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Field Work Knowledge Organiser

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Human Fieldwork Question: “The regeneration of Salford Quays has been an environmental success”

Reasons for Links to our study of Manchester as a changing major UK city (Salford is part of Greater Manchester).
selecting this Within an hour’s drive of school so we can do a day trip.
study location The area has been regenerated and changed from a deindustrialised port to a cultural and media hub, with
an agglomeration of related industries there e.g ITV, BBC etc.

Primary Data Data type: Quantitative Data type: Quantitative Data type: Qualitative (includes an
Collection old photo as secondary data)

Method name: 1. Environmental Quality Survey 2. Land Use Tally Survey 3. Annotated Field Sketch to compare
with an annotated photograph

Links to geography This will allow us to compare the This will allow us to compare the This uses geographical skills of
theory / topics: quality of the environment in types and variety of land use in annotation with arrows and field
regenerated areas, with areas which regenerated areas, with areas sketching
have not been regenerated. which have not been regenerated.

Location: One survey at 5 sites around Salford One survey 5 sites around Salford One survey outside the Imperial
Quays Quays War Museum (site 5 looking back
towards site 2 Media City)

Sampling Method: Stratified sampling – deliberately Stratified sampling – deliberately Stratified sampling – deliberately
chosen sites (introduces bias) which chosen sites (introduces bias) chosen site (introduces bias) which
cover the different areas of Salford. which cover the different areas of compares with a historic photo of
Visit each site and tick the quality of Salford. Visit each site and tally the same viewpoint.
the environment score (5 is best, 1 is count the number of buildings Draw the main features of the
worst) over 10 categories, based on which fit into the 10 categories, landscape and add labels to
your own judgement of what can be based on your own judgement of describe the changes which have
seen there. Calculate a total score out what is located at that site. happened in regeneration.
of a maximum of 50. Calculate a total count for each
type of building.

Sample Size: One survey at all 5 sites One survey at all 5 sites One survey at site 5.

Risk factors: Traffic - accident Falling into the Quays and drowning Mugging

Action taken: Use crossings and stay with teacher, Do not lean over railings or push Keep your valuables safely out of
cross roads with caution. each other / run around sight and only go to areas told to.
Data Method: 1. Environmental Quality Survey Method: 2. Land Use Tally Survey Method: 3. Annotated Field Sketch to compare
Presentation with an annotated photograph
What Environmental Quality Survey Map Land Use Map Fieldsketch of the same view as a historic photo,
techniques Radar charts located on a map of the 5 sites Pie charts located on a map of the 5 sites annotated to show environmental changes
were used?
Why was this The larger the shape for the radar chart – the better the The pie charts will show how the types and variety of land We did a drawing with annotations to describe
effective? environmental quality. It makes it easy to see which sites use differs in the more regenerated areas versus the non- how Salford Quays has changed from Salford
are the regenerated parts of Salford. This can be compared with Docks. The annotations can be compared to our
best. This can be compared with the types of land use the environmental quality map. observations on the historic photo. It makes it
we saw there to see if the environmental quality is easy to see how regeneration has changed the
better in regenerated areas. built environment of the area.

Description of My environmental quality survey showed that sites 1,2 and My land use tally survey showed that sites 1 and 2 had the My annotated fieldsketch showed regeneration such
results 5 had the highest quality with scores over 40 out of 50. greatest variety of land use. as the removal of old dock warehouses and port
facilities, and their replacement with entertainment
venues like the Lowry and bars, cultural venues like
the Imperial War Museum North, and lots of
accommodation and media buildings e.g. BBC.

Conclusion This is because these are located in the centre of Salford This is because these are located between the Lowry Outlet The fieldsketch supports our findings that there
from each Quays where most of the regeneration investment has been and Gallery, and in the heart of Media City. These areas have regeneration has been an environmental success
method spent. This shows that regeneration has been an seen the most improvement in the quality of the built because the built environment has improved as it is
environmental success. environment, reflected by the variety of land use there. not derelict and polluted, but tidy and thriving.

