Entity Relationship (ER) Modeling
Entity Relationship (ER) Modeling
Entity Relationship (ER) Modeling
Simple vs composite
Single valued vs multi valued
Deriver attribute vs stored attribute
Concept of Null value
If attribute I not applicable /spouse name
If attribute is applicable but not specified
/telephone nuber
If attribute is applicable and specified but its
value is not known to the agency
maintaining the information
• When not mandatory or constraint the
primary key
Degree of relation ship
• The degree of a relationship is the number of
entities associated with the relationship.
• The n-ary relationship is the general form
for degree n.
• Special cases are the binary, and
ternary ,where the degree is 2, and 3,
• Binary relationships, the association between
two entities is the most www.google.com
• common type in the real world. A recursive
binary relationship occurs when an entity is
related to itself. An example might be "some
employees are married to other employees".
• A ternary relationship involves three entities
Relationship constraints
• Mapping cardinality constraint
• Participation constraint
– Mapping cardinality constraint
• One to one mapping cardinality
• One to many mapping cardinality
• Many to one mapping cardinality
• Many to many mapping cardinality
One to one mapping cardinality
Each Entity in A associated with at most one entity in B and each entity in B
is associated with at most one entity in A the ER Modeling , R is linked to A
and B by directed edges
One to many mapping Cardinality
PK(Depositor)={CN} or {AN}
One to many relationship
PK(Depositor)= {AN}
Many to one Relationship PK(Depositor)={CN}
Employee(ID,name, salary,dependents)
Dependents is multi value attribute can be
better Modeled as a weak entity
Special features of an identifying relationship
i. The identifying relationship will be one to many
from owner Entity set to the weak Entity set
ii. The participation of owner entity ser in the
identifying relationship will partial & weak entity
will by total