7c T-Test
7c T-Test
7c T-Test
The t-test
A Biased Estimator is an Estimator in which the Expected Value Does Not Equal
the Population Value.
E(Biased Estimator) ≠ Population Value
This is Because:
E(Largest Score in Sample) < E(Largest Score in Population) AND
E(Smallest Score in Sample) > E(Smallest Score in Population)
Therefore, a Sample tends to NOT INCLUDE the Most Extreme Scores from the
For example, in the Population, there are Individuals with IQ > 150+ AND
there are Individuals with IQ < 50
When the Deviations about the Mean are Squared, the Effects of the Missing Extreme
Scores are Magnified.
Also, Because the Bias of the Sample Standard Deviation (S) is Larger for Small
Sample Sizes, the Correction has a larger Effect for Smaller Sample Sizes.
Note the “Hat” over the “S”, we call this statistic “S-Hat”.
Whenever a “Hat” (actually a caret) is over a sample statistic, it means the statistic is
an unbiased estimator.
(7) Testing Hypotheses when Population Unknown
Example 1: N = 2, = 10,000
Note the “Hat” over the “S”, we call this statistic “S-Hat”.
Whenever a “Hat” (actually a caret) is over a sample statistic, it means the statistic is
an unbiased estimator.
(8) Testing Hypotheses when Population Unknown
As you can see, the correction has a much smaller effect for larger sample sizes.
However, the bias is also much less for larger sample sizes.
= Sample Mean 𝝁 𝑿 =𝝁 𝑿
X − μX
z= = Population Mean for Distribution
σX of Sample Means.
= Population Standard Deviation for
Distribution of Sample Means. 𝝈 𝑿 = √∑ ¿¿¿¿
t-Test 𝝁 𝑿 =𝝁 𝑿
= Sample Mean
X − μX = Population Mean for Distribution
𝑡= of Sample Means.
𝑿 √
X = Estimate of Population Standard Deviation ^𝑆 = ∑ ¿¿¿ ¿
for Distribution of Sample Means.
(9) Testing Hypotheses when Population Unknown
The only Difference between the t-test (Used when Population SD Unknown)
AND the Z-test (Used when Population SD Known) is that:
Example 1: Assumed the Population Mean Systolic Blood Pressure is 120 Mm Hg;
however, the Population Standard Deviation is Unknown. A researcher tests whether
Biofeedback will significantly lower Systolic Blood Pressure. The researcher selects
10 individuals and has them each complete a 6-month Biofeedback Program in which
each individual practices Biofeedback for 1 hour per day, every day for 6 months.
At the end of the 6-month period, the researcher measures each individual’s Blood
Pressure and calculates the mean for this sample. The sample mean is 110. The
researcher wants to maximize the power of the test. The data are presented on the
next slide
(11) Testing Hypotheses when Population Unknown
BP (X - )
110 0 0 = 4.242
106 -4 16
114 4 16 = 1.3416
112 2 4
108 -2 4 t = = - 7.4536
105 -5 25
115 5 25
104 -6 36
116 6 36
110 0 0
Mean 110
Sum 162
Hypothesis Test for Example 1
Degrees of Freedom
In order to find the Critical Values for the t-test, we should briefly discuss Degrees of
Freedom (df). For the t-test (and many statistical tests, the Degrees of Freedom are
N – 1 (The Number of Scores in the Sample Minus One); but why?
Degrees of Freedom are the Number of Numbers that are Free to Vary; meaning that
they are Free to Take on Any Value.
309 212 36 19 28 217 171
24 101 47 4 10 103 5
3 82 59 3 19 129 99
57 67 73 61 3 50 127
107 38 285 413 440 1 98
Mean 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Note: In each of the examples above, the First 4 Numbers (N – 1) are “Free to Vary”
Meaning they can take on Any Values; However, the Fifth Number (N th)is Determined by
the Fact the Mean Must be 100 and by the Values of the First 4 Numbers.
- Therefore, there are 4 Degrees of Freedom (4 of the 5 Numbers are Free to Vary).
(14) Testing Hypotheses when Population Unknown
For any data set, it is assumed the Mean was Predetermined, it had to be that value.
For example, for our current example, it is assumed the Mean was Equal to 100
before the sample was ever selected. Therefore, the numbers in the data set had to
have a mean of 100 because that mean was determined before.
Therefore, the first N – 1 Numbers can take on any value (are Free to Vary); However,
the Nth Number is determined by the Mean and the Values of the other numbers.
(15) Testing Hypotheses when Population Unknown
Hopefully, that explanation of Degrees of Freedom was clear. However, in case it was
not clear; the main thing to remember is that for the t-test (and most statistical tests)
the Degrees of Freedom are Equal to N – 1 (Sample Size Minus One).
N = 100; df = 99
N = 273; df = 272
N = 40; df = 39
N = 12; df = 11
N = 75; df = 74
N = 29; df = 28
N = 16; df = 15
(16) Testing Hypotheses when Population Unknown
For the Z-Statistic, there was One Set of Critical Values for α = .05; ± 1.96; and One
Set of Critical Values for α = .01; ± 2.576.
However, for the t-Statistic, there are an infinite number of Critical Values for both
α = .05 and α = .01.
This is because there is only ONE Normal Curve (Z-Distribution); however, there are
an Infinite Number of t-Distributions – One for Each Different Degrees of Freedom (df).
