BME411 - Physiological Fluid Mechanics
BME411 - Physiological Fluid Mechanics
BME411 - Physiological Fluid Mechanics
Physiological Fluid Mechanics(BME 411)
Professor Oyedepo, S.O & Mr Godwin
Course Outline
• Biomedical engineering is an interdisciplinary field based in both engineering and the life
• It is important for biomedical engineers to have knowledge about and be able to communicate
in both areas.
• Biomedical engineers must understand the basic components of the body and how they function
well enough to exchange ideas and information with physicians and life scientists.
• Two of the most basic terms and areas of study in the life sciences are anatomy and physiology.
Anatomy refers to the internal and external structures of the body and their physical
relationships, whereas
• While it is important to be able to use the general terms that describe the human
body, it is also important for biomedical engineers to have a basic understanding
of some of the more detailed aspects of human anatomy and physiology.
The Body
The trunk consists of the neck, thorax (chest) and abdomen (belly).
The lowest part of the pelvis or in other words the lowest part of the trunk is the
The central axis of the trunk is the vertebral column, and the upper part of it
(cervical part) supports the head.
Anatomical Terms and Planes
• Anatomical Terms
Anatomical Terms Contd.
The Upper Limb
The main parts of the upper limb are the arm, forearm and hand. Arm in strict
anatomical term means the upper arm (the part between the shoulder and
elbow) however, this word is commonly used for the whole of the upper limb.
The main parts of the lower limb are the thigh, leg and foot. Here also leg in
strict anatomical form means the lower leg (the part between the knee and
foot) but the word is commonly used for whole of the lower limb.
Anatomical Terms Contd.
Human Anatomical Position
In order to describe the positions of structure in human anatomy, the body is
assumed to be standing upright with the feet together and the head and eyes looking
to the front with the arms straight by the side and the palms of the hands facing
This is the anatomical position and structures are always described relative to one
another using this as the standard position.
This is also applicable even when the body is lying on the back to bed or when
lying on a dissecting table.
Anatomical Terms Contd.
The Median Plane
The ‘Median plane’ is an imaginary vertical longitudinal line through the
middle of the body from front to back, dividing the body into right and
left halves.
The ‘sagittal plane’ is any plane that is parallel to the median plane.
The adjective ‘medial’ means nearer to the median plane, and ‘lateral’
means farther from it.
Thus, we can say in anatomical position, the little finger is on the medial
side of the hand and the thumb is on the lateral side, similarly the great
toe is on the medial side of the foot and the little toe on the lateral side.
Anatomical Terms Contd.
Coronal Planes
The Planes
Anatomical Terms Contd.
The Anterior and Posterior
The terms ‘anterior’ and ‘posterior’ are used to indicate the front or back of the
body respectively.
Therefore, we have anterior and posterior view of the body or any part of body or
It is also used to describe the relationship of two parts. One is said to be anterior
or posterior to the other if it is closer to anterior or posterior to the body surface.
Hence on the face, the nose is anterior to the ears and the ears are posterior to the
nose. Sometimes ‘ventral’ is used instead of posterior.
Anatomical Terms Contd.
Palmar and Dorsal Surfaces
In describing the hand, the term ‘palmar’ and ‘dorsal’ surfaces are used instead of
anterior and posterior.
Similarly in describing the foot, the ‘plantar’ and ‘dorsal’ surfaces, are used
instead of lower and upper surfaces.
Anatomical Terms Contd.
Proximal and Distal
The terms ‘proximal’ and ‘distal’ describe the relative distances from the roots of the limbs.
The arm is proximal to the forearm and the hand is distal to the forearm.
The terms ‘superior’ and ‘inferior’ means nearer the upper or lower end of the body
respectively. For example, the nose is superior to the mouth and, inferior to the forehead. ‘
Superficial’ means near the skin surface and ‘deep’ means farther away from the surface.
The terms ‘internal’ and ‘external’ are used to describe the relative distance of a structure
from the centre of an organ or cavity.
Some joints have no movement (as in bones of skull), some have only slight
movement (as in vertebrae) and some are freely movable.
For example, flexion of the elbow joint brings the anterior surface of the
forearm to the anterior of the arm. It is usually an anterior movement but it can
be posterior movement also as in the case of the knee joint.
In the fingers and toes abduction signifies the spreading of these parts
and adduction indicates the drawing together of these parts.
Terms Related to Movements Contd.
• Most medical words have been derived from Latin and Greek. Most
words consist of a root or base which is modified by a prefix or suffix
or both.
• All organs of the body are formed of tissues. A tissue is a collection of similar type of cells,
which are associated with some intercellular matrix (ground substance) governed by some
laws of growth and development.
