Micturating Cysto Urethrogram
Micturating Cysto Urethrogram
Micturating Cysto Urethrogram
• Injection of CM retrograde.
The interior of the prostatic urethra: On the posterior wall of the prostatic
urethra there are:
Urethral crest: A longitudinal ridge.
Seminal colliculus/Verumontanum:
An enlargement of the urethral crest. (act as a normal filling defect on RGU)
Prostatic sinus:
The groove on either side of the seminal colliculus.
Prostatic utricle:A small opening on the midline of the seminal colliculus.
Opening of the ejaculatory duct: One on either side of the prostatic utricle
Sphincters of urethra
◦ Internal urethral sphincter ◦ External urethral sphincter
◦ Involuntary in nature ◦ Voluntary in nature.
◦ It controls the neck of the bladder ◦ Controls the membrenous urethra
and prostatic urethra above the and is responsible for voluntary
opening of the ejaculatory duct. holding of urine.
• Vesicoureteric reflux
• Posterior urethral valve
• Study of urethra during micturition
• Abnormalities of urinary bladder. Eg: Diverticula, Fistula, Sinus, Cystitis.
• Asses the integrity or ability of the urinary bladder to contract following
trauma or surgery.
• Stress incontinence in women.
◦ Acute UTI.
Contrast media
◦ HOCM or LOCM, non irritant,non ionic ,water soluble contrast media like
Iopamiro is used.
◦ Strength: 150 mg/ml
◦ Amount :150-200ml. 250 ml in patient with vesical fistula, 100-150 ml in post
operative patient like radical prostectomy,cystectomy with preservation of
sphincter or reconstruction of bladder.
◦ Fluroscopy unit with spot film device.
◦ 10 FR foleys catheter. In infant 5-7F feeding tube is edequate.
◦ Xylocain gel.
Patient preparation
◦ Take written consent.
◦ Describe the procedure.
◦ Ask the patient to micturate prior to examination.
Patient lies supine on the x-ray table.
With aseptic precaution, a catheter lubricates with xylocain gel ,then catheter
introduced into the bladder.
Residual urine is drained
Diluted contrast media is slowly introduced and bladder filling is monitored by
intermittent fluroscopy.
Catheter is removed when patient desires to micturate.
In children catheter remains in situ. When micturation commences ,it is
quickly withdrawn.
Older children and adult are given urine receiver, spontaneous
micturation is viewed fluroscopically and films are taken in erect
Rarely patient may experience urinary retention. In that case patient is advised to micturate in warm
If reflux is demonstrated and patient is not receiving any antibiotic ,then prescribe it.
1. Due to contrast media:
Adverse reaction may result from absorption of CM by the bladder mucosa.
CM induced cystitis.
2. Due to technique:
Acute UTI.
Catheter trauma may produce dysuria, frequency,haematuria and retention of urine
Perforation of urinary bladder from