Topic 2 - Theory of The Firm
Topic 2 - Theory of The Firm
Topic 2 - Theory of The Firm
Therefore, even though profit maximization required costs to be minimized, the reverse is not
The production process
The production process involves the transformation of inputs into
• Input: anything that goes into the production process (also
known as factors of production. E.g. land, labor, capital,
technology, entrepreneurial ability.
• Output: the end product of a production process.
= fixed amount of capital,
= variable amount of labour,
Q= output
Properties of the SR production function
1. It passes through origin, implying that no output is produced if
zero units of the variable input are employed. i.e. Q=0 when L=0.
2. Adding an extra unit of the variable input to the fixed input
initially causes output to increase at an increasing rate.
3. However, beyond some point, additional units of the variable
input results in smaller and smaller increases in output. This is
known as the Law of Diminishing Returns.
• Both APL and MPL are declining, but since MPL is still positive, it implies that TP is still rising.
• This is the economic region, it is the ideal stage of production.
• APL continues to decline; MPL becomes negative therefore TP declines.
• This stage of production should be avoided.
Which is the ideal stage of production?
No firm will want to produce in Stage III. In this stage, further
increments of the variable input reduce output. TP can therefore be
raised by reducing the use of the variable input. In this case, MP will
become zero and eventually positive, therefore TP will increase.
= variable amount of capital,
= variable amount of labour,
Q= output
When producing a given amount of output in the LR, the firm
can choose between different production processes i.e. different
combinations of labour and capital.
These different combinations can be shown graphically using
K An input combination on an
isoquant will yield a higher level of
output than any combination that
lies below that isoquant.
Similarly, any input combination
on an isoquant will yield a lower
output than any that lies above it.
Q=80 Higher isoquants represent higher
Q=40 levels of output.
Properties of Isoquants
1. Isoquants are downward sloping to the right.
• This shows that to maintain a constant level of output, an increase in
one input must be matched by a corresponding decrease in the other
input. i.e. there is diminishing marginal rate of technical substitution.
2. Isoquants further away from origin represent higher levels of
K ∆𝐾 𝑑𝐾
𝑀𝑅𝑇𝑆 𝐿 , 𝐾 = =−
∆𝐿 𝑑𝐿
By definition:
This implies that:
Types of Isoquants
• Convex Isoquants • These have a diminishing
MRTS as you move
downward and to the right
K along the isoquant.
• This shows some degree of
substitution but inputs are
not perfect substitutes.
• Also known as a variable
Q3 proportions production
Q2 function.
Types of Isoquants
• Linear Isoquants • These represent infinite/
perfect substitution between
• i.e. one input may be
substituted for another
completely, therefore output
can be produced using only
one input.
• E.g. at point A, the firm only
uses capital in production.
Q1 Q2 Q3
Types of Isoquants
• L-Shaped Isoquants • Here inputs must be used in
fixed proportions.
• There is no substitution
between K and L, the two are
perfect complements.
• Also called a fixed
Q3 proportions production
Q2 function.
Returns to Scale
RTS tell us the proportionate change in output as inputs change.
4 workers using 1 machine harvesting 100 bags of maize.
8 workers using 2 machines harvesting 350 bags of maize.
Constant Returns to Scale (CRS)
A firm is said to experience CRS if a given increase in every input
leads to a an equal/ proportional increase in output.
i.e. Doubling the employment of all inputs causes output to also
4 workers using 1 machine harvesting 100 bags of maize.
8 workers using 2 machines harvesting 200 bags of maize.
Decreasing Returns to Scale (DRS)
A firm is said to experience DRS if a given increase in every input
leads to a less than proportional increase in output.
i.e. Doubling the employment of all inputs causes output to less
than double.
4 workers using 1 machine harvesting 100 bags of maize.
8 workers using 2 machines harvesting 150 bags of maize.
The difference between Diminishing Returns and Decreasing
Returns to Scale
•In the case of diminishing returns, we observe the effect on
output of leaving one of the inputs fixed (K), while the other
input varies (L).
•In the case of decreasing returns to scale, we observe the effect
on output of varying all inputs (K and L).
TC=Total cost
w= price of labour (wages)
r= price of capital (interest rate)
L= amount of labour employed
K= amount of capital employed.
