planet in our solar system not to be named after a Greek or Roman deity. The Earth was formed approximately 4.54 billion years ago and is the only known planet to support life. Earth, the only object in the Universe known to harbor life. It is the densest planet in the Solar System. Radius: 6,371 km Age: 4.543 billion years Surface Area: 510.1 million km² Mass: 5.972 × 10^24 kg Gravity: 9.807 m/s² Among the inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, the Moon, and Mars), Earth is unique because of its size and distance from the Sun. It is large enough to develop and retain an atmosphere and a hydrosphere. Temperature ranges are moderate, such that water can exist on its surface as liquid, solid, and gas. Is a delicate blue ball wrapped in filmy white clouds. The water and swirling clouds that dominate Earth’s surface underline the importance of water in Earth’s systems. The cold polar regions are buried with ice, and the warm tropics are speckled with clouds and greenery. The rocks of the high continents are strongly deformed and older than the rocks of the ocean basins. Earth has active volcanoes, a dynamic interior, and no large impact craters are visible on its surface. Diameter 12,800 km Density 5.55 g/cm3 REVOLUTION: It takes the Earth 365 days, 5 hours, and 57 minutes to travel once around the Sun. ROTATION: The Earth revolves on its axis in 23 hours and 56 minutes. The Moon, our only natural satellite, is four times smaller than the Earth and takes 27.32 days to orbit the Earth We live on the Earth, but do we know what we are standing on? The planet is made up of layers of various materials, such as solid and molten rock, which in turn are composed of such elements as iron, nickel, and silicon. Our atmosphere is the layer of gases surrounding our planet. One of these gases, oxygen, does a very special job—it permits life to exist. Above the Surface The existence of life on our planet would be impossible without the atmosphere that provides the air we breathe and the water we drink; it also protects us from the Sun’s harmful radiation, while simultaneously maintaining mild temperatures by retaining the Sun’s warmth. The atmosphere is about 435 miles thick (700 km) but lacks defined limits. Internal Structure We live on a rocky surface similar to a shell. The rocks we live with are made mostly of oxygen and silicon, but underneath them is the mantle, made of much heavier rocks. The mantle also surrounds the inner and outer cores with a region of constantly boiling liquid metals, creating the convective currents that generate the Earth’s magnetic field. The inner core, solid because of the great pressure put upon it, is the densest part of the planet. Lithosphere and Hydrosphere The hydrosphere, the liquid part of the Earth, includes the oceans, lakes, rivers, underground waters, snow, and ice. It almost completely covers the crust, surrounds the shores of the continents, and covers 71 percent of the Earth’s surface. The lithosphere is a superficial, elastic region that is 4 to 7 miles (6 to 11 km) thick under the oceans and up to 43 miles (70 km) thick under mountain ranges.
Hydrosphere and Lithosphere
The lithosphere includes the crust and the upper portion of the mantle, and the hydrosphere includes liquid water, covering 71 percent of the Earth’s surface in lakes, rivers, and five oceans. The Atmosphere - Our atmosphere is unique in the solar system. It is composed of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and minor amounts of other gases, such as carbon dioxide (only 0.035%) and water vapor. The earliest atmosphere was much different. It was essentially oxygen-free and consisted largely of carbon dioxide and water vapor. The present carbon dioxide-poor atmosphere developed as soon as limestone began to form in the oceans, tying up the carbon dioxide. Oxygen was added to the atmosphere later, when plants evolved. As a result of photosynthesis, plants extracted carbon dioxide from the primitive atmosphere and expelled oxygen into it. Thus, the oxygen in the atmosphere is and was produced by life. The hydrosphere - is the total mass of water on the surface of our planet. Water covers about 71% of the surface. About 98% of this water is in the oceans. Only 2% is in streams, lakes, groundwater, and glaciers. Thus, it is for good reason that Earth has been called “the water planet.” It has been estimated that if all the irregularities of Earth’s surface were smoothed out to form a perfect sphere, a global ocean would cover Earth to a depth of 2.25 km. Again, it is this great mass of water that makes Earth unique. Water permitted life to evolve and flourish; every inhabitant on Earth is directly or indirectly controlled by it. All of Earth’s weather patterns, climate, rainfall, and even the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are influenced by the water in the oceans. The hydrosphere is in constant motion; water evaporates from the oceans and moves through the atmosphere, precipitating as rain and snow, and returning to the sea in rivers, glaciers, and groundwater. As water moves over Earth’s surface, it erodes and transports weathered rock material and deposits it. These actions constantly modify Earth’s landscape. Many of Earth’s distinctive surface features are formed by action of the hydrosphere. The Biosphere - The biosphere is the part of Earth where life exists. It includes the forests, grasslands, and familiar animals of the land, together with the numerous creatures that inhabit the sea and atmosphere. Microorganisms such as bacteria are too small to be seen, but they are probably the most common form of life in the biosphere. As a terrestrial covering, the biosphere is discontinuous and irregular; it is an interwoven web of life existing within and reacting with the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere. It consists of more than 1.6 million described species and perhaps as many as 3 million more not yet described. Each species lives within its own limited environmental setting. The solid materials of Earth are separated into layers according to composition and mechanical properties. From outside in, the compositional layers are (1) CRUST (2) MANTLE and (3) CORE -Layers based on physical properties are - (1) LITHOSPHERE - (2) ASTENOSPHERE - (3) MESOSPHERE - (4) OUTER CORE and -(5) INNER CORE. • Internal Structure Based on Chemical Composition: • CRUST - is the outermost solid shell of a rocky planet or natural satellite, which is chemically distinct from the underlying mantle. • MANTLE • - is a layer between the crust and the outer core. Earth's mantle is a silicate rocky shell with an average thickness of 2,886 kilometers (1,793 mi). The mantle makes up about 84% of Earth's volume. It is predominantly solid but in geological time it behaves as a very viscous fluid. • CORE • - consists of the innermost layer(s) of a planet; which may be composed of solid and liquid layers. INNER CORE is made of the same metals as the outer core, but, despite its high temperature, its center is solid because of the enormous pressure that compresses it. OUTER CORE The outer layer of the core is liquid, consisting of molten iron and nickel. Its temperature is lower than that of the inner core and it is under less pressure. The motion of the molten material produces the geomagnetic field. INNER MANTLE The solid, intermediate layer between the core and the crust. High temperature S and P waves pass through it because of its contact with the core. OUTER MANTLE As a result of the high temperatures, the materials dilate and produce a continuous ascending movement that generates convection currents and the forces that cause the changes to the Earth’s crust.