Continental Drift Theory
Continental Drift Theory
Continental Drift Theory
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Analysis on his Evidence
• Alfred Wegener first thought of this idea by noticing that the different large landmasses of the Earth almost fit together
like a jigsaw puzzle. The continental shelf of the Americas fits closely to Africa and Europe. Antarctica, Australia, India
and Madagascar fit next to the tip of Southern Africa. But Wegener only published his idea after reading a paper in
1911 which criticised the prevalent hypothesis, that a bridge of land once connected Europe and America, on the
grounds that this contradicts isostasy.
• Wegener's main interest was meteorology, and he wanted to join the Denmark-Greenland expedition scheduled for
mid-1912. He presented his Continental Drift hypothesis on 6 January 1912. He analysed both sides of the Atlantic
Ocean for rock type, geological structures and fossils. He noticed that there was a significant similarity between
matching sides of the continents, especially in fossil plants.
• From 1912, Wegener publicly advocated the existence of "continental drift", arguing that all the continents were once
joined in a single landmass and had since drifted apart. He supposed that the mechanisms causing the drift might be
the centrifugal force of the Earth's rotation ("Polflucht") or the astronomical precession. Wegener also speculated
about sea-floor spreading and the role of the mid-ocean ridges, stating that "the Mid-Atlantic Ridge ... zone in which
the floor of the Atlantic, as it keeps spreading, is continuously tearing open and making space for fresh, relatively fluid
and hot sima [rising] from depth." However, he did not pursue these ideas in his later works.
• In 1915, in the first edition of his book, Die Entstehung der Kontinente und Ozeane, written in German, Wegener drew
together evidence from various fields to advance the theory that there had once been a giant continent, which he
named "Urkontinent" (German for "primal continent", analogous to the Greek "Pangaea", meaning "All-Lands" or "All-
Earth"). Expanded editions during the 1920s presented further evidence. (The first English edition was published in
1924 as The Origin of Continents and Oceans, a translation of the 1922 third German edition.) The last German
edition, published in 1929, revealed the significant observation that shallower oceans were geologically younger.
presentation title 7
What were Alfred Wegener's contributions? Wegener noticed the
similarity in the coastlines of eastern South America and western
Africa and speculated that those lands had once formed a
supercontinent, Pangaea, which had split and slowly moved many
miles apart over geologic time.
The Impact of his The Effects Of Continental Drift. Continental drift has played a
large role in the evolution of life today. It has caused some very
Theory on the unique creatures to evolve from very different ancestors. It has also
caused some species from the same place to diverge into many
Field of Geology separate species.