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Introduction To Animal Genetics Breeding

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Dr K G Mandal
Univ. Professor
Department of Animal Genetics & Breeding
Bihar Veterinary College, Patna
Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna
Introduction to Animal Genetics &

PAPER UNIT Broad Headings

Paper – I UNIT - 1 1. Biostatistics
2. Computer Application
UNIT – 2 1. Principles of Animal Genetics
2. Principles of Population Genetics
Paper - II UNIT – 3 1. Principles of Animal Breeding
(a) Livestock & Poultry Breeding
(b) Breeding of pet, zoo and wild
• What is genetics?
• How the characters are inherited from
parents to progeny?
• How the offspring resemble the
• How a man produce a child and how a
cow produce only a calf not lamb or kid?
• Why there is variation from individual
to individual, among offspring of the
same parents?
• How the principles of genetics and
population genetics can be applied for
genetic improvement of farm animals and
• How molecular genetics can be applied
for genetic improvement of farm animals?
• What is statistics?
• How the various statistical methods can
be applied to solve the problems of animal
Glorious Journey of Indian Dairy Sector
• India the largest milk producing country in
the world.
• It produces 21% of world milk production.
• The overall growth rate of milk production
is 6.5% for the year 2018 – 19.
• Total milk produced in 2018 – 19 is 187m
• By 2033 – 34, country’s milk production
will be 330 m tones (NITI Ayog).
Year Milk Production Per capita
(million tons) availability (g )
1950 - 51 17.0
1970 – 71 22.0
1990 – 91 53.9
2000 - 01 80.69
2011 - 12 128.4
2012 – 13 134.0 307
2015 - 16 155.4
2018 – 19 187.7 394
Types of characters/traits:
1. Qualitative traits
2. Quantitative traits
(a).Biometric traits
(b). Econometric traits
(c). Polygenic traits
Economic traits:
1. Cattle and buffalo
i) milk production
ii) fat %
iii) LMY (Lactation Milk Yield)
iv) ADMY (Average daily milk yield)
v) ASM (Age at sexual maturity)
vi) CI (calving interval)
vii) Dry period, viii) Service period
ix) Life time production, etc.
• A crossbred cow should produce one calf
in 13 to 14 months interval to make the
dairy enterprise profitable.
• An indigenous dairy cow should produce
one calf in every 14 to 15 months interval.
• A buffalo cow should produce one calf in
every 15 – 16 months interval.
All the economic traits should be
improved, but how?
2. Sheep
- Fine wool production
- Medium wool production
- Long wool production
- Fine carpet wool production
- Good quality mutton production
- To increase lambing size
How to improve the quality and quantity?
How to increase the lambing size?
3. Goat
- Milk and meat (chievon)
- Only for meat
- Skin and hides
- Pashmina and mohair
- kidding size
4. Poultry
- Layer for egg production
- Broiler for meat production
- Moderate no. of eggs and meat prodn
1. To study the Principles of Genetics and Animal
Genetics in particular.
2. To study the Principles of Population Genetics
and Quantitative Genetics.
3. To study the Principles of Selection.
4. To study the Principles of Animal Breeding and
Poultry Breeding.
5. To study the Biostatistics and computer
application for better understanding of the
6. To increase the genetic potentiality of livestock
and birds species. Continued ………
Continued …..

Genetic improvement of livestock and birds

species through the application of principles
of genetics, and population genetics in
particular, along with biometric techniques is
the ultimate objective of the study of Animal
Genetics and Breeding.
Books Referred:
Sl. No. Title of books Authors Publication
A. Biostatistics
1. Statistical Methods Dr S P Gupta Sultan Chand & Sons
2. Statistical Methods Snedecor & Cochran Oxford & IBH Pub. Co.
3. Biostatistics P. N. Arora & PK Himalaya Pub. House
4. Statistical Methods for SK Pillai & HC Sinha Ram Prasad & Sons,
Biological Workers Agra
B. Genetics

1. Principles of Genetics Sinnott, Dunn & TMH Pub. Co. Ltd.

2. Principles of Genetics Gardner & Snustad
3. Genetics Strickberger Macmillan
Sl. Title of books Authors Publication
C. Population Genetics
1. Introduction to DS Falconer Longman, London
quantitative Genetics
2. Population Genetics (I & SS Tomar I.Universal Publica.
II) II. Kalyani Pub.
D. Animal Breeding
1. Anima Breeding Warwicks &
2. Animal Breeding SS Tomar Kalyani Publishers
3 Hand Book of Animal ICAR, Newdelhi ICAR, Newdelhi
E. Basic Computer Science Any author
Thank You

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