Solving for K from equation (1),
TC/w L
The optimal input combination refers
to that combination of inputs that K
maximizes output given the costs
faced by the firm.
This occurs at input combination A as
it simultaneously lies of the isocost L
line and the highest possible isoquant
Characteristics of the Optimal Input Combination
1.Optimal input combination occurs at the point where the slope
of the isoquant is equal to the slope of the isocost line.
2.Optimal input combination must satisfy the condition that the
ratio of marginal products must be equal to the MRTSL,K.
3.From conditions (1) and (2), it must be the case that the ratio of
marginal products must be equal to the ratio of input prices.
Given the following production function for tables:
=quantity of tables produced
L= amount of labour employed
K= amount of capital employed.
If the price of capital is r, the price of labour is w and the firm’s total expenditure is TC,
i. State the firm’s optimization problem.
ii. Set up the Lagrangian function.
iii. Obtain the first order conditions for optimization.
iv. Derive the optimal combination of inputs.
i. State the firm’s optimization problem.
The firm’s problem is to:
Subject to: wL+rK=TC
Substitute equation (4) into (3):
Therefore :
Substitute equation (5) into (4) and solve for L*:
The output of a brick maker can be determined by the following production function:
B=number of bricks produced in a given period
L= amount of labour employed
K= amount of capital employed.
If the price of capital is PK, the price of labour is PL and the firm’s total expenditure is E,
i. State the firm’s optimization problem.
ii. Set up the Lagrangian function based on the information provided.
iii.Obtain the first order conditions for optimization.
iv. Derive the optimum combination of inputs.
v. If the price of capital is P20, the price of labour is P30 and the brick maker’s total expenditure on inputs in
P120, calculate the firm’s output maximizing input combination.
vi. How may bricks will the brick layer produce in a given period?
Accounting profits are measured by the difference between a firm’s revenue and explicit
Explicit costs reflect ordinary expenses such as the firm’s payroll, payments for raw
materials, depreciation of capital etc.
Economic profits are measured by the difference between a firm’s revenue and costs,
including implicit costs or opportunity costs.
Implicit costs include the costs of the resources owned and used by the firm’s owner.
Short Run Cost Functions
Cost functions show the various relationships between the costs of production and the level of output over the
short-run and the long-run.
The short-run is a time period within which the firm cannot alter the quantity of some of its inputs. Here, the
firms total costs consist of variable and fixed costs.
Since TFC do not vary with output levels, the change in TC as a result of the
change in output is the same as the change in TVC.
i.e. MC can also be calculated from TVC since the only difference between
TC and TVC is a constant.
Therefore the change in TC and the change in TVC associated with each
additional unit of output are always the same.
MC is also equal to the slopes of the TC and TVC curves at that level of
Review Question: Complete the table by calculating the TC,
TVC, TFC, AFC, AVC and the MC.
0 120 0 - - - -
10 120 20
20 120 30
30 120 50
40 120 80
50 120 130
60 120 230
70 120 380
80 120 690
Graphical Representation of the SR Average & MC Curves.
Features of the diagram
AVC initially declines with increases in output, then reaches a minimum, and
then AVC increase with output. This is due to the Law of Diminishing
ATC also declines, reaches a minimum and then rises with output. The
minimum point of the AVC occurs earlier than the minimum point of the
ATC. This is because AFC declines continuously, therefore ATC continues to
fall even after AVC has begun to rise.
AFC declines steadily as output increases since TFC do not vary with output.
The vertical distance between ATC and AVC is the AFC. This distance
approaches zero as output increases.
The Relationship Between Cost & Production
Recall that:
Since TVC are the costs associated with the variable input labour,
Where: w= price of labour and L= quantity of labour.
Equation (5) shows that there is an inverse relationship between AVC and the
APL. When APL is rising, AVC is falling and vice versa. The AVC rise as a
result of the diminishing returns to a variable input (L).
