PHCoE - COSC 101 Slide Deck Part II Taking Action in The Stress Zone - 26JUL2021 - FINAL - 508
PHCoE - COSC 101 Slide Deck Part II Taking Action in The Stress Zone - 26JUL2021 - FINAL - 508
PHCoE - COSC 101 Slide Deck Part II Taking Action in The Stress Zone - 26JUL2021 - FINAL - 508
Wea Ready
k Idle Ill
UNCLASSIFIED “Medically Ready Force…Ready Medical Force” 3
Stress Continuum Model - Be Aware of You r
Current Zone and Alert to Changes
Idle Ready Reacting Injured Ill
- Lethargic - Good to go - Distressed or impaired - More severe or - Experiencing
- Unfocused, not - Well-trained - Decrease in function persistent distress orange zone
thinking clearly - Fit and focused or performance - Serious suicidal symptoms for more
- Unmotivated, - Cohesive units - Mild & temporarily or homicidal than 60 Days
apathetic - Ready families anxious, irritable thoughts - Stress injuries that
- Bored - Personal & social or sad - Experiencing don’t heal
- Slow, life is good - Physical or panic attacks or without help
unproductive - Optimal behavioral changes rage - Symptoms persist,
- Time goes performance - Trouble sleeping - Disruption of get worse
slowly - Difficulty moral - Feeling depressed
- Not contributing concentrating values or anxious
to the unit - Increase in alcohol - May leave lasting - Feeling suicidal
related incidents memories, and/or homicidal
reactions, and with a plan
UNCLASSIFIED “Medically Ready Force…Ready Medical Force” 4
Stress Management:
Using the Stress Continuum Model for
- Unmotivated
Emotional - Apathetic; doesn’t care
- Bored
trouble coping
Realizing I could handle The desire to contribute
stress and challenges to the mission
differently effectively
Photo Credit: US Army Photo by Maj. Addie Leonhardt
Red “Hey, I really think you need to go to the BAS. I’ll go with you.”
“Hey, there’s Chaplain Smith. Let’s go talk to her.”