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Module 8

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Objective: To train participants how to conduct typical measurements to monitor physical chemical treatment processes in the
IETS using portable monitoring instruments or laboratory equipment and how to comply with recording and reporting

Learning outcomes - At the end of this session, the participants will be able to perform the following measurements* to
monitor the physical chemical processes and maintain performance monitoring records to comply with the requirements
stipulated in the Guidance Document and Performance Monitoring of Industrial Effluent Treatment Systems:

1. Flow
2. Chemical stock preparation
3. pH
4. Oxidation reduction potential (ORP)
5. jar test experiments
6. chemical oxygen demand
7. metal concentration
8. flowrate

• (*note: if there is a time constant, measurement of some parameters may be dropped)

• The above measurements are commonly being encountered in the operation of physical chemical processes for the
treatment of inorganic effluents. The participants will be divided into groups and whenever possible, each participant
will have the opportunity to perform the measurements by themselves. At the end of the laboratory session, the group
will make a presentation to the class to discuss the results of their group’s work.

(Note: There is an additional document on Lab Module provided to the participants)

8.1 Flow measurement

• In this session the participants will conduct flow measurements of the effluent using the “pail and stopwatch method”

8.2 Chemical stock preparation

8.2.1 Preparation of sulfuric acid, sodium hydroxide, and sodium matabisulfite solutions

• In this session, the participants will prepare a solution of sulfuric acid, sodium hydroxide and sodium metabisufite with
a specific concentration typically used chromium reduction

8.2.2 Preparation of polymer solution

• In this session, participants will prepare a polymer solution with a specific concentration (%) from its powdered and
liquid forms, typically used in practice in the industries for the coagulation and flocculation process.
• 8.3 pH measurement

• In this session, the participants will perform measurement of the ORP of the effluent at specific
locations in the IETS demonstration plant using an ORP meter. ORP calibration according to the
manufacture’s manual will also be performed.

• 8.4 ORP measurement

• In this session, the participants will perform measurement of the ORP of the effluent at specific
locations in the IETS demonstration plant using an ORP meter ORP calibration according to the manufacture’s
manual will also be performed
8.5 Determining the optimum pH and coagulant dose

(Jar test experiment)

• The participants will perform jar test experiments to determine the optimum pH for precipitating
metals as metal hydroxides and the optimum coagulant dose to produce effluent quality that meets the
legal discharge standards.

• The effluent quality is characterized either by the COD or metal concentration in the supernatant after
the experiments. In one set of experiments, the coagulant dose is fixed while the pH is varied.

• However, the information of the suitable pH range has been obtained from the pH versus metal
hydroxide solubility curve.

• This experiment will refine this pH range which might have been changed due to the influence of other
constituents present in the effluent.

• Once the optimum pH has been determined, another set of experiments can be run at this pH while
the coagulant dose is varied.
8.6 Determining the chemicals required for a two stage metal removal process
(Removal of chromium)

• In this session the participants will perform experiments to remove chromium (vi) by
two stage process. In the first stage chromium (vi) is reduced to chromium (iii) by firstly
adding acid to adjust the pH of the solution to 2.0.

• Then sodium metabisulfite is added. For the second step to precipitate chromium (iii) as
hydroxide, sodium hydroxide is added until pH of the solution reaches 9.0.

• Coagulant and polymer may be added to improve metals removal.

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