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Mergers, LBOs, Divestitures,
and Holding Companies

 Types of mergers
 Merger analysis
 Role of investment bankers
 LBOs, divestitures, and holding
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26 - 2

What are some valid economic

justifications for mergers?

 Synergy: Value of the whole exceeds

sum of the parts. Could arise from:
Operating economies
Financial economies
Differential management efficiency
Taxes (use accumulated losses)
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 Break-up value: Assets would be

more valuable if broken up and
sold to other companies.

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What are some questionable

reasons for mergers?

 Diversification
 Purchase of assets at below
replacement cost
 Acquire other firms to increase
size, thus making it more difficult
to be acquired

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Five Largest Completed Mergers
(as of January 2001)
Vodafone AirTouch Mannesman $161
Pfizer Warner-Lambert 116
America Online Time Warner 106
Exxon Mobil 81
Glaxo Wellcome SmithKline Beecham 74

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Differentiate between hostile and

friendly mergers

 Friendly merger:
The merger is supported by the
managements of both firms.

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 Hostile merger:
Target firm’s management resists
the merger.
Acquirer must go directly to the
target firm’s stockholders, try to
get 51% to tender their shares.
Often, mergers that start out
hostile end up as friendly, when
offer price is raised.

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Reasons why alliances can make more

sense than acquisitions
 Access to new markets and
 Multiple parties share risks and
 Rivals can often work together
 Antitrust laws can shelter
cooperative R&D activities

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DCF Valuation Analysis (In Millions)

Cash Flow Statements after Merger Occurs
2002 2003 2004 2005
Net sales $60.0 $90.0 $112.5 $127.5
Cost of goods sold (60%) 36.0 54.0 67.5 76.5
Selling/admin. expenses 4.5 6.0 7.5 9.0
Interest expense 3.0 4.5 4.5 6.0
EBT $16.5 $25.5 $ 33.0 $ 36.0
Taxes (40%) 6.6 10.2 13.2 14.4
Net income $ 9.9 $15.3 $ 19.8 $ 21.6
Retentions 0.0 7.5 6.0 4.5
Cash flow $ 9.9 $ 7.8 $ 13.8 $ 17.1
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Conceptually, what is the appropriate

discount rate to apply to the
target’s cash flows?

 Estimated cash flows are residuals

that belong to the shareholders of the
acquiring firm.
 They are riskier than the typical capital
budgeting cash flows, because
including fixed interest charges
increases the volatility. (More...)
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 Because the cash flows are equity

flows, they should be discounted
using a cost of equity rather than an
overall cost of capital.
 Note that the cash flows reflect the
target’s business risk, not the
acquiring company’s.
 However, if the merger will affect the
target’s leverage and tax rate, then it
will affect its financial risk.
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Discount Rate Calculation

ks(Target) = kRF + (kM - kRF)bTarget

= 9% + (4%)1.3 = 14.2%.

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Horizon, or Continuing, Value

(2005 Cash flow)(1  g)

Horizon value =
ks  g
= 0.142  0.06

= $221.0 million.

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What Is the Value of the Target Firm to the

Acquiring Shareholders? (In Millions)

2002 2003 2004 2005

Annual cash flow $9.9 $7.8 $13.8 $ 17.1
Terminal value 221.0
Net cash flow $9.9 $7.8 $13.8 $238.1

$9.9 $7.8 $13.8 $238.1

Value = (1.142)1
+ (1.142)2
+ (1.142)3
+ (1.142)4

= $163.9 million.
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Would another potential acquirer

obtain the same value?

 No. The cash flow estimates would

be different, both due to forecasting
inaccuracies and to differential
 Further, a different beta estimate,
financing mix, or tax rate would
change the discount rate.
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Assume the target company has

10 million shares outstanding. The
stock last traded at $9 per share,
which reflects the target’s value on a
stand-alone basis. How much should
the acquiring firm offer?