Recall that:
The change in TC in the SR is due to the change in the costs of the variable
But , TVC=wL
Assuming that wages are fixed, equation (3) becomes:
By definition,
Many buyers and sellers Many buyers and sellers Many buyers, few sellers A single seller and many
Products are Slightly differentiated Products are close
homogeneous and are products (products are substitutes No close substitutes
close substitutes substitutes) Firms have some The single firm sets the
Firms are price takers, no Firms have some influence over the price price
influence over the price influence over the price Demand curve is Demand curve is
Demand curve is Demand curve is downward sloping downward sloping
horizontal downward sloping
The cost structure of the firm is the same as before:
What’s the difference between TFC & TVC?
Since the competitive firm takes price as given, i.e. price does not
change, TR varies proportionally with output.
i.e. TR(Q)=P.Q
Where TR(Q) is a function of output.
The slope of the TR curve is the marginal revenue which is
equal to the price.
Provided the output price (P) is greater than the minimum of the AVC curve, the
firm should produce a level of output for which MR=MC* on the rising portion of
the MC curve.
Costs From the diagram:
• Point A is not the profit max level
of output even though MR=MC.
This is because it’s on the declining
MC AVC portion of the MC curve.
• The firm can still increase its
revenue by producing more
• Point B is the profit max level of
output since MR=MC and it is on
MR=P the rising portion of the MC curve.
Q* Q
Formal derivation of profit max rule for the P.C firm.
Recall that
Or simply,
In the figure above, when the firm follows the profit maximizing rule, it must
produce 260 bottles per day, because this is the quantity where P=MC.
Let’s see why any other quantity is not profit maximizing:
We have therefore established that if the firm produces less than 260 bottles per day (where
P>MC), it should increase output to increase profits. If it produces more than 260 bottles per day
(MC<P), it should reduce output to reduce losses.
This means that, the PC firm maximizes profit by producing output where P=MC, this is 260
bottles per day.
SR Supply Curve for the Competitive
Recall that:
1. P must equal MC on the rising portion of
the MC curve &,
2. P must be greater than the AVCmin,
These two conditions together define the SR
supply curve for the PC firm. It is therefore
given by the MC curve above the minimum
of the AVC.
Since we have established that the
competitive firm will not produce below the
shut down point, i.e. the minimum of the
AVC curve.
The SR supply curve shows the quantities of
goods supplied at different prices.
Short Run Competitive Equilibrium
The individual competitive firm chooses the most profitable level of output to
produce at a given market price.
The price is determined by the intersection of the market demand and market
supply curves.
Q* Q q* Q
Recall that the demand curve facing the individual competitive
firm is a horizontal line, implying that the firm can sell any
quantity of output it chooses at the market price.
Characteristics of a Monopoly
1. Single seller
• The monopolist faces the entire market demand by itself, so it sets both
the price and quantity.
• Market demand is downward sloping because higher price lower
quantity demanded.
2. There are barriers to entry-
• i.e. no freedom of entry & exit for potential competitors.
3. Price maker
• Since a monopoly is able to influence the price, it is said to have some
market power and this is reflected by a downward sloping demand
4. Product with no close substitutes
Causes of a Monopoly
1. Exclusive control over important inputs
• A single firm may have control over an input that is essential for
the production of some good.
TRmax Q
Consider a monopolist with the demand function: P=6-Q.
TR, AR and MR data will be as follows:
1 Revenue
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Output
Profit Maximization for a Monopoly
i.e what quantity of output should the monopolist produce?
For a monopolist, the monopolist can vary the price (i.e. it is not
• Since price is not fixed, the MC is also not fixed and consequently
supply is not fixed.
Let TC(Q) =50+Q2;
Economic Profit for the Monopolist i.e. P>ATC The monopolist makes
profit when P>ATC.
The firm maximizes
profit by equating
MC MR=MC at an output
level Q*.
Q* Quantity
Long Run Equilibrium for a Monopoly
In the SR, the monopolist can make economic profits or losses,
depending on the price in relation to the ATC.
Qm QC Quantity
Price discrimination is the practice of charging different prices to
different consumers for the same/similar goods.
By price discriminating, the monopolist charges each consumer
their reservation price.
Conditions Necessary for successful price discrimination
Price discrimination can only occur if certain conditions are met:
1. The firm must be able to identify the different market segments.
2. The firm must have some degree of monopoly power.
3. Different segments or sub-markets must have different price elasticities;
• In other words, consumers in the inelastic sub-market will be charged a higher price
and those in the elastic sub-market will be charged the lower price.