Stage 1 Seminar: Clinical Pharmacology of The Nervous System
Stage 1 Seminar: Clinical Pharmacology of The Nervous System
Stage 1 Seminar: Clinical Pharmacology of The Nervous System
Topics to be Covered
Anti-epileptic medicines Anti-parkinsonian drugs Anti-depressants And briefly
Anti-psychotics Treatments for dementia
Anti-Epileptic Drugs
Mechanism of Action Epileptiform event - a sudden, excessive depolarisation of cerebral neurones which may remain localised (focal epilepsy) or spread (generalised epilepsy) Anti-epileptic agents thus prevent depolarisation of neurones: inhibition of excitatory neurotransmitters direct membrane stabilisation stimulation of inhibitory neurotransmitters
Principles of Management
Education of the patient regarding nature of the disease and drug therapy importance of compliance importance of never suddenly stopping avoidance of precipitating factors fit diary Treatment of any underlying lesion structural e.g. tumour metabolic e.g. alcoholism
Drugs are secreted in small quantities into breast milk but not usually sufficient to prevent breast feeding (phenobarbitone significantly)
Teratogenicity Antiepileptic drugs associated with increased (2-3 fold) incidence of birth defects (cleft lip/palate and cardiac defects) Significant risk of neural tube defects (altered folate metabolism usual culprit)
Considered a drug of choice for
tonic clonic seizures partial seizures trigeminal neuralgiaIs prophylaxis of manic depressive illness
Adverse effects
blurred vision, diplopia,dizziness, bradycardia, skin rashes, GI upsets, osteomalacia, folate deficiency, hyponatraemia
Considered drug of choice for
tonic clonic seizures partial seizures
90% plasma protein bound Saturable (zero order) kinetics in therapeutic dose range potent hepatic enzyme inducer (interaction with inhibitors)
Adverse effects
Impaired cognition, sedation, cerebellar disorders, peripheral neuropathy, rashes, gum hyperplasia, coarsening of facial features, hirsutism, Dupuytrens, folate dependent megaloblastic anaemia, osteomalacia
Considered a drug of choice for
tonic clonic seizures partial seizures absences atypical absence, myoclonic, atonic
Does not induce drug metabolism but can inhibit P450 system Adverse effects
Nausea, elevated liver enzymes, rare hepatic and pancreatic disorders, coagulopathy (inhibition of platelet aggregation), increased appetite and weight gain, changes in hair growth
Cost 100/year
Drug of choice for
simple absence seizures
Adverse effects
GI upset, drowsiness, dizziness, ataxia, allergic reactions, drug-induced SLE
phenobarbitone methylphenobarbitone primidone (largely metabolised to phenobarbitone) no longer drugs of choice need monitoring can be used as 2nd-line in all forms of epilepsy Adverse effects
sedation, folate-induced megaloblastic anaemia, ataxia
Most too sedative for clinical use Clonazepam and clobazam are used clinically effectiveness wanes on long term therapy
Adverse effects
membrane stabiliser by blocking voltage less CNS effects than older agents dependent sodium channels maculopapular skin rash / SJ synd secondary impaired release of excitatory mono or combination aminoacids GABA analogue but mechanism of actioncombination only obscure blockade of voltage sensitive sodium channels, enhanced GABA, glutamate similar to carbamazepine adjunct treat for partial seizures adjunct in partial seizures inhibition
Oxcarbazepine Levetiracetam
Definition - generalised tonic-clinic fit lasting more than 30 minutes or repeated fits without recovery of normal alertness in between. Prompt treatment is required to prevent
hypoxic cerebral damage metabolic complications hypoglycaemia lactic acidosis
1. Establish airway, oxygenate, recovery position 2. Establish IV access and give IV lorazepam 2-4mg (IV diazepam 5-10mg alternative; Buccal midazolam 10mg preferred over rectal diazepam) 4. Check blood for: glucose, urea and electrolytes, Calcium, anticonvulsant levels,
and arterial blood gas and pH.