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Estimate of target’s value = $163.9 million

Target’s current value = $ 90.0 million
Merger premium = $ 73.9 million

Presumably, the target’s value is

increased by $73.9 million due to
merger synergies, although realizing
such synergies has been problematic
in many mergers.
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 The offer could range from $9 to $163.9/10

= $16.39 per share.
 At $9, all merger benefits would go to the
acquiring firm’s shareholders.
 At $16.39, all value added would go to the
target firm’s shareholders.
 The graph on the next slide summarizes
the situation.

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Change in 26 - 19
Acquirer Target

$9.00 $16.39
Paid for
0 5 10 15 20 Target
Bargaining Range =

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Points About Graph

 Nothing magic about crossover price.

 Actual price would be determined by
bargaining. Higher if target is in better
bargaining position, lower if acquirer is.
 If target is good fit for many acquirers,
other firms will come in, price will be
bid up. If not, could be close to $9.
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 Acquirer might want to make high

“preemptive” bid to ward off other
bidders, or low bid and then plan to
go up. Strategy is important.
 Do target’s managers have 51% of
stock and want to remain in control?
 What kind of personal deal will
target’s managers get?

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Assuming a market multiple of 12-14

times EPS, use the market multiple
method to value the stock.

2002 EPS = $ 9.90 million

2003 EPS = 15.30
$ 25.20 million
Divided by 2 = Average = $ 12.60 million

12 x Avg. EPS = $151.20 million

14 x Avg. EPS = $176.40 million
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Which valuation method is better,
DCF or market multiple?

Both methods have significant imple-

mentation problems.
 Confidence in DCF cash flow forecasts
and discount rate is often low.
 Validity of market multiple method
depends on comparability of firms and
ability of EPS to capture synergies.
 Judgment is key to final valuation.
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26 - 24

Do mergers really create value?

 According to empirical evidence,

acquisitions do create value as a result
of economies of scale, other synergies,
and/or better management.
 Shareholders of target firms reap most
of the benefits, that is, the final price is
close to full value.
 Target management can always say no.
 Competing bidders often push up prices.
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What are the two methods of

accounting for mergers?

 Pooling of interests:
 Assumes a merger among equals.
 New balance sheet is merely the sum of
the two existing balance sheets.
 No income statement effects other than
summing the two income statements.
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 Purchase:
 The assets of the acquired firm are
“written up” to reflect purchase price if it
is greater than the net asset value.
 Goodwill is often created, which appears
as an asset on the balance sheet.
 Common equity account is increased to
balance assets and claims.
 Goodwill is amortized and expensed over
time, thus reducing future reported
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What are some merger-related

activities of investment bankers?

 Identifying targets
 Arranging mergers
 Developing defensive tactics
 Establishing a fair value
 Financing mergers
 Arbitrage operations

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What is a leveraged buyout (LB0)?

 In an LBO, a small group of

investors, normally including
management, buys all of the
publicly held stock, and hence
takes the firm private.
 Purchase often financed with debt.
 After operating privately for a
number of years, investors take
the firm public to “cash out.”
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What are are the advantages and

disadvantages of going private?
 Advantages:
 Administrative cost savings
 Increased managerial incentives
 Increased managerial flexibility
 Increased shareholder participation
 Disadvantages:
 Limited access to equity capital
 No way to capture return on investment

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What are the major types of


 Sale of an entire subsidiary to another

 Spinning off a corporate subsidiary by
giving the stock to existing shareholders.
 Carving out a corporate subsidiary by
selling a minority interest.
 Outright liquidation of assets.

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What motivates firms to divest assets?

 Subsidiary worth more to buyer than

when operated by current owner.
 To settle antitrust issues.
 Subsidiary’s value increased if it
operates independently.
 To change strategic direction.
 To shed money losers.
 To get needed cash when distressed.
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What are holding companies?

 A holding company is a corporation

formed for the sole purpose of owning
the stocks of other companies.
 In a typical holding company, the
subsidiary companies issue their own
debt, but their equity is held by the
holding company, which, in turn, sells
stock to individual investors.
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What are the advantages and

disadvantages of holding companies?

 Advantages:
 Control with fractional ownership.
 Isolation of risks.
 Disadvantages:
 Partial multiple taxation.
 Ease of enforced dissolution.

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