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ICT 4 Lecture++

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Lecture #4

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,
Associate Professor
Content of lecture

1. Human-computer interaction. Ergonomics

2. User-friendly interface. Usability of interfaces and

components of computer systems
1. Human-computer interaction. Ergonomics
Human-computer interaction (HCI) is a relatively new science that includes study, planning and development of
interaction between people (users) and computers.
Often, it is regarded as a blend of computer science, behavioral science, engineering, and other sciences.

Goal is to bring the power of computers and

communications systems to people in ways and forms
that are both accessible and useful in our working,
learning, communicating, and recreational lives
Why do human-computer interaction?
Тo enable us to design interactive products to support
people in their everyday and working lives.
1. Human-computer interaction. Ergonomics
Good design involves understanding how users interact with computers, and enabling
them to do so effectively
Develop usable products:
– easy to learn;
– effective to use;
– provide an enjoyable experience;
– easy to remember how to use;
– efficient to use;
– safe to use;
– enjoyable to use
1. Human-computer interaction. Ergonomics
Excellence in HCI is important for several reasons:
1. Quality of life
2. National competitiveness
3. Growth of the computer and communications industries
4. National security
Excellence in HCI. Quality of life
Important applications of computers in medicine are possible only if they are both
useful and easy to use by doctors, nurses, and aides.

Use of computers in education requires that they be both

useful and easy to use by students and teachers.

Computers can assist disabled individuals; at the same time,

special techniques are needed to allow computers to be used
by some who are disabled.
Excellence in HCI.
National competitiveness. Growth of the computer and
communications industries.
Information technology is one of the drivers for increased
productivity. As more and more workers use computers in their
jobs, training time and ease-of-use issues become economically
more and more important.
Growth of the computer and communications industries.
Powerful, interesting, and usable applications are the fuel for
continuing growth of these industries. The current growth cycle
is the direct consequence of the graphical user interface
developed by Xerox and commercialized by Apple and Microsoft,
and of the lower computer costs made possible by the
microprocessor. The resulting mass market supports commodity
pricing for both hardware and software. Future growth cycles
will in part be driven by current HCI research, which will lead to
new applications that are increasingly easy to use.
Excellence in HCI. National security
Computer-based command, control, communications, and intelligence systems are at the heart of
our military infrastructure. Interfaces between operators and computers are found in cockpits, on
the bridge, and in the field. To be effective, these systems must have high-quality human-
computer interfaces.
Differences between Human, Computer,
Interface, Interaction
a person who tries to accomplish a goal
the end-user
the member of an organization
runs applications (software)
A point where two objects meet
A point where human can tell the computer what to do
A point where the computer displays the requested information
“dialogue” between humans and computers
1. Human-computer interaction. Ergonomics
User Experience UX
User experience is the totality of the effect or effects felt by a user as a
result of interaction with, and the usage context of, a system, device, or
product, including the influence of usability, usefulness, and emotional
impact during interaction, and savoring the memory after interaction.
What is a prototype?
A prototype is an early sample, model, or release of a product built to
test a concept or process.
Different kinds of prototyping:
- Low fidelity
- High fidelity
Low fidelity
- Uses a medium which is unlike the final medium, e.g. paper, cardboard
- Is quick, cheap, and easily changed
Types of Prototype and their Usage:
1. A film (movie) prototype Here a prototype is made using video just to show others the idea in a graphical/visual format.
2. Feasibility Prototype This type of prototype is usually developed to determine the feasibility of various solutions. It is applied to the resolve technical
risks attached to the development in terms of performance, compatibility of components etc.
3. Horizontal Prototype This is the user interface in the form of screenshots, demonstrating the outer layer of the human interface only, such as
windows, menus, and screens. The prototype is used to clarify the scope and requirements of the product.
4. Rapid Prototype The rapid prototyping technique is used to quickly engineer an initial model of a product using a three-dimensional computer-aided
design when you want to produce something in a short span.
5. Simulations Simulation prototype is digitally creating of a physical product to predict the performance of the product in the real world.
6. Storyboard A storyboard describes a product in a form of a story and demonstrates a typical order in which information needs to be presented. It
helps in determining useable sequences for presenting information
7. Vertical Prototype A vertical prototype is the back end of a product like a database generation to test front end. It used to improve database design,
test key components at early stages or showcase a working model, though unfinished, to check the key functions.
8. Wireframe This is a skeleton a product. Depicted in the form of illustrations or schematics that capture an aspect of design such as an idea, layout,
form, architecture or sequence.
9. Animations These are images drawn and put in a sequence that walks you through the proposed 3D structure of the product/solution.
10. Mock-up This is with no functionalities, just to get overall visual of the product. It is an unpolished version of the product with no active features.
Physical aspects of interfaces

