Cardiomyopathy (21 4 9)
Cardiomyopathy (21 4 9)
Cardiomyopathy (21 4 9)
Zhang Xiao-Dan
The cardiomyopathies are a
group of diseases that affect the
heart muscle itself and are not
the result of the major causes of
cardiac disease,i.e.,ischemic heart
disease, hypertension,valvular
disease, or congenital defects.
Classification of CM
In many cases,however,it is not possible
to arrive at a specific etiologic diagnosis,and
thus it is often more desirable to classify the
cardiomyopathies into one of three types(di-
lated,hypertrophic,restrictive)on the basis of
differences in their pathophysiology and cli-
nical presentation.
Dilated cardiomyopathy
Dilated cardiomyopathies usually
present with symptoms and signs of
congestive heart failure(most commonly
ventricular arrhythmias are the presenting
Dilated cardiomyopathy
Left and/or right ventricular systolic
pump function is impaired,leading to
progressive cardiac enlargement and hyper-
trophy,a process called remodeling.
Symptoms of CHF typically appear only
after remodeling has been ongoing for some
time (months or even years).
Dilated cardiomyopathy
Pathogenesis of dilated cardiomyopathy
is thought to be due to one of the four
(1)viral myocarditis
(2)familial disease
(3)immune abnormalities
(4)metabolic abnormalities
Clinical manifestation
1. symptoms
(1) early: asymptom
(2) late: symptoms of left and right-
sided congestive failure,
manifested by dyspnea, peripheral
edema and palpitation,
sudden death.
Clinical manifestation
In most patients,symptoms of
heart failure develop gradually.They
may be recognized because of
asymptomatic cardiomegaly or
electrocardiographic abnormalitis,
Including arrhythmias.The initial
presentation may be severe biven-
tricular failure.
Clinical manifestation
Although vague chest pain may
be present,typical angina pectoris is
unusual and suggests the presence
of concomitant ischemic heart
disease. Syncope due to arrhythmia
and systemic embolism(often ema-
nating from a ventricular thrombus)
may occur.
Clinical manifestation
2. Signs:
(1) heart enlarge
(2) diastolic 3rd sound gallop
(3) all kinds of arrhythmia
1. X-ray: heart/chest >50%, ventricular
enlargement, pulmonary effusion
2. ECG: Arrhythmia such as atrial
fibrillation, block. ST-segment and T-
wave abnormalities
3. Echocardiography:
Left atrial and ventricular dilation
with normal or thinned walls and
systolic dysfunction, ejection
fraction reducing
4. radionuclide scintigraphy
5.cardiac pipe inspection and
6. endocardial biopsy
1. Drugs: the methods of therapy is to
control congestive heart failure and
2. Artifical cardiac pacing(cardiac
resynchronization,CRT) ,ICD(implan-
table cardioverter defibrillator) .
3. Surgical therapy, cardiac
Few cases of cardiomyopathy are
amenable to specific therapy.Standard
therapy of heart failure with salt restric-
tion,angiotensin converting
inhibitors,diuretics,and digitalis
produces symptomatic improvement.
Most patients should be treated with
a β-adrenergic blocker.Spironolactone
should be added for most patients with
recent or current advanced heart failure.
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy(HCM)
Is characterized by left ventricular
hypertrophy,typically of a nondilated
chamber,without obvious cause such
as hypertension or aortic stenosis.
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Two features of HCM have attracted
the greatest attention:
(1)Asymmetric left ventricular hyper-
trophy,often with preferential hyper-
trophy of the interventricular septum.
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
(2)A dynamic left ventricular outflow
tract pressure gradient,related to a
narrowing of the subaortic area as a
consequence of the midsystolic appo-
sition of the anterior mitral valve leaf-
let against the hypertrophied septum.
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
The interventricular septum may be
disproportionately involved(asymme-
tric septal hypertrophy),but in some
cases the hypertrophy is localized to
the apex.
Clinical manifestation
1. Symptoms: sudden death,
dyspnea, angina pectoris, fatigue,
2. Signs:
(1)slight cardiac enlargement
(2)the fourth sound
(3) systolic murmur
at the low left sternal border as
well as at the 3rd-4th intercostal
space. In cases with outflow
obstruction, a loud systolic murmur
is present that increases with upright
posture, nitroglycin , positive
inotropic drugs or Valsalva’s
maneuver and decrease with
squatting , β- blockers.
Examination :
1. X-ray: mild to moderate cardiac
2. ECG: left ventricular hypertrophy, ST-T
abnormalities, abnormal Q waves
3. Echocardiogram:
(1) asymmetric septal hypertrophy (ASM)
(2) septal hypertrophy ≥ 1.3 thickness of
LV posterior wall
(3) systolic anterior motion (SAM)of the
mitral valve
Treat :
1. β- blockers, calcium antagonists
2. DDD artifical cardiac pacing: may
prevent the progression of
hypertrophy and obstruction.
3. Nonsurgical septal ablation has
been performed by injection of
alcohol into septal branches of
the left coronary artery.
4. Surgical therapy
Restrictive cardiomyopathy
Restrictive cardiomyopathy is
characterized by impaired diastolic
filling with preserved contractile
Restrictive cardiomyopathy
This condition is relatively
uncommon,with the most frequent
causes being amyloidosis,radiation,
and myocardial fibrosis after open
heart surgery.
Restrictive cardiomyopathy
Clinical manifestation:
The inability of the ventricle to fill
limits cardiac output and raises filling
pressure.Therefore,exercise intoleran-
ce and dyspnea are usually the most
prominent symptoms.
Restrictive cardiomyopathy
Clinical manifestation:
The jugular venous pressure is
elevated and does not fall normally,or
it may rise with inspiration(Kussmaul's
Restrictive cardiomyopathy
Laboratory Evaluation:
(1)ECG:conduction disturbances
low voltages
(2)Echocardiogram:thickened pericar-
(3)Myocardial biopsies
(4)Surgical exploration:can make the
Restrictive cardiomyopathy
Treatment and prognosis:
Unfortunately,little useful therapy is
available for either the causative conditions
or restrictive cardiomyopathy itself.
Diuretics can help,but excessive diuresis
can produce worsening symptoms.Steroids
may be helpful in sarcoidosis but relieve
conduction abnormalities more often than
heart failure.
Dilated Hypertrophic Restrictive
Frequent causes Idiopathic,alcoholic Hereditary Amyloidosis,post-
, syndrome,possibly radiation,post-open
myocarditis,post- chronic hyperten- heart surgery,dia-
partum,endocrino- sion betes,endomyocar-
pathies,genetic dial fibrosis
Symptoms Left or biventricular Dyspnea,chest pain Dyspnea,fatigue,
congestive heart syncope right-sided conges-
failure tive heart failure
Physical Cardiomegaly,S3, Sustained point of Elevated jugular
examination elevated jugular maximal impulse, venous pressure,
venous pressure, S4,variable systolic Kussmaul's sign
rales murmur,bisferiens
carotid pulse
ECG ST-T changes,con- Left ventricular ST-T changes,
duction abnormali- hypertrophy, conduction abnor-
ties,ventricular exaggerated malities,low voltage
ectopy septal Q wave
Dllated Hypertrophic Restrictive
(2)Pericardial effusion
(3)Pericardial constriction
Progress classification:
(1)Acutepericarditis:less than 6 weeks
(2)Subacute pericarditis:6 weeks—6 months