AUD05 - 15 Sept 2023
AUD05 - 15 Sept 2023
AUD05 - 15 Sept 2023
15th September 2023
1:00 - 4:00 pm
a. True
b. False
Quiz No.2
Auditing in CIS environment will allow the auditor to
performed more substantive procedure thereby more
concrete evidence is gathered to support the conclusion.
a. True
b. False
Quiz No.3
Software refers to a collection of programs.
A. True
B. False
Quiz No.4
What would be the impact on the audit of poor
accounting system?
Quiz No.5
Discussed the difference between the application
software versus system software.
Impact of Changes on Business Process
(shifting from Manual to Electronic Medium)
The impact of changes on business process to audit maybe
summarized as:
You are assigned to audit the sales and inventory of KBD Company. KBD
uses busykeeper, an online accounting software which the Company
used to process and interpret its daily business operations.
Take note: Presentation must show the detailed trail of the audit using
the two approach. Let’s assume that each group already acquired a
complete understanding about the company’s accounting software.
Group Activity (20 Minutes)