• These cells are adopted to perform the same function or functions. Tissues are usually
classified into four main categories:
Epithelial tissue
Connective tissue
Muscular tissue
Nervous tissue
Histology Contd.
• Epithelium Tissue
These tissues connect and anchor parts and give support to the body
and its organs.
Hyaline cartilage is bounded by fibrous membrane which is supplied by blood vessels and through
its nutritive substances diffuse into the cartilage. Hyaline cartilage occurs at the ends of the long
bones. It has great resistance wear and covers the articular surfaces of nearly all synovial joints.
Yellow elastic cartilage has great elasticity due to the presence of large number of yellow elastic
fibers. It is found at the end of the nose and in the pinna of the ear.
Calcified cartilage has its matrix impregnated with calcium salts. It is found in the pelvis and at the
head of the humerus and femur bones.
White fibrous cartilage has a large number of white fibers. It is found in the discs of vertebral
hyaline cartilage and fibrocartilage found to calcify or even ossify in later life.
Histology Contd.
• Bone is a connective tissue in which the matrix is impregnated with
various salts which contribute to about two third of its weight.
Equalization of the body temperature: As the blood circulate throughout the body,
it brings about an equalization of the body temperature by transferring heat from
one part to another.
Transport of metabolic wastes: The nitrogenous waste material is carried by the
blood to the liver where it is converted into urea. The later is now carried by the
blood to the kidney where it is removed out along with the urine.
Histology Contd.
• Functions of blood Contd.
• Clotting of blood: Blood has a soluble solution called fibrinogen which is converted into a mesh
work of fine threads of insoluble fibrins.
In the mesh of fibrins, various types of corpuscles get entangled to form a blood clot which is also
known as coagulation.
The conversion of fibrinogen into fibrin is affected by the action of an enzyme called thrombin.
Free thrombin is not present in the blood but it is formed by its precursor (inactive enzyme
prothromboplastin) in presence of calcium ions.
Calcium ions are present in blood but free thromboplastin is absent in blood. However, it is present
in other solid tissues. Hence when an injury occurs, thromboplastin is released by the injured
tissues. The thromboplastin then acts with calcium upon the prothrombin, changing it to thrombin.
The thrombin then acts upon the fibrinogen and converts it to fibrin.
• In our body, we have mechanical, electrical, chemical, thermal, pneumatic,
hydraulic and many other types of system.
• Each system communicates internally with other systems of the body and
externally it communicates with surroundings.
• We are able to sustain our lives due to organised operations of all these
internal systems and their various subsystems.
Physiological Systems of the Body
• Anatomy is a study of the structure of the body and the relationship of
its constituents’ parts to each other
• Physiology is the study of function of these parts as a system.
Physiological Systems of the Body
• The major functional physiological systems of the body are:
• Superior vena cava is a large venous channel which collects blood from the upper half of the
body and delivers into the right atrium. It has no valve.
• The inferior vena cava (larger than superior vena cava) also opens into right atrium.
• It returns the blood to the heart from the lower half of the body.
• Since the blood in the inferior vena cava has to flow against gravity at times, special one-way
valves are located in it to prevent gravity from pulling blood against the direction of flow.
• The cardiac output flow rate and volume of the fluid at various places in the body are
important indicators for proper functioning of the system.
Physiological Systems of the Body Contd.
• Blood Circuit – Cardiovascular System
Physiological Systems of the Body Contd.
• Heart Works as Pump
Physiological Systems of the Body Contd.
• The biochemical system
• There are many chemical systems in our body that produce energy for the functioning of our
• The energy is required for growth, body functions and body repairs. These chemical systems are
interconnected and these can be considered as the subsystems of a very efficient chemical factory.
• There is a single point intake of fuel (food, water and air) for this factory which is also source for
all chemical reactions which are taking place inside the body.
• This chemical factory also contains all monitory devices which are essential to carry out
necessary control for each chemical operation.
• The oxygen and haemoglobins in blood form oxyhaemoglobins and carbon dioxide removed from
the blood is pushed out from lungs to the surroundings.
• It is also possible to accelerate or decelerate the operation of the pneumatic pump by manual
control whenever it is required. Automatic control returns whenever manual control is not applied.
Physiological Systems of the Body Contd.
• The Nervous system
• The nervous system consists of control and communication network which
coordinates the functions of all parts of the body.
• The brain is the central information processor and it works as a computer.
It has memory, power to compute, capability to make decisions and in numerous
input, and output channels for communication.
These channels form complicated networks with many interconnections (nodes)
which take signals from a large number of sensory devices (each sensory device
detects light, sound, pressure, heat and chemicals) to the brain (computer) for
Some network is again used to take the output control signals from the brain to the
motor units of the muscles to carryout the desired motion or to exert force.
