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Introduction To CB

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Understanding consumer behaviour

“There is only one boss – the customer. And

he can fire everyone from the Chairman
Sam Walton, Founder,WalMart Stores

What is consumer behaviour?
Consumer behavior: the study of the processes
involved when individuals or groups select,
purchase, use, or dispose of products, services,
ideas, or experiences to satisfy needs and desires

What is consumer behaviour?
“The decision process and physical activity
individuals engage in when evaluating, acquiring,
using or disposing of goods and services”
Loudon and Della Bitta
“Those acts of individuals directly involved in
obtaining, using, and disposing of economic goods
and services, including the decision processes that
precede and determine these acts”
JF Engel

Definition of consumer
A consumer is a person who identifies a need or
desire, makes a purchase, and then disposes of
the product (Solomon, 2006)

Studying consumer behaviour

5 Blackwell 2006
Common features of consumer behaviour
Consumer behaviour as a decision process
Behaviour is rational and can be explained
Behaviour is purposive involving search,
evaluation and storing of data
Preferences develop based on more limited
use of information
Outcomes from purchase decisions, whether
satisfaction or dissonance shape future purchase

Who is the consumer?
Initiator Individual who determines that some need or want is
not being met and initiates purchase behaviour to
rectify the situation

Influencer A person who intentionally, or unintentionally

influences the purchase decision , the actual
purchase and/or the use of the product or service

Buyer The individual who makes the purchase


User The person most directly involved in the

consumption of the purchase

Why study consumer behaviour
“Marketing management rests upon some conception
or other of how customers behave and of the
consequences their reactions to product, price,
promotion and distribution strategies are likely to have
for the attainment of corporate objectives. In affluent
competitive economies successful marketing depends
above all on matching the marketing mix which
results from the integration of these strategies to the
willingness of consumers to buy and in doing so more
effectively than one’s rivals”
(Gordon Foxhall)

How do consumers approach retail
• “Generally speaking human beings are usually quite
rational and make systematic use of the information
available to them. We do not subscribe to the view that
human social behaviour is controlled by unconscious
motives or overpowering desires, rather people
consider the implications of their actions before they
decide to engage or not engage in a given behaviour”
Ajzen and Fishbein (1980)

The information processing consumer
and rational shopping behaviour


RECEIVING - perceptions
INTERPRETING – experiences, goals, aspirations, status
SEARCHING – clarification of aroused need/want

EVALUATING – alternative options for

need satisfaction

DEVELOPING – beliefs, attitudes,

opinions re
purchase intention
ACTING – translate to
behavioural intention
12 STORE – outputs, attitudes for future reference
Types of buying situation in consumer
Lengthy information
PROBLEM search and close
SOLVING examination of
Reduced search and
evaluation based on
LIMITED prior knowledge of
PROBLEM product/market
SOLVING Repeat purchase with little
or no evaluation
Marketing mix determination and
consumer behaviour
 PRODUC  Size, shape, features, design, packaging,
service, warranties
 Price awareness, brand/price sensitivity,
price elasticity of demand, incentive to
encourage adoption
 Distribution channels, retail outlet, retail
 PLAC image
 How to promote, gain attention,
communicate message, encourage trial,
N encourage repurchase, build loyalty,
purchase influences

Satisfaction and dissatisfaction
• Critical concept in marketing
• Satisfaction more likely to lead to repeat
purchase/loyalty and positive WOM
• Dissatisfaction more likely to lead to brand
switching, complaints and negative WOM
• Expectancy disconfirmation with performance
approach (Oliver 1997) and the Balancing Paradigm
(Fournier and Mick 1999) are two current theories of
consumer satisfaction

The Expectancy Disconfirmation model
(from Peter and Olson based on Oliver 1997)

+ve disconfirmation : PPP>PPE = satisfaction

-ve disconfirmation: PPE>PPP = dissatisfaction

Pre- Post-
purchase purchase
Performanc Performanc
e e
expectation perceptions


Consumer value equation

Perceived value (PV) = Perceived benefits (PB)

Perceived costs (PC)

Benefits = attributes of core product/service and supporting services,

perceived quality and price

Costs = customer costs involved in purchasing, such as time, travel,

repairing faulty work, etc. – NOT just price

How marketers can use consumer
Focus on factors that determine consumer perception
of value (maximise perception of benefits/minimise
perception of costs/minimise perception of risk)
Consumers make purchase decisions to solve
problems and reduce dissonance (store choice and
product choice). Marketing activities should aid
consumer decision making.
Purchase behaviour is driven by multiple motives
and the marketing offer should deliver multiple
sources of satisfaction

Comprehensive models of consumer behaviour
(Blackwell 2005)

Marketers response to decision making
Stage in decision Marketing strategy Example
Problem recognition Encourage consumers to see that existing Create TV commercial showing
does not match desired excitement of owning new car

Information search Provide information when and where Advertising slots with high target
consumers are likely to search market viewership
New car brochures for dealers
Exciting easy to navigate
Alternative evaluation Understand how consumers compare brands and Research most important choice
communicate own brand superiority criteria Create advertising to
communicate superiority on key
choice criteria

Product choice/purchase Understand how consumers choose (choice “Swiss made” , “Vorsprung durch
heuristics) and provide communications that technik “ (Country of origin)
encourage brand decision Long history of the brand
Recommended by experts

Post purchase evaluation Create consumer expectations Provide “scientific evidence”

Based on Solomon 2010


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