Overall Overall I have found that regeneration has been an environmental success to a large extent. My environmental quality surveys showed that sites 1,2 and 5 had the highest quality.. This
conclusion is because these are located in the heart of the media and cultural hub. This shows that the quality of the environment is best in the regenerated areas. These areas also had the
greatest variety of land use, which shows that the regeneration has vastly improved this once derelict defunct port.. This is further supported by fieldsketch which illustrated an
improved environment because it shows how the built environment has been dramatically transformed and improved through regeneration e.g. the BBC, the Lowry, apartments etc.

Evaluation Method: 1. Environmental Quality Survey Method: 2. Land Use Tally Survey Method: 3. Annotated Field Sketch to compare with
an annotated photograph

Problem(s) We did stratified sampling at only 5 sites – our choice of We do not really know how many of each type of land use The photograph shows Salford Quays in the 1950s
with method sites was biased as they are mostly in the regenerated there was because we only wrote what it appeared to be when it was a successful port, rather than when it
area. It is also biased as it is our own opinion only. used for – we didn’t go and look properly. was deindustrialized. Also, we may not have known
how each building was used, so our fieldsketch may
be inaccurate.

Impact it had By visiting the most regenerated areas, we did not see if the For example at site 1, we did not count exactly how many We cannot be sure how much change in the
on your results rest of Salford Quays has actually benefitted from the shops there were in the Lowry Outlet. environment has happened since the closure of the
and conclusion changes. The results generally show high environmental There may have been some results missed if we couldn’t tell docks and the regeneration, so we do not know
reached quality e.g. scores of ____ at site ___, etc. This means we what exactly a building was for from the outside. This means exactly how much the environment has improved.
cannot be sure if our conclusion is accurate. we can’t be sure if the conclusion is accurate.

Improvement We could have sampled more sites across a wider area of We could have done a land use map instead, by using a We would have been better comparing our
to method to Salford Quays e.g. around residential areas and in the building outline map and we should have asked what each fieldsketch with a 1980s photograph of when it was
gain more valid industrial areas too. Alternatively be could have asked 5 building was for if we were unsure. deindustrialized, so we can conclude more accurately
results and people their opinion and taken an average to remove the This would make our conclusion more reliable as we would about how much the environment has improved.
conclusions bias that comes from it all being our own opinion. have more accurate results. Also, we may not have known how each building was
This would make our conclusion more accurate. used.
Physical Fieldwork Question: How effective is coastal management in Cleveleys?
Reasons for selecting this Cleveleys is in the North West so it is near enough to THS to do a day visit.
study location It experiences longshore drift and a variety of coastal defences are used there e.g. groynes, sea walls. It is a
place where the coastal defences are easily accessible.

Primary Data Collection Quantitative Data Qualitative Data Qualitative Data

Method name: 1. Height difference between 2 2. Bipolar survey of coastal 3. Resident/tourist questionnaire
sides of a groyne. management at Cleveleys
Links to geography To test if LSD is still moving sand To provide qualitative data about To look at how tourism may have
theory / topics: Northwards. We are looking for a the coastal management strategies been affected by the management
difference in the amount of sand To enable us to compare the strategies as this may affect how
deposited on either side of the different management strategies ‘effective’ we can say they are
groyne. To see if the groynes are and evaluate their effectiveness in Some people find hard engineering
an effective form of coastal our opinion. expensive and ugly.
management – are they stopping
LSD or just slowing it down?

Sampling Method: Choose one groyne to study at My opinion on three management Members of the public on the
Cleveleys. Use a metre ruler to strategies. The new sea wall streets are chosen at random and
measure the difference between ‘spanish steps’, the groynes and asked the 4 questions.
the height of the sand and the top the old sea wall are to be scored To gain the opinions of both
of the groyne on BOTH sides (north on eight criteria e.g. ugly/visually tourists and residents on the
and south facing). At five metre appealing. The score ranges from effectiveness of the coastal
intervals, measuring from the high -2 to +2. I will tick the scores for all management at Cleveleys.
water mark using a tape measure. three management strategies.

Sample Size: One groyne Three surveys (3 hard engineering) I will aim to speak to at least 5
people. Our school spoke to 440
people. 246 Residents 194 Tourists.

