Conflict Day 1 - US 114226
Conflict Day 1 - US 114226
Conflict Day 1 - US 114226
US 114226
1. Main sources of conflict Agenda
2. Difference between conflict and dispute
3. Positive & Negative of Conflict
4. Conflict Modes (personality test)
5. Enneagram (Tests)
6. Techniques to use during conflict
7. Resolution route
8. Action plan and strategy to manage conflict
9. Selection appropriate techniques for specific conflict
10. Organizational role (Policies and Procedures) during
11. Conflict managers attributes
12. Preparing for negotiation
13. Engaging in negotiation
14. Understand your own developmental areas for conflict
management and negotiations
15. POE – Explanation
Conflict Management
What is conflict?
How would you
describe it?
What is conflict?
Dictionary definition:
- disagreement, struggle, fight,
Conflict vs Dispute
Dispute Conflict
A dispute is a disagreement over a Conflict results from continual
particular issue between two people disputes as the frustration level rises,
or groups. A dispute is a short-term according to the Beyond
occurrence. A common disagreement Intractability Project. If two workers
at work might be who gets to work continually dispute one another over
the best shift, for instance. If a their tasks, for example, they may
dispute arises over hours because begin to see each other as stubborn,
employees get to choose them, aggressive or hostile and develop a
management will resolve the dispute mutual dislike of one another. This
by assigning their shifts. The incident can increase their disputes and
will not affect their work throughout eventually result in full-blown
the day, however. conflict over their work methods or a
conflict on a personal level
Working together isn’t
always easy
Video - Economic systems (Not kid approved)
Learner Guide activity – Page 8
What happened?
• Interpersonal Origins . . .
– Faulty assumptions and inferences.
– Lasting grudges/history together.
– Poor communication and misunderstanding.
– Lack of respect/appreciation for differences in personality,
beliefs, etc.
• Organizational Origins . . .
– Methods for allocating resources.
– Organizational design/structure.
– Reward systems.
– Poorly defined roles, responsibilities, and expectations.
– Lack of accountability/consequences.
Where does Conflict come from?
1. Religious Conflict
2. Traditional Conflict
3. Personal Conflicts
4. Economic
Lunch: 60 Minutes
Lack of conflict is a sign of over conformity.
It is unhealthy when there is no conflict
Interpersonal Communication
1. Positive Conflict
2. Negative Conflict
Learner Guide Activity – Page 53
Personality Type And Conflict Styles. While the full four-letter personality type
according to Briggs Myers' system is important in understanding how people
respond to conflict, the greatest areas of conflict exist between the Feeling-Thinking
and Judging-Perceiving preferences.
Stages of Conflict
Learner Guide Activity – Page 41 - 43
1. Type of animal?
2. Why?
3. Habitat and food?
4. Characteristics?
5. Benefits?
6. Bad thing if you are this animal?
7. Sound?
Self assessment: Conflict Style
The scenario:
You started working at a new company as a delivery driver.
When you applied for the position, you required a driver’s
licence, which you had. But the company bought a new
delivery vehicle which requires a different licence. The
company is not willing to pay for you to get your new licence
and tells you that you need to have the licence to complete
your duties. If you do not have your licence in tone week, they
will retrench you.
Resolving the Conflict
Win-win conflict.
Both parties achieve their desires.
Collaboration or problem solving are forms of
win-win conflict.
To Achieve Win/Win Results
P - Parent
A - Adult
C - Child
Transactional Analysis
Transactional Analysis
Video – Who moved my cheese
Policies and Procedures
Video – Labour Relations Act
Change starts with…
A paradigm shift
Swan and… squirrel?
How many legs does the elephant have?
What do you see?
Besides the obvious tiger, do you see The Hidden Tiger…
What do you see?
Do you see a rabbit or a duck?
Old or Young woman?
Polar bear or a seal?
What do you see?
Are there really just flowers?
There are 5 wolves in this picture
High society donkey
What do you see?
Face of a soldier and a man that is bending over
Do you see the man fishing?
Learner Guide Activity – Page 115
• Be calm.
• Understand the person's intentions.
• Get some perspective from others.
• Let the person know where you are coming from.
• Build a rapport.
• Treat the person with respect.
• Focus on what can be actioned upon.
• Ignore.
• Escalate to a higher authority for resolution.