Session 1
Session 1
Session 1
Introduction to Unit
1. Introductions
2. How will we become a cohesive “we” and support each other’s learning?
4. MBS662—big picture
5. Assignments
Teaching Team
Session recordings from 2022 have been edited down for use by external students in 2023
• A humanist in existential angst over the global problems we are not solving
• Does everyone know how to use the SharePoint tools (TEAMs meetings and chat, cloud storage) through their
Murdoch University student login?
• Would you like a regular TEAMs meeting for a half hour each week on current events, to explore ideas, or to
answer questions? A casual get together? Maybe a Shut Up and Write session? Writing tips? Other tips (video
editing, referencing, Endnote)?
We could communicate, collaborate…
• In this unit, engaging with ideas and the people CRITICALLY is key
• What are your strengths as a critical thinker and what would you like to work on?
If you find that fascinating…
Daniel Kahneman, 2011. Thinking Fast and Slow. Penguin Books.
Winner of the Nobel Prize, Kahneman writes engagingly and with reference to studies,
about our “fast and slow” or system 1 and system 2 ways of thinking, and how it affects our
judgment and decisions, and our lives.
Patrick Stokes, 5 October 2012. No, you’re not entitled to your opinion. The Conversation.
Stokes is a lecturer in Philosophy at Deakin University, and The Conversation is my
favourite place to find informed articles and analysis of news (you can subscribe for free).
“The problem with ‘I’m entitled to my opinion’ is that…. this attitude feeds, I suggest, into the false equivalence
between experts and non-experts that is an increasingly pernicious feature of our public discourse.”
News and information?
• From where, and from whom, do you get your information about the world?
• How do you apply critical thinking to filtering, assessing, and analysing information in
your environment?
• How does this become knowledge? What do you “know” and how do you know you
know it?
Introducing the SDGs
Sustainable Development Goals
• What have been some of the effects of COVID-19 on global conditions, in the
context of this unit?
• How might this experience have affected our capacity to create system change,
and shift to a more sustainable economy that works for people and the planet?
We need to turn the recovery into a real opportunity to do things right for the future.
—UN Secretary-General António Guterres
2019 Global Climate Strikes
Reports of a virus in China
Prepare and participate Read and refer to the Unit Guide (LMS)
Debate and discuss, ask questions Be clear on assignment expectations
Keep up each week Submit by due dates
It is YOUR learning
• LMS pre-session, session, and post-session
• Each other
A critical reflection of between 800 and 1000 words about your learning in MBS662
• Start now and keep going each week (this work will be invaluable)
• Complete pre-session LMS activities on the Learning Tool
• Write a reflection after each session (150–250 words)
• Two weeks before the due date, your lecturer will specify two sessions for you to discuss in particular, though
reflect on your development in critical thinking across the whole unit
• Do not try to cover every topic, but do make connections between multiple topics
• Do not summarise the course, apply concepts from the course to illustrate and explain your learning*
• References, parsimony
• More information?
*audience awareness
Assignment 2 Individual Report (30%)
A report for a mid-size business to outline what the Ten Principles mean for them (2500–3000 words)
• Use a report format (see pdf on LMS)
• Only use publicly available information
• Start now
• Form your group (tell me who is in it)
• Choose which goal and context you want to focus on, so you can choose related businesses
• Prepare a group behavioural contract (work out and agree how you will work together)
• Only use publicly available information, don’t interview people, or film on private property
• Each member of the group should appear in the video in an identifiable way
• Included a written submission which ADDS VALUE (1000 words); not a transcript
For example:
• Monica attended all meetings, did online research and prepared her own script, organised
meetings and kept notes
• Koichi attended all meetings, did online research, prepared original diagrams and
modified and used a script developed by Jo
• Jo attended 9/10 meetings, prepared the script base for Koichi and Hank, did online
research, and edited the final version with Hank
• Hank attended 7/10 meetings, did online research, modified and used a script developed
by Jo, did most of the filming and edited the final version with Jo
Take-Home Exam (30%)
• If you engage consistently with the unit resources and discussion, you will be fine
• MBS662 aims to develop your capacity to think critically about complex situations
• • Extensions
murdoch-academic-passport • Penalties for late assignments
• Referencing
• Library citation guide
• Your original work
• Academic misconduct
• Ouriginal
Getting help
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