Week 4
Week 4
Week 4
Chapter 4
Last Week Review
Retailer :
• A sales intermediary; A seller that operates
between manufacturers and customers.
Electronic retailing (e-tailing)
• Retailing conducted online / over the
• Retailers who sell over the internet
• Example : Amazon.com, Walmart.com, etc.
Last Week Review
Five Classification of E-tailing Business Model
by Distribution Channel :
I. Direct marketing by mail-order retailers that
go online
II. Direct marketing by manufacturers
III. Pure-play e-tailers
IV. Click-and-mortar retailers
V. Internet (Online) Malls
Last Week Review
Products & services of e-tailers :
Travel And Tourism (Hospitality) Services
Employment Placement & The Job Market
Real Estate, Insurance, and Stock Trading
Banking & Personal Finance Online
Last Week Review
Online Purchasing-Decision Aids :
Shopping portals
Shopping robots
Business ratings sites
Escrow services (escrow.com)
Electronic wallet (“wallet”)
B2B E-Commerce
Basic B2B Concepts & Process
2. Many-to-many
Owned & run by a third party or a consortium
Many buyers & sellers meet electronically to
trade with each other
Open to all interested parties (sellers &
buyers) Public e-marketplaces
Three Basic Types of B2B E-Marketplaces
Sell-side e-marketplace
A Web-based marketplace in which one company
sells to many business buyers from e-catalogs or
auctions, frequently over an extranet
This model has three major marketing methods :
1. Selling from electronic catalogs (most common)
2. Selling via forward auctions
3. One-to-one selling (usually under a negotiated long
term contract)
Selling Via E-Auctions
Many companies use Forward Auctions to
liquidate their unneeded products/capital assets.
Benefits to B2B sellers :
1. Revenue generation
2. Cost savings
3. Increased “stickiness”
Buy-side e-marketplaces
A corporate-based acquisition site that uses reverse
auctions, negotiations, group purchasing, or any other
e-procurement method.
Procurement : the purchase of goods & services by
Procurement management : the planning, organizing,
and coordinating of all the activities relating to
purchasing goods & services needed to accomplish
the organization’s mission.
One-from-Many : E-Procurement at Buy-Side E-
Reverse Auctions
A tendering system in which suppliers are
invited to bid on the fulfillment of an order
and the lowest bid wins.
Request for Quote (RFQ)
Benefits : economies of scale, lower
Finding partners can be accomplished by an
Electronic trading-community meeting
places (many sellers & many buyers, and
possibly for other business partners).
Exchanges can be horizontal (serving many
industries) or vertical (serving one/few
connected industries)
Exchanges Three Major Functions
1) Matching buyers & sellers
Product information, providing price, product offerings,
product comparisons, etc.
2) Facilitating transactions
Providing catalogs, trading platform & mechanisms,
registering & qualifying buyers & sellers, etc.
3) Maintaining exchange policies &
Commercial code, contract law, export & import laws,
providing auction management, etc.
Benefits of Exchanges
Making markets more efficient
Providing opportunities for sellers & buyers to find
new business partners
Cutting the administrative costs of ordering
Expediting trading processes
Facilitate global trade
Create communities of informed buyers & sellers
Sources of Revenue for Exchanges
Transaction fees
Membership fees
Service fees
Advertising fees
Auction fees
In addition, exchanges offer software, computer
services, management consultation, etc.
B2B Portals & Directories
Portals : gateways to information
B2B portals : information portals for
They usually include directories of products
offered by each seller, list of potential buyers &
what they want, and other industry / general
Information portals maybe horizontal (offering a
wide range of information about different
industries; e.g. Alibaba.com) or they may be
vertical (focusing on a single industry / industry
B2B Portals & Directories
Corporate portals
A major gateway through which
employees, business partners, and the
public can enter a corporate website and
other information sources that enables
communication, collaboration, and access
to company information.
Facilitate collaboration with suppliers,
customers, employees, and others.
B2B Portals & Directories
In general, Corporate Portals divided into two :
A. General Portals
Defined by their audience (e.g. suppliers,
B. Functional Portals
Defined by the functionalities they offer. Range
from simple information portals (portals that
store data and enable users to access these data)
to sophisticated collaborative portals (portals
that allow collaboration).
Five Types of Generic Portals
B. Customer Portals
Customer can view products & services
Customer can place orders which they can
later track
Customer can pay for products & services,
arrange for warranties & deliveries, etc
Five Types of Generic Portals
C. Employee Portals
Use for training, dissemination of company
news & information, discussion group, and
Also use for self service activities mainly
in the human resources area (e.g. reporting
change of address, registering for classes,
requesting reimbursement)
Five Types of Generic Portals
C. Knowledge Portals
Usedfor collecting knowledge from
employees and for disseminating collected