Quality Control
Quality Control
Quality Control
Coverage of
What is kaizen? How does Kaizen Work? What are its benefits?
Kaizen involves five key principles:
Kaizen is a Japanese term meaning
Greater staff satisfaction
change for the better or continuous
Improve customer satisfaction
know your customer
improvement. It is a Japanese
business philosophy that concerns the
Reduction in staff turnover
let it flow
processes that continuously improve
operations and involve all employees.
Strengthened staff loyalty
go to gemba( or the real place)
Kaizen sees improvement
inproductivity as a gradual and
Greater Efficiency and productivit
empower people
methodical process.
What is 5S? Where does it came from? What are its benefits?
It is a system for organizi-ng spaces The term 5S comes from five
Reduced costs
so work can be performed Japanese words:
efficiently, effectively, and Seiri Higher quality
safely. This system focuses on
putting everything where it belongs
Seiton Increased productivity
and keeping the workplace clean,
which makes it easier for people to do
Seiso Greater employee satisfacti
their jobs without wasting time or
risking injury.
Seiketsu A safer work environmen
When you sort you also can identify red tag items. You place these in a
designated red tag area if you cannot dispose of them right away. You
dispose of them as possible. Keeping this part of 5S in order requires
discipline and supervision. You must check on a regular basis that you keep
in your work space only what you need. You must also keep up with waste
Standardize systematizes everything that just happened and turns one-time efforts
into habits. Standardize assigns regular tasks, creates schedules, and posts
instructions so these activities become routines. It makes standard operating
procedures for 5S so that orderliness doesn't fall by the wayside. A posted
schedule indicating how frequently certain cleaning tasks must occur and who is
responsible for them is another helpful tool.
When you look at the sustain part of 5S you refer to training and
discipline. You keep all the other parts in place with employees knowing
what to do intuitively. Training is part of this step. Feedback is too.
ISO 9001 is a worldwide framework that defines the criteria for a quality control system
(QMS). The standard is used by companies to show that they can reliably offer goods
andservices that satisfy consumer and regulatory criteria. It is the most commonly used
specification in the ISO 9000 series and the only one that organizations can certify with.
ISO 9001 allows companies to ensure that their clients obtain reliably high-quality goods and
services, which has a wide array of benefits, including positive reviews, management, and
personnel. Organizations find that using ISO 9001, which defines the criteria for an efficient
quality control framework, allows them:
ISO 14001
ISO 14001 is the most popular standard of the ISO 14000family. ISO 14001 is a global standard that
lays out the requirements for a successful environmental management system (EMS). Rather
than establishing environmentalperformance requirements, it provides a framework that an
organization can follow.
OSHAS 18001
The OHSAS 18001 Certification Scheme is an occupational health and safety framework that allows
the organization to monitor risks and increase efficiency in the field of risk-control factors through
the detection and evaluation ofthe probability and seriousness of hazards in the workplace.
Along with quality, environmental, and other managementsystems, OHSAS 18001 is a must-have for
your organization. It would assist the organization in loweringdirect and indirect costs while also
avoiding worker accidents. Your organization protects its partners – staff, manufacturers, and
consumers – by adhering to the system.
Management Systems:
ISO/TS 16949 is an automobile system standard. 4 groups of quality system standards (QS 9000,
VDA 6.1, AVSQ, EAQF) were combined into one international standard (ISO/TS 16949), which was
published with the purpose of a public discussion in August 1998 and realized in March 1999.
Standard is very similar to QS 9000 3rd edition, with some extension from other national
automobile standards. User of QS 9000, AVSQ, EAQF or VDA 6.1 shall accept ISO/TS 16949
certification as an equivalent so that multiple certification will not be necessary.
This technical specification is valid in all supply chain in car industry. It is valid for all workplaces
of part producers or service providers and their suppliers.
Management Systems:
Benefits of ISO/TS 16949
Standard ISO 22001 specifies requirements regarding food safety management systems in all food
chain, from producers of feed, basic industry producers to food producers, carriers, retailers and
catering establishment.
The standard includes also terms regarding programme of necessary prerequisites and operating
programmes of necessary prerequisites. The standard integrates the Hazard Analysis and Critical
Control Points (HACCP) system and application steps developed by Codex Alimentarius
Commission and closely refers to ČSN EN ISO 9001. It serves for registration or certification of
food safety management systems by external organization, for organization self-assessment, or
more precisely for issue of own declaration of conformity with this international standard.
Management Systems:
ISO 22001