Admin Chapter 2
Admin Chapter 2
Admin Chapter 2
Chapter 2 – Administrative
Tribunals and Agencies
1. The structure of executive branch has changed
dramatically over the last century (the other two branches
of government’s structures have remained relatively
consistent over this time)
2. This is partly because of the evolution and growth of a
network of administrative agencies that has been a
response to the “growing complexity of Canadian society”
3. ABCs now perform functions that were previously
performed by government departments – at arm’s length
from the Minister and Ministry staff
4. Some commentators have gone so far as to call this
network of administrative agencies “a fourth branch of
government”. It certainly should be regarded as a separate
sector within the executive branch.
Protections from political interference in tribunal
decision making come from administrative law
1. Administrative law requires there to be no
political interference in Tribunal decision-
making unless the interference is authorized by
the enabling statute
2. It requires all legal and political actors to stay
within their own respective areas of jurisdiction
3. It ensures that all litigants that come before
tribunals receive procedural fairness (i.e., at a
minimum, the right to be heard and the right to an
unbiased decision-maker)
Categorizing agencies, boards, and commissions
based on the functions they carry out