A 20-Year-Old Female With Bloody Diarrhoea
A 20-Year-Old Female With Bloody Diarrhoea
A 20-Year-Old Female With Bloody Diarrhoea
Bloody Diarrhoea
Presented by
Dr. Samiun Fateeha
Intern Doctor
Shaheed Tajuddin Ahmad Medical College Hospital
Particulars of The
Name Ms. Joti
Age 20yr
Sex Female
Marital Status Unmarried
Address Bhabanipur, Gazipur
Religion Islam
Occupation Student
Date of Admission 12/10/23
Date of Examination 12/10/23
• Recurrent bouts of loose stool mixed with blood and mucus for 1 month
She also complained abdominal pain for 1 month which was around umbilicus, dull
in nature, mild to moderate in intensity, no radiation, persisting for about half an
hour, not related to food intake, sometimes relieved by defecation. These symptoms
persist for about 5 to 6 days and there was no nocturnal episodes.
History of Present Illness (contd.)
• No history of radiotherapy
She lives in brick-made house, drinks arsenic free tube well water.
She was immunized as per EPI schedule and took three doses of COVID-
19 vaccination.
• Appearance : Emaciated
• Body Built : Below average
• Co-operation : Co-operative
• Decubitus : On choice
• Anaemia : Moderately anaemic
• Jaundice : Absent
• Cyanosis : Absent
General Examination (contd.)
• Koilonychia : Absent
• Leukonychia : Absent
• Clubbing : Absent
• Edema : Absent
• Neck Veins : Not engorged
• Lymph Nodes : Not palpable
• Thyroid Gland : Not enlarged
General Examination (contd.)
Shape : Scaphoid
Umbilicus : Centrally placed, inverted and vertically slitted
Flanks : Not full
No visible peristalsis, engorged vein or scar mark
Systemic Examination
Gastrointestinal System (contd.)
Shifting dullness is absent.
Bowel sound is present.
Systemic Examination (contd.)
She also complained abdominal pain for 1 month which was around umbilicus, dull
in nature, mild to moderate in intensity, no radiation, persisting for about half an
hour, not related to food intake, sometimes relieved by defecation. These
symptoms persist for about 5 to 6 days and there was no nocturnal episodes.
Salient Features (contd.)
Date 11.10.23
Hb 11.3 gm/dl
ESR 43 mm in 1st hour
Total count of WBC 14,300/cumm
Neutrophil 72%
Lymphocytes 19%
Total platelet count 3,70,000/cumm
MCV 88.3 fL
MCH 28.7 pg
MCHC 32.5 g/dl
Serum Creatinine 0.7 mg/dl
Na – 136 mmol/L
K – 3.8 mmol/L
Serum Electrolytes
Cl – 109 mmol/L
HCO3 – 25 mmol/L
Stool R/M/E, C/S and Occult Blood Test
Date 11.10.23
Mucus +
Blood Present
Protozoa of E. histolytica, E. coli, Giardia lamblia Absent
Cysts of E. histolytica, E.coli, Giardia lamblia Absent
Ova and larva Absent
Pus cell Plenty
Fat globules Absent
Stool for C/S No Growth
Stool of OBT Positive
RBC 12-16/Hpf
CRP Negative
HBsAg Negative
MT 05 mm In 72 Hrs
Ulcerative Colitis
• Rehydration of patient