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MR Junaid

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The Semantic Analysis of


Submitted by Junaid Ahmad

Supervised By Shakir Ullah

Department of English University of Buner

The semantic analysis of billboards
semantic is the study of meaning.
According to palmar (1976),the investigation of meaning is technically referred to as semantics.
Kreisler(1998) how language organize and express meaning.
Most of the govt and privat oraganization use billboards. Multinational company’s,Buainess and educational
institute etc.
These commercial layout has a big impact on
how people think.
Davidson(2013),billboards advertising
conveys the company’s ideas, cultural
expression and social duties.
Statement of the problem
This study aims to provide a semantics analysis of some local and national billboards in District
Buner. Through a focus both their visual and verbal content, this research seeks to identify and
analyse the fundamental meanings, messages, and implications provided by billboards.
Research Question
• How the words on billboards play with the
emotions of customers?
• How are signs interactive in billboards?
• How effective billboard are an dispatching the
desired message to the customers (spacifice
time , spacifice place)
1.5 Signifance of the study
The core aims of the billboards are prominent
outdoor advertising medium used to promote
Products,services,events,and brands.They provide
high visibility and can reach a wide audience,
Making them a crucial part of marketing
strategies.Billboards are a versatile medium that
Influence culture,commerce,and public discourse.
• 1.3 Research objective
To investigate the ways in which billboards advertisment
infuence and interac with the emotion of customer,
with the focus on understanding the emotional empact,
psycological machanisme and effectivness of various
billboard advertising strategies.
• To find out the deeper meaning that lay inside or that
lay behind the sign on billboards.
• To evaluate the effectiveness of billboards in
conveying desired messages to customers.
Literature review
According to Farbay (2002),the goal of an
advertising campaign is to full fill the
requirements or wishes of the consumers. In
advertising, getting people’s attention is
crucial. Advertising campaign uses certain
attractive model,humorous images and eye
catching colours to get the attention of
Durmaz (2011) defined billboerds "the practice
of making a sale announcement or attempting
to persuade consumers to buy a good or
service." It is a method for making sales to
specific customers.
Research methodology
In this paper the researcher adopted qualitative method of
research. Creswell (1997) said that a social or human topic is
investigated using a different methodological tradition known as
the qualitative method
• 3.1 Data Collection and Analysis
• The researcher has collect data through taking picture from
the local billboards in Sawari Bazar at Disttrict Buner (kpk).The
researcher semanticaly anaylzed those local billboards. The
researcher picked of ten local billboards and got deep
meaning from those billboards advertisment.
• Theoretical Framework
• This present study has taken the idea of Ferdinand De
Saussure on 1956. This theory claims that sentence have two
meaning one is surface and other is deep or intended
meanings. In this theory he also gives a concept about
sign,signifier and signified .
Data analysis
• Conclusion
• To conclude/ To sum up this research. It has been found that that
the billboards have inculcated different linguistic terms and
cincepts.code switching is one of the most important comcepts
incorporated in the billboards due to linguistics gaps,cultural
values,and religious intimacy in order to appeal the costumers.This
study also find the incorporation of signs such as whatsapp,and
symbol which pick up the interests of costumers.Due to religion
and cultural as our society has been conservative,signs on
billboards are confined to a limited in order to avold cultural and
religouse outlashes.This research concluded that semantic
sign/language/symbol largely shap the future of a business and also
mould the attitude of clients/customer towards a specific business.

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