5. Give 100mg IV thiamine if high risk of alcoholism (prevents precipitation of Wernickes) and if known to have brain tumour or active vasculitis give dexamathasone 10mg IV. 7. If continues to fit then load with phenytoin IV (increasingly replaced by its pro-drug, fosphenytoin, which is less cardiotoxic and causes fewer injection site reactions) 8. If still fitting then contact ITU (needs intubation and paralysis)
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY Degeneration of neurones within nigro-striatal pathway resulting in loss of dopaminergic activity
THERAPEUTIC RATIONALE Imbalance of dopaminergic and cholinergic activity within the extra-pyramidal system reduced dopaminergic activity Increased cholinergic activity
Results in: Clinical Parkinsonism: hypokinesia, rigidity, tremor Treatment thus aims to restore dopaminergic activity OR reduce cholinergic activity
High therapeutic index - drug of choice for symptom control especially in elderly (need DOPA-decarboxylase, DDC, inhibitor to block peripheral dopamine in periphery) L-dopa honeymoon - early phase of treatment (lasts 5-6 years typically) dopaminergic neurons still present - L-dopa can be stored in nerve terminals - produces a physiological concentration without much fluctuation Neurotoxicity of L-dopa - DOPA metabolism results in neurotoxic breakdown products - results in the progression of Parkinsons? Hence delay L-dopa use especially in younger patients. Chronic use of L-DOPA results in motor fluctuations (on-off dyskinesias) as remaining NS nerve ending lost Other side effects hallucinations, nausea and postural hypotension (last 2 usually prevented by DDC blockade)
Dopamine agonists
Ergot derivatives
bromocriptine (D2) pergolide (D1 and D2) lisuride
apomorphine pramipexol Ropinirole
Long duration of action (especially cabergoline) so less fluctuation in symptom control. L-DOPA sparing - useful to delay use of L-DOPA in younger patients Not neurotoxic ? neuroprotective Adverse effects
nausea (alleviated by peripherally acting dopamine antagonist domperidone), postural hypotension, hallucinations and daytime hypersomnolence. Rarely reported to produce pathological gambling behaviour!
Dopamine Release
Amantadine better known perhaps as anti-influenza agent (type A only). Mechanisms of action
Increases dopamine synthesis and release Diminishes neuronal re-uptake Evidence of efficacy (very) limited
Adverse effects
Anti-Muscarinic Drugs
Help redress imbalance Benzhexol, orphenadrine, procyclidine Especially useful for tremor Useful in acute dystonic reactions too Adverse effects
Antimuscarinic effects of dry mouth, blurred vision, constipation, urine retention, glaucoma. Also hallucinations and psychoses (cf atropine poisoning). Elderly are often confused by them (remember agents used in Alzheimers are designed to augment cholinergic transmission!)
Management Guidelines
Early phase treatment in young (<50 yrs old) Delay L-DOPA (and motor fluctuations and further loss of neurons). Balance the need of treatment with functional capacity 1st-line drugs: dopamine agonists + domperidone others: selegiline, amantidine, anticholinergics Eventually L-dopa can be started in standard or slow release formulations
Early phase treatment in elderly (>70 yrs old) need for symptom treatment more urgent because of physical independence L-DOPA is good 1st- line because of high therapeutic index. Low incidence of psychotic, postural hypotension side effects Anticholinergic best avoided because of intolerable side effects and confusion
chlorpromazine Sedation +++ thioridazine ++ olanzepine/flupentixol/haloperidol +
Dopamine theory: blockade helps Dopamine agonists worsen schizophrenia ? Lots of other neurotransmitters involved Rise in prolactin levels can cause gynaecomastia or galactorrhoea
PRINCIPLES theory (probably wrong) supposes central monoamine deficiency (5HT/NAd). Explains efficacy of drugs that:
increase monoamine synthesis (tryptophan) prevent reuptake of monoamines (TCAs/SSRIs) prevent monoamine breakdown (MAOIs)
generally takes 3-4 weeks for effect to be evident (elderly longer). No antidepressant is clearly more effective than another Most patients with major depression respond to initial medication regardless of the type of antidepressant In controlled trials about 30% responded to placebo: overall clinical effect may be influenced by non-pharmacological factors. Differences in toxicity and adverse reaction more important than small differences in clinical effect between drugs
Length of drug-treatment 4 - 6 months after initial drug response wean off slowly risk of relapse: chronic life stresses, residual symptoms risk of relapse high in first months of remission recurrent depression: consider prophylactic or life long treatment
Tricyclic Anti-Depressants
Eg amitriptyline, imipramine, lofepramine Anti-muscarinic side-effects Postural hypotension (from 1-blockade) Lower seizure threshold Cardiac death, especially in overdose or history of heart disease Weight gain Serious interaction with MAOIs Indicated in children for nocturnal enuresis, chronic pain syndromes
NSRIs eg reboxitine like TCA SNRIs eg venlafaxine MAOIs eg moclobemide (non-competitive ones higher risk of cheese reaction) Lithium ?mechanism for control of mania/bipolar disorder needs careful monitoring St Johns Wort beware - potent enzyme inducer!