TEYL-C Group 2
TEYL-C Group 2
TEYL-C Group 2
able to for
analyze and manipulate YLs
than directly (Cameron 2001). Pinter (2017, p. 167) clarifies: learners are not yet
language in an abstract way. They are learning by
understanding meaningful messages. For example, in a song children will not
understand every word but they will have an idea about what they are singing.
Accordingly, YLs need to be provided with extensive and continuous exposure to
language contextualized in meaningful and enjoyable ways (Cameron 2001;
Pinter 2011). They also need to be encouraged to communicate through
purposeful, real here-and-now experiences. Arnold (2016) has suggested in this
regard that listening can be made more comprehensible by using exaggerated
intonation to hold the child’s attention, emphasizing key words, presenting the
topics that are familiar to the child, repeating and paraphrasing frequently, and
keeping sentences short and grammatically simple.
Secondly, YLs have short attention spans (Cameron 2001; Brewster et
al. 2002; Slattery and Willis 2001), and they are not capable of focusing
on one task for long periods of time. Therefore, they need variety in
listening and speaking tasks. It is essential that such tasks be short,
varied, motivating and interesting, and that, in line with Butler (2005),
teachers mediate and offer concrete support.
In addition, YLs are active and they need physical movement
in the classroom due to their high levels of energy (Brewster
et al. 2002). As they enjoy learning through playing, acting,
making and doing (Slattery and Willis 2001), these
characteristics of YLs can be exploited through Asher’s TPR
method (Asher 2009).
Another characteristic of YLs is their ability to learn through
repetition and to imitate the sounds of the target language
(Slattery and Willis 2001). Listening to stories, songs
and rhymes is specifically recommended for children to
become aware of the rhythm, intonation and pronunciation of
language (Brewster et al. 2002). Teachers can use such
listening materials as a source of input to develop a speaking
activity. For example, children can take the roles of characters
in the songs and stories or they can recreate the activity in an
activity corner (see Mourão 2014).
Tasks Listen and do
Communication is two ways, and it can be
easily understood by looking at the pupil
whether they have received the massages
or not, focusing on the use of physical
activity is a useful approach for YLs, who
listen to their teacher’s instructions
generally in the form of commands and
then follow.
Listening Listen and
Tasks Repeat
'Listen and repeat' exercises are great fun and
give the pupils a chance to get a feel for the
language: the sounds, the stress and rhyme and
the intonation. When performed in combination
with movements, objects or pictures, chants,
songs and story refrains, they help learners to
establish a link between words and meaning
(Scott and Ytreberg 1990).
Listening Listen and
Tasks Draw
'Listen and draw' is favorite type of listening
activity in almost all classes. In this activity the
teacher tells the other to draw. For example: