PM Template - Customer Journey Map
PM Template - Customer Journey Map
PM Template - Customer Journey Map
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Start thinking about…
1. Touchpoints
2. Actions
3. Thought
4. Feelings
5. Paint points
Define Stage Are you mapping a currently existing journey, or potential future one?
6. Opportunities
Customer Every user will have a different journey. Choose one persona to focus on and dive deep into
persona their specific experience of your product.
What aspect of your product are you focusing on? You can go big or get granular. On one
Scope &
hand, you can map out the customer lifecycle journey. On the other, you can map out the
use of a specific feature or moment within the overall product use.
All of the moments a customer directly interacts with your company or product.
What actions does the customer take in these interactions?
What thoughts does the customer have before, during, after?
Use a scale or use one word to describe the user’s emotional state.
Pain points
What are problems and annoyances the user experiences?
Pain points
Action or Touchpoint Map
Phase 1
Phase 2
Gain point
An outline of customer actions or interactions with your product (actions or touchpoints depending on scope of the Pain point
journey. Longer journeys can use touchpoints, shorter journeys will tend to use actions)
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First time ride call in ridesharing app
Give context
Start thinking about…
1. Touchpoints
2. Actions
3. Thought
4. Feelings
5. Paint points
Define Stage Currently existing journey
6. Opportunities
Customer A person calling a ride through your app for the first time to see how it compares with a
persona competitor’s
Scope &
Small scope. Just the few minutes, covering account setup and first call
First time ride call in ridesharing app
Account setup Account setup Account setup Call ride Call ride
Feelings (1-5) 2 2 1 3 4
Persona: Customer familiar with rideshare apps, trying yours for the Account setup
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