Physiological Systems of the Body Contd.
• The Nervous system Contd.
• The nerves form signal lines to carry signals (information) generated by the
nerve action potentials (sensory devices) to the brain and same signal lines are
used to carry control signals generated by the brain for the motor units.
• Example of this is the Portal system which consist of vein and capillary
Physiological Systems of the Body Contd.
• The excretory system
• It consists of all organs that are responsible for the removal of waste products formed by
metabolism in the organisms.
The kidneys are the major excretory organs in man. The left kidney is located at slightly
higher level than right kidney, one on each side of the vertebral column.
The kidneys have ‘bean’ shape and they are also called renes from which it is known as rent.
The renal tubules act as filters to remove from the blood (1) Excess water (2) Urea and uric
acid (3) Excess mineral salts (4) Yellow pigments from the bile.
When the human kidneys fail to function, the urine accumulates in the blood resulting death
of the person from toxic poisoning.
Physiological Systems of the Body Contd.
• The locomotor system
• The system provides locomotion or movement to the body.
behaviour of bones, tendons, ligaments and cartilages for stress and strains; and
• Insulin promotes glucose utilization, protein synthesis and the formation and
storage of neutral lipids.
• The circulating blood also maintains the visceral organs, such as the heart,
the kidney, the liver, and the brain, at a constant temperature by convecting
the heat generated and dissipating the same through transfer across the skin.
• The four chambers of the heart are schematically illustrated in Figure A1 below.
• The arrows indicate the direction of blood flow through the heart, which is ensured by
the presence of heart valves.
• The heart consists of two pumps in series circulating blood through the pulmonary and
systemic circulations, respectively.
• The right ventricle, a low-pressure pump, supplies the pulmonary circulation, whereas
the left ventricle, a high-pressure pump, supplies the systemic circulation.
Fig. A1: A schematic diagram of the four chambers of the heart and the heart valves
• The Heart Contd.
• The fundamental skeleton of the heart is formed by the four rings of interconnected
dense tissue, which secure the valves (Figure A2 below).
• The atrial chambers are attached to the superior surface of the annulus of the atrio-
ventricular valves, while the trunks of the aorta and the pulmonary artery are attached to
the semilunar valves.
• The right and left ventricles are attached below and around the circumference of the
fibrous skeleton and the interventricular septum is attached to the line of fusion between
the mitral and tricuspid valve rings.
• The right atrium receives venous blood from the superior and inferior vena cavae (SVC and IVC,
• During ventricular relaxation, blood flows through the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle.
• During ventricular contraction, blood is pumped through the pulmonary arteries into the capillaries
of the lung where carbon dioxide is excreted and oxygen absorbed from the air in the alveolar sac.
• The oxygenated blood returns to the heart via the pulmonary veins and is collected by the left
• Blood then fills the left ventricle through the open mitral (bicuspid) valve during ventricular
relaxation. Upon subsequent ventricular contraction, blood is pumped through the aortic valve into
the systemic circulation via the aorta.
• All living organs require metabolic materials (eg, oxygen,
glucose, . . .) to feed their living cells and also, they need a
mechanism to remove waste products.
• Organ cells can exchange metabolic materials and waste
products by cellular transportation or diffusion.
• To transport these metabolic materials or waste products,
living organs have a complicated network of blood
• The network of blood vessels has three major parts:
the arteries, which carry blood and metabolic substrates from
the heart;
the capillaries, which have a main role of transporting
metabolic substrates and waste products to living tissues; and
the veins, which carry used blood (deoxygenated blood) back
to the heart.
Fig. below shows a schematic of three major blood vessels: Artery,
capillaries and vein
The flow of blood from the left ventricle into the aorta to the peripheral regions of
the body and back to the right atrium is defined as the systemic circulation.
The blood circulation system consists of the heart, as a pump and the blood vessels.
The blood vessels are classified into five types;
Venules and
• Veins
The circulatory (or cardiovascular) system can be divided into three
• From above equation, R is the resistance to the flow of blood in that segment.
• Under these conditions, the resistance to blood flow is predominantly due to the
viscous shear stresses.
• For example, in the normal systemic circulation, if the mean pressure difference
between the systemic arteries and the veins is about 100 mmHg and the flow
rate through the systemic circulation is about 100 cm 3/s, the resistance is 1 PRU.
• The relationship between the flow rate and the pressure gradient is derived
for steady flow of a viscous fluid through a rigid cylindrical pipe.
• From Equation (3), it can be observed that the resistance to blood flow is inversely proportional to the fourth
power of tube radius.
• Thus, small changes in the radius of arteries and arterioles will significantly alter the vascular resistance.
