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Ra 7722

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Republic Act 7722

Higher Education
Act of 1994
Learning Outcome
o To discuss RA 7722
o To examine the importance of
RA 7722
o To identify issues related to
the implementation of
RA 7722
 -An act creating the Commission on
Higher Education, appropriating funds
therefor and for other purposes

 -Approved by the president of the Philippines,

Fidel V. Ramos on August 25, 1994.
SEC. 1. Title

Higher Education Act of 1994”.

SEC. 2. Declaration of Policy

 “ The state shall protect, foster and

promote the right of citizens to affordable
quality education at all levels and shall
take appropriate steps to ensure that
education shall be accessible to all.”
SEC. 3. Creation of the Commission on
Higher Education

 “The commission shall be independent

and separate from the DECS and attached
to the Office of the President for
administrative purposes only
SEC. 4. Composition of the Commission
 Composed of 5 fulltime members:
1 Chairman
4 Commissioners

 Qualifications:
1. Holders of earned Doctorate
2. Engaged in Higher Education for at least 10 years
3. Not candidate in the election
4. Higher degree of professionalism
SEC. 5. Term of Office

 Chairman : term of 4 years, without prejudice to one


 Commissioners: next 2- for 3 years

last 2- for 2 years
SEC. 6. Rank and Emoluments
 Ranks
Chairman: Department of Secretary
Commissioners: Undersecretary

 Emoluments: shall receive compensation

corresponding to their positions
SEC. 7. Board of Advisers

 Should meet with the Commission at least once a year

 Composition:
1. Secretary of Education, Culture and Sports as Chairman
2. Director-General of the NEDA as Cochairman
3. Secretary of Science and Technology
4. Secretary of Trade and Industry
5. President of FAAP
6. President of FAPE
SEC. 8. Powers and Functions of the

1. Formulate and recommend development plans, policies, priorities and programs

on higher education and research
2. Formulate and recommend development plans, policies, priorities and programs
on research
3. Recommend to the executive and legislative branches the priorities and grants
4. see minimum standards for programs and institutions
5. monitor and evaluate the programs and institutions
6. identify, support and develop potential centers of excellence in program areas
7. Recommend to the Dept. of Budget and Mngt the
budgets of public institution
SEC. 8. Powers and Functions of the
8. Nationalize programs and institutions
9. Develop criteria for allocating additional resources
10. Direct or redirect purposive research by institutions to meet the needs
11. Devise and implement resource development schemes
12. Administer the Higher Education Development Fund
13. Review the charters of institutions
14. Promulgate rules and regulations
15. Perform necessary functions for effective operations
SEC. 9. The Secretariat
 Headed by an executive officer, subject to National compensation
and position classification plan

 Determine the duties, responsibilities

and functions
SEC. 10. The Higher Education
Development Fund
 Established to strengthen the higher education
A. Government’s contribution to the fund:
Seed capital= 500 million php
Initial operation= 50 million php
40% annual share on total gross collections of the travel tax
30% share from Professional Gross Fee
1% of gross sales of PCSO

B. 3-5% Contribution from financing institutions

C. Private portion for donates, gifts conveyances
SEC. 11. Management and Administration of
the Higher Education Development Fund
 Must be administered by the commission
 Shall appoint a reputable government to administer funds guidelines:

1. No part of capital shall be used for overhead expenses for admin.

2. Earnings for private contributions shall be used for administrative expenses
3. Commission shall appoint and organize separate staff
4. Shall be utilize equitably to regions and programs
SEC. 12. The Technical Panels

 Assist the commission in setting standards and program

monitoring and evaluation

 Composed of senior specialists

SEC. 13. Guarantee of Academic Freedom

 Exemptions for the abridgement of the curricular

freedom of educational institutions:

1. Minimum unit requirements for that program

2. General education distribution requirements
3. Specific professional subjects are not qualified
SEC. 14. Accreditation

 The Commission shall provide incentives to institutions of higher

learning, public and private, whose programs are accredited or whose
needs are for accreditation purposes.
SEC. 15. Tax Exemptions

 Any donation, contribution, bequest, and grant maybe

made shall constitute as allowable deduction from the
income of the donor for income tax purposes and shall
be exempt from donor’s tax
SEC. 16. Authority