Risk factors: Drowning Tripping/falling on Spanish steps Stranger danger / abduction / theft
Action taken: Check tide times before the trip, Do not walk down them unless Stay in groups of no fewer than 3
only go on the beach to measure told to do so, do so carefully, tie students. Stay on the main
at low tide, not at any other time. shoelaces, do not push etc. shopping street. Do not stray away.
Data Groyne sediment height Bi-Polar survey Questionnaire

What techniques Bar graph of the sediment height along the groyne. For each Bipolar evaluation bar graphs of the surveys of Pie, radar and bar charts in Excel .
were used? of your survey points along the groyne we are going to plot the 3 sea defences. Bar graphs were drawn by a) A pie chart with % values for q 1
two bar charts, one for the north side and one for the south hand. This survey is an example of qualitative b) A radar chart for q 2 and 3
side. You are going to plot the graphs either side of an aerial data as it is opinion based. We produced 3 of c) A bar or column chart for q 4
drawing (to scale) of the groyne. these graphs to show the results from all 3 sea
Why was this We can easily see which side of the groyne has more We can see which defences scored more a) Pie charts are good for discrete % data (as there
effective? sediment (because it has been moved there by LSD). This will positive (+) and which were more negative (-). are 2 categories – residents or tourists)
be the side with the smaller height difference. This will help This will help us decide if all of the sea b) Radar charts show clearly how the results are
us decide if the sea defences are effective in Cleveleys defences are effective in Cleveleys as we can skewed towards a particular opinion.
because they trap sand and create a wider beach. easily see from the graphs which methods are c) Bar charts are good for showing quantities in
the best/had the most positive scores. different discrete categories e.g. q4 walking, leisure

Description of The graphs for the SOUTH side show there was more The bi- polar survey showed that the a) We spoke to more residents than tourists
results sediment here as there was less of a height difference Spanish Steps were the most effective sea b) Most people said that the sea defences
from the beach level to the top of the groyne. There is defence. They had the most positive were very effective in protecting Cleveleys
more sediment on this side because LONG SHORE score. The wooden groynes and the old (score 8 was the mode). Also most people
DRIFT is carrying sand in a NORTH direction , but the sea wall did not score as well. said that the sea defences were beneficial to
groyne has STOPPED it moving. However on the tourism (score 8 was the mode).
NORTH side there is a larger height difference because c) The beach is most commonly used for
the sea has still been able to CARRY it away. leisure.
Conclusion The groynes are a partially effective method of coastal The most effective sea defence is the The people in Cleveleys (mostly residents) think
from each management as they stop some sand movement, on Spanish steps. The wooden groynes and that coastal management is very effective.
method the south facing side but it is still carried away on the the old sea wall are less effective.
North side by longshore drift.
Overall Coastal management in Cleveleys is very effective. The most effective sea defence is the Spanish steps. The groynes are a partially effective management
conclusion strategy.
Evaluation: Limited sample size of 1 groyne used It is all our own opinion (biased) and we Time of year – we visited in the middle of a
Problem(s) with may have different opinions to the working day
method residents who live there.
Evaluation: Means we don’t know if the groyne we measured is We only saw the sea defences at low tide We spoke to more residents than tourists, and
Impact it had representative of others on the beach. We cannot be and in good weather. The residents see many students did not record which type of
on results and sure that all groynes have been effective in partially them in other conditions and would make person they were asking Q2-4 (as R/T) so we
conclusion stopping longshore drift. a better judgement of their effectiveness. can’t see if there is a difference in their opinions.
Evaluation: The school groups worked on 4 groynes – we could We could have either asked the residents If we visited at the weekend or in the holidays
Improvement to have shared results from each teacher’s group, taken for their opinions on each sea defence we would get a more varied opinion as more
method for an average and got a more reliable conclusion about and taken an average score, or we could tourists would be there. Perhaps we could have
valid results and how effective the groynes are in reducing longshore have worked in groups e.g. of 5 to remove had separate questionnaire recording sheets for
conclusions drift. the individual opinion bias. the opinion of the residents and the tourists.

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