• This is important since one of the characteristics of blood vessel walls is that they are very responsive to
• With sympathetic stimulation, the tone of the vessel walls increases, causing a decrease in diameter and,
thereby, a significant increase in resistance to the flow of blood.
• On the other hand, with sympathetic inhibition, the tone of the vessels decreases resulting in an increase in
the vessel diameter and a corresponding decrease in flow resistance.
• Thus, sympathetic stimulation or inhibition is effectively used in controlling the flow rate of blood through
any region of the body and this control is affected at the arteriolar level.
• For example, an increase in vessel diameter of just 5% would produce a reduction in resistance of over 21%.
• The ratio of change in volume to a change in pressure gives a measure of
the distensibility of the blood vessel.
In the distribution function, the vascular system transports blood to and away from body organs.
In the exchange function, gases, electrolytes and nutrients are exchanged between blood and living
Additionally, some vessels, such as small arteries and arterioles, create resistance to regulate blood
Capacitance is another minor function in the vascular system to regulate blood pressure and blood
• These percentages are not constant and the blood circulation system can be
adjustable, for instance the pulmonary circulation can be much higher than 10% in
some cases.
• The majority of the blood volume in the cardiovascular system resides in the
systemic circulation veins (~3.2 L).
• Table 2 shows the distribution of the blood volume in an adult woman. For a 70
kg man, we have to add 10% to values.
Table 2: Distribution of the Blood Volume in an adult woman
• The blood pressures in the systemic circulation are higher than those in the pulmonary
• According to Poiseuille’s law, the resistance in a fluidic system depends on the pressure
drop and volumetric flow rate, also it is inversely proportional to the fourth power of the
tube diameter.
• But the steepest pressure gradient occurs for precapillary arterioles which have bigger
diameters in comparison to capillaries.
• This feature occurs because of aggregate resistance (total resistance for parallel resistors).
• Table 3 shows the pressure drop for arteries and veins in the systemic and pulmonary
• Table 3: Pressure drop for arteries and veins in the systemic and pulmonary
Chapter 2: Fluid Mechanics and Biofluids
• In general, a material can be characterized as a fluid if it deforms continuously under the
action of a shear stress produced by a force, which acts parallel to the line of motion.
• In other words, a fluid is a material that cannot resist the action of a shear stress.
• On a macroscopic scale, however, fluid properties, such as density, viscosity, etc., are
reasonably considered to be continuous.
Introduction Contd.
• Fluid mechanics is a branch of mechanics that studies fluids and the forces
on them.
Fluids, and especially air and water, have a major role in the life of creatures
and ~65% of our body is composed of water.
Introduction Contd.
• Blood transports fuel and energy to tissues to maintain their usual activities.
• An understanding of biofluid mechanics and its aspects helps us to find or predict the solutions
for disorders or diseases.
• To realize the role of biofluids research, let us imagine a hospital without equipment and tools
related to biofluids, such as syringes, serums, surgery equipment, hemodialysis machines,
blood pressure meters, ECG, stents, angiography and balloon therapy equipment, artificial lung
and oxygenation systems, defibrillators, biosensors and pulse oximeters, ultrasound blood flow
detectors, blood test equipment, etc.
• Without these instruments and tools, our hospitals would be a building with several rooms with
minimum health care and a huge rate of death just like hospitals in the middle ages.
• This imagining is the best explanation for the advantage of biofluid mechanics, goals and
Dimensions and Units
• In engineering fields and especially fluid mechanics, dimensions and units are a
fundamental tool to explain the characterization of phenomena.
Length (L) is a dimension, but it is measured in units of meters (m) or feet (ft).
• Two units are in use today, the international or metric (SI) system and the imperial
(British) system.
• The SI is very common and most of the countries in the world use the SI system.
• Unfortunately, the difference between SI and imperial leads to calculation errors for
both practicing engineers and students due to missing or improper conversion factors.
• In the SI system, the unit of temperature is Kelvin (K) (or centigrade (oC)) and in the
imperial system it is Fahrenheit (oF).
Dimensional Analysis
• Dimensional analysis is an analytical method between different physical
quantities and units of measure to understand their relationship by using
fundamental dimensions, such as Mass (M), Time (T), Length (L) and
Temperature (θ).
• In simple words, any physical equation must have the same dimension on
both sides (left and right).
• This application is called dimensional analysis.
• If you want to derive an equation, the best method to check any correction
of the equation is dimension analysis.
Dimensional Analysis Contd.
The unit of speed or velocity is meters per second (m/s) and its
dimensional analysis is
The unit of acceleration is meters per second squared (m/s 2) and its dimensional
analysis is
The unit of force is Newton (in SI) and it is equal to mass (M) multiplied
by acceleration
Fluid Kinematics