 Exercise authority necessary with its areas of operation to attain its

SEC. 17. Appropriations
 500 million php is authorized to be appropriated for
the seed capital of the fund

 Additional 50 million php shall be put to National

Treasury or initial operation of PAGCOR

 Included in General Appropriations Act

SEC. 18. Transitory Provisions
 All government entities having functions to those of
the commission are transferred to the commission

 The commission shall have the authority to appoint

its own personnel

 All regular and permanent employees shall not suffer

any loss of rank or emoluments
SEC. 19. Repealing Clause

All laws, executive orders, rules and regulations

that are
inconsistent must be cancelled
SEC. 20. Seperability Clause

Any provision that are held unconstitutional or

valid, other provisions are not affected and shall
continue to enact
Issues with RA 7722
The Weak CHED and Academic Freedom
 RA 7722 guarantees academic freedom in implementation of a Philippine
Constitutional guarantee: “Academic freedom shall be enjoyed in all institutions of
higher learning” [Art. XIV, Sec. 5(2)].

1. It can be noted that academic freedom is enjoyed in institutions of higher

education. This is not enjoyed in the same way by basic education institutions. The
implication of course is that in the governance of higher educational institutions
(HEIs) this Guarantee of Academic Freedom precisely be observed.

Article: The Weak CHED and Academic Freedom. Tabora, J. 2013

Issues with RA 7722
The Weak CHED and Academic Freedom
 Sec. 14 on “Accreditation”, recognizing the private and voluntary activities of
functioning accreditation agencies in the Philippines,
 RA 7722 provides, “The Commission shall provide incentives to institutions of
higher learning, public and private, whose programs are accredited and whose
needs are for accreditation purposes.”
 Note that RA 7722 does not presume to set minimum standards for accreditation,
and confines its activities to providing “incentives” for accreditation.

Article: The Weak CHED and Academic Freedom. Tabora, J. 2013

Issues with RA 7722
RA 7722 vs. Licuanan on CHED’s Power and on Academic
2. How CHEd exercises this “accreditation authority”? Is it saying it has the plenary
power to authorize accreditation agencies to freely enter into the activity of
accreditation? Or is it saying that accreditation agencies – which are not HEIs – are
not free to exercise their accreditation activities unless authorized by CHEd? Is it
saying that accreditation activities are valid if and only if they “voluntarily” follow
the accreditation processes that it prescribes?

Article: RA 7722 vs. Licuanan on CHED’s Power and on Academic Freedom. Tabora, J. 2013

 https://lawphil.net

 The Weak CHED and Academic Freedom. Tabora, J. 2013
 RA 7722 vs. Licuanan on CHED’s Power and on Academic Freedom.
Tabora, J. 2013
Direction: Read and understand each item carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following Republic Act is commonly known as the Higher Education Act of 1994?

A. RA 4670 C. RA 7722
B. RA 10627 D. RA10533

2. Which statement can be deduced from Section 3 of Higher Education Act that states the“
Creation of the Commission on Higher Education”?

A. Commission shall be independent and separated from DECS.

B. Commission shall be dependent and work with DECS for educational development.
C. Commission shall not be connected with the Presidential office for any administrative and other
related functions.
D. Commission shall be connected with the Presidential office for administrative and non-
administrative functions.
3. “ The state shall protect, foster and promote the right of citizens to affordable quality education
at all levels and shall take appropriate steps to ensure that education shall be accessible to all.”
To which section of Higher Education Act this clause was stated?

A. Section 1 C. Section 3
B. Section 2 D. Section 4

4. The commission should meet board of advisers for at least once a year. The following composed
the board of advisers, EXCEPT?

A. President of FAAP
B. President of the Philippines
C. Secretary of Trade and Industry
D. Secretary of Science and Technology
5. There are a set of qualifications one must attain if one intends to be a commissioner in higher
education, as stated in Section 4 of RA 7722 the composition of the commission. What are the bases
for qualification?
I. Candidate in the election
II. Holders of earned Doctorate
III. Higher degree of professionalism
IV. Engaged in Higher Education for at least 10 years

A. I, II and III
B. I, III and IV
C. I, II and IV
D. II, III and IV
Higher education is confronting challenges, like the
economy is, about the need for a higher number of more
adequately trained, more highly educated citizenry.

-Margarete Spellings

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