SSB201 - Chapter 1
SSB201 - Chapter 1
SSB201 - Chapter 1
Chapter 1.
Effective bussiness Communication
Chapter objectives
1. Recognize the importance of communication in gaining a better
understanding of yourself and others.
2. Explain how communication skills help you solve problems, learn new
things, and build your career.
3. Define communication and describe communication as a process.
4. Identify and describe the eight essential components of communication.
5. Identify and describe two models of communication.
6. Identify and describe five types of communication contexts.
7. Discuss and provide several examples of each of the two main
responsibilities of a business communicator.
Chapter outline
Influences your Thinking about Yourself and Others
Influences how You Learn
Represents You and Your Employer
Skills Are Desired by Business and Industry
2. What Is Communication?
Latin language: Is “communicare” - share, or to make common.
1. Source 5. Feedback
2. Message 6. Environment
3. Channel 7. Context
4. Receiver 8. Interference
Two Models of Communication