As you will see later, when Degrees of Freedom are Infinite, the t-Distribution
becomes the Normal Distribution and the Critical Values are the Same for the t-
Distribution with Infinite Degrees of Freedom and the Z-Distribution (α = .05 - ± 1.96;
and α = .01 - ± 2.576).
Z and t
Z Distribution and
t Distribution for Different
Sample Sizes
t-Distribution 1-tail
0.05 0.01
t- 1-tail
0.05 0.01
df = 9
α = .05
Hypothesis Test For Example 1
(1) Write Hypotheses
Ho: μ = 120 (Population Mean BP if Treatment has No Effect)
H1: μ ≠ 120 (Population Mean BP if Treatment has Effect)
(2) Set Criteria
α = .05 (5% Probability of Making a Type I Error)
(3) Calculate Test Statistic
= 4.2426; = 1.3416; t = = -7.4536
Just like the Hypothesis Test Using the t-Test is just like the Hypothesis Test Using
the Z-Test – the only difference is the substitution of (t-test) for (Z-test).
And, just like using the t-test we substitute (t-test) for (Z-test); when calculating
Confidence Intervals and Treatment Effect Size following the t-test, we substitute
(t-test) for (Z-test).
Confidence Interval For Example 1
For the Current t-test, Ho was Rejected. Therefore, Conclude that the Population Mean
for the Treated Population is NOT 120. We estimate that the Population Mean for the
Treated Population is somewhere around the Sample Mean (110).
See Next Slide to See the Location of
these Values in the t-distribution table.
Use the Equation:
0.05 0.01
Example, Example,
df = 9 df = 9
95% CI 99% CI
Effect Size
Just like we need a Measure of Treatment Effect Size when we Reject Ho using the
Z-test, we need a Measure of Treatment Effect Size when we Reject Ho using the
; Therefore, is divided by
Then, you compare the Observed d-value (the one you calculate above) to critical
values of d to determine the Size of the Effect.
Small = 0.00 – 0.20; Medium = 0.21 – 0.79; Large = 0.80 and Above
Effect Size For Example 1
Then, you compare the Observed d-value (the one you calculate above) to critical
values of d to determine the Size of the Effect.
Small = 0.00 – 0.20; Medium = 0.21 – 0.79; Large = 0.80 and Above
Alternative Measure of Effect Size
When the t-test is used to test the hypothesis that μ = Some Value, there is an
alterative way to look at the Treatment Effect Size, and that is the
Proportion of Variance in the DV that is Accounted for by the IV ().
Note: 1 - is the Proportion of Variation in the DV Not Accounted for by the IV.
1 - r2 r2
Alternative Measure of Effect Size For Example 1
= = = = .86
Example 2: Assumed the Population Mean Reading Comprehension Score for 3rd
Grade Students is 80; however, the Population Standard Deviation is Unknown.
After completion of the New Program, the researcher measures each student’s
Reading Comprehension and calculates the mean for this sample. The sample mean
is 83. The researcher wants to minimize the Probability of Making a Type I Error.
The data are presented on the next slide
Example 2
NP (X - )
83 0 0
84 1 1
82 -1 1
81 -2 4 = 3.6253
85 2 4
86 3 9 = .9361
80 -3 9
79 -4 16 t = = 3.205
87 4 16
88 5 25
78 -5 25
89 6 36
77 -6 36
82 -1 1
84 1 1
Mean 83
Sum 184
Hypothesis Test for Example 2
0.05 0.01
df = 14
α = .01
Confidence Interval For Example 2
For the Current t-test, Ho was Rejected. Therefore, Conclude that the Population Mean
for the Treated Population is NOT 80. We estimate that the Population Mean for the
Treated Population is somewhere around the Sample Mean (83).
See Next Slide to See Location of these
Values in the t-distribution table.
Use the Equation:
0.05 0.01
Current Example,
df = 14 df = 14
95% CI 99% CI
Effect Size For Example 2
= Large Effect
Then, you compare the Observed d-value (the one you calculate above) to critical
values of d to determine the Size of the Effect.
Small = 0.00 – 0.20; Medium = 0.21 – 0.79; Large = 0.80 and Above
Alternative Measure of Effect Size For Example 2
For Example 2, the Proportion of Variation in the DV Accounted for by the IV is:
= = = = .72
Example 3: Assumed the Population Mean Mathematics for 4th Grade Students is 72;
however, the Population Standard Deviation is Unknown.
After completion of the New Program, the researcher measures each student’s
Mathematics Ability and calculates the mean for this sample. The sample mean is 74.
The researcher wants to Maximize the Power of the Test.
The data are presented on the next slide
Example 3
NP (X - )
74 0 0
76 2 4
72 -2 4
78 4 16 = 3.4641
70 -4 16
80 6 36 = 1.0
68 -6 36
75 1 1 t = = 2.0
73 -1 1
77 3 9
71 -3 9
74 0 0
Mean 74
Sum 132
Hypothesis For Example 3
df = 11
α = .01
Fail to Reject Ho - Finished
Z-Test t-Test
(1) Conduct 4 Steps for Hypothesis Test (1) Conduct 4 Steps for Hypothesis Test
If Fail to Reject Ho – STOP If Fail to Reject Ho – STOP
(2) Calculate Confidence Interval (2) Calculate Confidence Interval