Conflict can be either internal or external. Internal conflict is character versus self, while external conflicts involve character versus character, society, nature, technology, or supernatural forces. There are three main types of external conflict: man versus man, person versus society, and person versus nature.
Conflict can be either internal or external. Internal conflict is character versus self, while external conflicts involve character versus character, society, nature, technology, or supernatural forces. There are three main types of external conflict: man versus man, person versus society, and person versus nature.
Conflict can be either internal or external. Internal conflict is character versus self, while external conflicts involve character versus character, society, nature, technology, or supernatural forces. There are three main types of external conflict: man versus man, person versus society, and person versus nature.
Conflict can be either internal or external. Internal conflict is character versus self, while external conflicts involve character versus character, society, nature, technology, or supernatural forces. There are three main types of external conflict: man versus man, person versus society, and person versus nature.
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EXTERNAL CONFLICT INTERNAL Conflict Conflict Against CONFLICT Against Peers Forces
Character Character Character Character Character Character
VS VS VS VS VS vs. Character Society Technology Nature Supernatural Self It is the central character/main character of the story. Is the opposing character. CONFLICT a struggle or a problem between opposing characters or opposing forces. Some stories can have multiple conflicts. It can either be internal conflict or external conflict. INTERNAL CONFLICT
refers to an inner conflict within the
main character. This kind of conflict is called Person vs. Self which happens within the character’s mind. EXTERNAL CONFLICT refers to an inner conflict within the main character. This kind of conflict is called Person vs. Self which happens within the character’s mind. 3 KINDS OF EXTERNAL CONFLICTS MAN VS MAN
refers to an inner conflict within the
main character. This kind of conflict is called Person vs. Self which happens within the character’s mind. PERSON VS SOCIETY
this type of conflict happens
when the character has a problem with the society in which they live in, including laws or beliefs or groups. PERSON VS NATURE
this is when the main character’s
problem is a natural force. Like a predatory animal, a typhoon, or a contagious disease.