Presented To: Dr. Ashraf Labib: Implemented by Group 5
Presented To: Dr. Ashraf Labib: Implemented by Group 5
Presented To: Dr. Ashraf Labib: Implemented by Group 5
Implemented by Group 5:
Heterogeneous Immobile
The first assumption is that skills, capabilities and other resources that
organizations possess differ from one company to another. The second assumption of RBV is
that resources are not mobile and
If organizations would have the same amount and mix of resources, do not move from company to
they could not employ different strategies to outcompete each other. company, at least in short-run.
What one company would do, the other could simply follow and no Due to this immobility, companies
competitive advantage could be achieved. cannot replicate rivals’ resources
and implement the same strategies.
This is the scenario of perfect competition, yet real world markets are
far from perfectly competitive and some companies, which are exposed Intangible resources, such as brand
to the same external and competitive forces (same external conditions), equity, processes, knowledge or
are able to implement different strategies and outperform each other. intellectual property are usually
Therefore, RBV assumes that companies achieve competitive advantage
by using their different bundles of resources.
The resources and capabilities that answer yes to all the questions are the sustained competitive
The framework was later improved from VRIN to VRIO by adding the following question:
“Is a company organized to exploit these resources?”
VIRO Matrix
VIRO Matrix
VIRO Matrix
Value: This is done by increasing differentiation or/and decreasing the costs of the
A company that has valuable and rare resource can achieve at least
temporary competitive advantage.
Imitability: However, the resource must also be costly to imitate or to substitute for a
rival, if a company wants to achieve sustained competitive advantage.
The resources itself do not confer any advantage for a company if it’s not
organized to capture the value from them.
Only the firm that is capable to exploit the valuable, rare and imitable
resources can achieve sustained competitive advantage.
Importance of RBV
Different resource configurations can generate the same value for firms and thus would not be competitive
The failure to consider factors surrounding resources; that is, an assumption that they simply exist, rather than a
critical investigation of how key capabilities are acquired or developed
It is perhaps difficult (if not impossible) to find a resource which satisfies all of criteria.
An assumption that a firm can be profitable in a highly competitive market as long as it can exploit advantageous
resources does not always hold true.
It ignores external factors concerning the industry as a whole; Porter’s Industry Structure Analysis ought also be