Grade 9 Lesson 16
Grade 9 Lesson 16
Grade 9 Lesson 16
The Mission of Jesus (Luke 4:18-19)
❖ Examine their mission as baptized and confirmed Christians called by Christ “to
fulfill in the world, in accord with the condition proper to each one”.(CCC871).
❖ Identify the symbols, meaning and purposes of the Sacrament of baptism and
❖ Recognize that one’s mission is meant for a Christian life of service and common
in the Church
And Did you know
that there is also
Symbols and purpose
of each sacraments?
Familiar Symbols Used in Baptism
There are five universal symbols of baptism: the cross,
a white garment, oil, water, and light. Other familiar
symbols include the baptismal font, scriptural readings
and prayers, and godparents. These symbols represent
the philosophies and teachings of the Christian
religion and the traditions and rituals of an individual
church and its congregation.
Familiar Symbols Used in Baptism
Baptism is one of the sacraments of the church, and
babies being baptized are welcomed as members of the
Christian community. It is part of the Christian faith that
once a baby has been baptized, he or she becomes a
member of the family of God.
The cross is a universal symbol of Christianity. Making
the sign of the cross over a child during the baptism
invokes God's protection and asks for entrance into the
body of the Christian church. You will find this symbol in
many Christian rituals as well as in Christian churches.
The cross is also a symbol of Jesus' crucifixion. Jesus'
death was his sacrifice to clear the sins of all mankind. The
cross is one of the most familiar of all Christian symbols.
White is the color of purity and wearing a
white garment during baptism symbolizes
that the person being baptized now has a
clean slate in the eyes of God. Christians
believe everyone is born with "original sin"
which is only washed away through baptism.
The white garment symbolizes that the
baptized person is now clothed in the mantle
of God and will start a clean life in His eyes
and in the eyes of the church.
Oil is another baptismal symbol of the Holy Spirit.
Of course, oil also symbolizes the Holy Spirit
during other sacraments and religious gatherings.
During a baptism, the baby is anointed with oil,
and oil is mentioned several times in the Bible as a
symbol of bringing the person and the Holy Spirit
together. Holy oils are used during baptism to
strengthen the faith of the anointed. They also
symbolize the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Water is the Christian symbol of divine life as well as a sign of purity and cleansing from sin. The
outward sign of baptism is the actual pouring of the water on the head while reciting the words, "I
baptize thee in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit." The cleansing quality of water is
considered something that can purify a person from the outside. The holy water signifies that life is
given to man by God and is a symbol of His grace. Water also recalls the gospel, John 3: this 1-6, "...
unless a man is born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God..."
Light as a symbol of baptism is represented by
the passing of a lighted candle from the THE BAPTISM LIGHT
celebrant to the godparents. The candle
represents moving from death to life in Christ.
Light, like water, is essential to the survival of
life because, without the light of the sun,
nothing would exist on earth. In addition to
being a symbol of the genesis and vitality of
life, the candle is a symbol of Christ as "the
light of the world" and the Christian faith.
When this candle is burning, religious faith is
In baptism, dove symbolism depicts the Holy Spirit. According
to the Bible, when Jesus was baptized, the heavens opened, God
spoke and the Holy Spirit descended upon him in the form of a
dove. The dove affirmed Jesus as the Chosen One. This
miraculous event demonstrates the loving union between the
three aspects of the Christian Trinity: God the Father, Jesus the
Son and the Holy Spirit. The dove symbolizes peace between
God and human beings as well. When the Holy Spirit appeared
as a dove at Jesus' baptism, this showed that God (through
Jesus) would pay the price for the sins of humanity so humanity
could ultimately be reconciled with God.
Other Symbolism in Baptismal Ceremonies
Baptismal ceremonies are not identical from one
church to another. For example, the symbols and
procedures are not the same in a Lutheran church as
in a Catholic church. The ceremony is generally full
of symbolism, regardless of the denomination.
The traditional baptismal font holds the water
BAPTISMAL FONT used for the baptism. It symbolizes the
baptismal streams, rivers, or pools of water in
centuries past, like the River of Jordan where
Christ was baptized by John the Baptist.
According to a particular denomination's
tradition, the child is either immersed or dipped
in the water in the font or water from the font is
sprinkled or poured over the baby's head.
Baptismal fonts are made of stone, metal,
wood, or marble and have usually been present
in the church for generations.
SCRIPTURAL READINGS The scriptural readings during a baptism are taken
from the Old and New Testaments of the Bible.
AND PRAYERS They celebrate God's word and call for a renewal
and profession of faith. The readings also recall
Christ's baptism and the symbolic meaning of this
which is to die to self and be raised from this death
as Christ was raised after the crucifixion. The
prayers during the baptismal ceremony beg
freedom from sin for the child and ask for Christ's
protection, blessings, mercy and grace on the child,
the parents, the godparents, the family, and the
THE GODPARENTS The tradition of godparents is to help the parents
raise the godchild in the Christian faith. The
godparents are chosen by the parents, and their role
in a baptism ceremony varies. In some churches, a
godparent will hold the baby during the baptismal
rite, but in others, godparents stand with the parents
to support them and bear witness to the ceremony.
For some cultures, godparents hold an honorary
title, while in others, godparents take their roles
seriously and involve themselves in many aspects
of the child's life.
In baptism, ____
symbolism depicts the
Holy Spirit.
A. B. C.
The sacrament of confirmation is represented by a rich array of symbols developed
over the centuries, and they help to reveal its meaning and add to its beauty.
Oil is the essential element of the ritual. It is
a distinctive kind of oil — sacred chrism,
olive oil lightly perfumed with balsam to
give it a sweet-smelling aroma. The oil is
blessed by the bishop each year at the
chrism Mass. It imparts the gift of the Holy
Spirit, seals the recipient in God’s grace,
and gives a new, indelible character.
The laying of hands on the head has represented the conferral of the Holy Spirit from
the first generation of the Church. The apostles laid hands on Stephen and six others
(Acts 6:6), Peter and John laid hands upon believers in Samaria (Acts 8:17), Ananias
laid hands on Paul in Damascus (Acts 9:17), Paul laid hands on disciples in Ephesus
(Acts 19:6), and all received the gift of the Holy Spirit.
A dove is a symbol of the sacrament of
confirmation because it represents the
Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit descended
upon Jesus in the form of a dove when
he was baptized in the Jordan River by
John the Baptist (Mt 3:16; Mk 1:10; Lk
3:22), and the Holy Spirit descends
upon each person who is confirmed.