Study of the physical characteristics of interaction also known as human factors – but this can also be
used to mean much of HCI!
Ergonomics good at defining standards and guidelines for constraining the way we design certain
aspects of systems
Let’s consider example of Ergonomics
health issues - e.g. physical position, environmental conditions (temperature, humidity), lighting, noise
use of color - e.g. use of red for warning, green for okay, awareness of color-blindness etc.
2. User-friendly interface. Usability of interfaces
User Interface The human-computer interface is a communications channel between the user
and the computer. The interface includes both physical and conceptual components.
PHYSICAL COMPONENTS include input devices such as keyboards, mice, touch panels, joy sticks,
speech recognizers, eye trackers, and data gloves; and output devices such as visual displays and
sound or speech synthesizers. CONCEPTUAL COMPONENTS include selection methods such as
command languages, menus, or direct manipulation; and representation schemes such as screen
layout and graphic/text mixes.
2. User-friendly interface. Usability of interfaces
User-friendly interface describes a hardware device or software interface that is easy
to use.
Simple. A user-friendly interface is not overly complex, but instead is straightforward,
providing quick access to common features or commands.
Clean. A good user interface is well-organized, making it easy to locate different tools
and options.
Intuitive. In order to be user-friendly, an interface must be making sense to the
average user and should require minimal explanation for how to use it.
Reliable. An unreliable product is not user-friendly, since it will cause undue frustration
for the user. A user-friendly product is reliable and does not malfunction or crash.
2. User-friendly interface. Usability and Usefulness
The pragmatic component of user experience, including effectiveness, efficiency, productivity, ease-
of-use, learnability, retainability, and the pragmatic aspects of user satisfaction.
Usefulness is the component of the UX to which system functionally gives the ability to use the
system or product to accomplish the goals of work (or play).
Types of interfaces:
Command Line Interface (CLI)
Menu Driven Interface
Graphical User Interface (GUI)
Natural Language Interface
2. User-friendly interface. Command Line Interface
A CLI (command line interface) is a user interface to a computer's operating system or an
application in which the user responds to a visual prompt by typing in a command on a
specified line, receives a response back from the system, and then enters another command,
and so forth.
Very flexible with the use of “switches” (options)
Good for “expert” users - can quickly access commands
Uses the fewest system resources
Requires the user to learn “complex” commands or language
“Hidden” features i.e. If the command is unknown, we cannot make use of that feature
Not very good for novice users
2. User-friendly interface. Menu Driven Interface
A menu-driven interface is, simply, an easier way of navigating the devices and programs
we interact with daily.
No need to learn complex commands/language
Easier for a novice to learn/use
Ideal when there are a limited number of options (efficient)
Can be frustrating for experienced users i.e. the command they want to use is buried 5
levels deep.
User interface may be limited by screen space and number of options available.
2. User-friendly interface. Graphical User Interface
GUI is a program interface that takes advantage of the computer's graphics capabilities to make
the program easier to use.
Most users suitable interface for inexperienced or novice
Many generic packages for a GUI will share common features
GUIs use more system resources than other types of interface
2. User-friendly interface. Natural Language Interface
Natural-language user interface (LUI or NLUI) is a type of computer human interface where linguistic phenomena such as
verbs, phrases and clauses act as UI controls for creating, selecting and modifying data in software applications.
No training required
Can be quicker than keyboard entry
Can be used by the disabled
Emerging technology – still contains “bugs”
Difficulty in dealing with homonyms
Difficult to recognize all the different ways of saying things (and regional dialects)
Artificial languages are often more precise
Three main stages of the user interface design:
The first user research: - The goal is to define who
the customers of your product are and how they
are going to use it.
At this point, you should explore:
User’s needs, challenges, and problems;
User types, their experience, level of knowledge
and skills;
What activities they can do using your system.
Three main stages of the user interface
The second is Design and Prototyping A good way is to start from the simple
sketches and low-fidelity wireframes and to continue with high-fidelity
wireframes, mockups, and prototypes.
A wireframe is a sketch of the system to be built. Wireframes should clarify
exactly what elements realize the different features on all pages or screens of
a future product but without full details. The actual screen design will be
produced at a later stage by referencing the wireframe. The mockup model
demonstrates all the graphics, typography, colors, and other page elements.
Mockups are generally just images.
And the last is the evaluation should be included in all stages of the design
process. Its major purpose e is to assess the quality of design, analyze how it
fits users, meets their needs.
Three main stages of the user interface
User-centered design (UCD) is an iterative design
process in which designers focus on the users and
their needs in each phase of the design process.
In user-centered design, designers use a mixture of
investigative methods and tools (e.g., surveys and
interviews) and generative ones (e.g., brainstorming)
to develop an understanding of user needs.
2. User-friendly interface. Interface Testing:
Usability testing - This can be seen as an irreplaceable usability practice, since it
gives direct input on how real users use the system.
It is more concerned with the design intuitiveness of the product and tested with
users who have no prior exposure to it.
Such testing is paramount to the success of an end product as a fully functioning
app that creates confusion amongst its users will not last for long.
This is in contrast with usability inspection methods where experts use different
methods to evaluate a user interface without involving users.
2. User-friendly interface. Usability inspection
Usability inspection can generally be used early in the development process by
evaluating prototypes or specifications for the system that can't be tested on users.
Usability inspection methods are generally considered to be cheaper to implement than
testing on users.
Usability inspection methods include:
Cognitive walkthrough (task-specific)
Heuristic evaluation (holistic)
Pluralistic walkthrough
Thank you for your attention

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